Commissions - How It Works

Let me create a one of a kind piece just for you or your loved one.

Step 1

Tell me with what you’re thinking about and any details you desire for your piece.
Send along any imagery that helps convey what you’re inspired by,
Or simply give me a subject..
(This piece was created for a client who said she wanted an octopus to fit a certain size frame)

Step 2

I’ll communicate my thoughts and ask you some questions. We’ll nail down things like size, framing, price and any payment plan required.
(This piece was created to hang in the waiting room of Bloom Natural Healthcare.)

Step 3

I’ll sketch something out for your approval and we’ll work out any kinks.
(This client had a favorite pendant but wanted the peak to be more traditional)

Step 4

We’ll sign an agreement and I’ll start cutting!
I can send you photos and videos of the progress if you’d like.
(Some people prefer to be surprised!)

Step 5

When the piece is finished, you’ll receive images for your final approval and an invoice. Once it is paid, I will securely ship your finished artwork to you, you’ll hang it on your wall or give it to your loved one and we’ll all be super happy!

Click here to email me with any questions or to get started!

A little bit about me...

I love the art of papercutting! It brings me to a meditative state like no other. It’s challenging yet simple in a harmonious way. It allows me to intensely focus while being able to clear my mind at the same time.

My main focus is creating something everyday. I find mental health in making time for what brings me joy, self care, personal discipline and creating beautiful things that not only brings me peace while creating but will hopefully stir some emotion and reflection into whomever looks at my artwork.

I spend most of my time working on art, with my dog, Phil, always by my side
And when there’s down time, I enjoy nature, reading, writing, sewing and gardening.