
I AM Loving Life!

Certified Holistic Health Counselor
Metaphysical Practitioner
Spiritualized Teacher

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Blogging fuels my soul!

"The magic of water has been in my life for years now as I wake up every day to behold the beautiful sight of Mother Nature..." Linda Amato

I sit here in my library and fill with a heart full of gratitude for the days moving me forward. I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams! For me, life is wondrous to behold daily. I know that I connect to Spirit.

Alternative and difficult for many to comprehend, my belief has been out of the depth of my soul. Throughout the process of ritual, I adhere to it completely. The discovery of self has awakened me to a believable and alternative reality.

I can remember the day, even at this moment, when I wondered if there was 'more?' I felt there had to be more to this experience we all call life. It was then that I begged for guidance in 2003, leading me to today.

"If you can't be in awe of Mother Nature, there's something wrong with you." -Alex Trebek

Quiet and silent were my beliefs. After all, "Silence is golden!" As a child, I could handle chaos at a young age. An essence within told me to be kind, loving, and helpful. To always be the good little girl was part of who I am today as a grown woman.

Never was I to be confrontational. Why? I wonder today why I could not have the power of speech until I was fifty. My answer to this day is that it served me well to be silent and allowed me to awaken to my truth. I know this because I believe there is a reason for everything.

"The most important this is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." -Audrey Hepburn.

Raised in a time of change, I never chose to be a rebel or hippie, yet, I felt I was never in the box. I obeyed my parents, elders, and everyone. I questioned if they were right in my head, but I never asked them. There was always that inner essence that guided me daily to live and let live.

Human behavior is something I delight in, and since I began studying with Deborah King in 2012, I have learned the many reasons we, as humans, do what we do. At my age today: as a daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother, I realize today the importance of women in my life.

There is no right and no wrong way of living YOUR life experience. I have collected a tribe of my own that I have fallen in love with, and I believe it is my way of being of service to them by sharing all that I can that is of alternative belief.

How can there be an alternative belief? We are here because we choose to be here on this planet. We are a combination of soul and human. Our soul part is love, and our human part is ego. That is where the battle begins for everyone. Becoming aware is the beginning of taking action toward change in your life.

"We do not remember days; we remember moments." Cesare Pavese

We choose which one we will nourish daily through our thoughts, words, and actions. What do you believe today that is different from what you felt yesterday? Change is constant because there is no way we can stay the same in our thoughts, words, and actions. We fuel a life dedicated to negativity, unhappiness, regret, and anger as our path because of something that happened a long time ago to us.

As beings of love and light, it is very difficult to choose the path of the ego/human belief daily. It is frustrating to realize that being angry or unhappy is not our nature. Especially since love seeps in when we bask in the beauty of Mother Nature, see or hold a baby, or a sunset, smell a rose, fall in love, make love, celebrate a wedding or birthday, or receive a compliment.

We all have a choice to live as we choose to live, so go for it! Why not choose to nurture your soul/love part more often? When we choose to love, we decide to transition and grow higher on the path of our journey. To select love, we must forgive ourselves and anything that happened in our past. Just let go of anything that no longer serves you today.

I have chosen love, and I have been able to nourish and nurture my soul daily. Is it easy, you ask? It is getting easier! The wonder of my life is the children I share time with as their grandmother called LaLa. It is magical to hold a baby in your arms and know she is heaven-sent as an angel to share her love and light in the world.

To talk to a child and listen, really listen to what scares him or fills him with joy.
To wrap your arms around a sleeping child and carry him into his home to rest all toasty and heavy.
To bathe a child and laugh as he laughs at the wonderment of water that fills him with delight.
To watch her be a ballerina as she spins around or sings a song.
Then there is the child that fills your heart to burst open for the simplicity of his outlook on life.
To receive visits from a grandchild that is now a teenager humbles me.

Yes, I am truly blessed. As a mother, I learned the most powerful lesson from my mom: love all unconditionally, especially the children. I remember my children growing up, and I always took time to listen to their stories and imagine today if you can because they still reach out to me to share their stories.

As I sit here and type, I wonder what will be because my grandbabies are coming over to go in the pool, and I am ready to play and swim with them because they are pure beings of love and light still, and I know it.

Yet, I also notice the changes that scream to be let free by them to be. Many children today are new souls and are clueless about how to live in our world. They need us as old souls to teach them. What better way to teach them than to love them unconditionally, hear them and explain life to them?

"A house needs a grandma in it." -Louise May Alcott.

I'm amazed at the love that fills my heart for these grandbabies raised by my children. I reflect back on my days as their mom and honestly can write I don't know how I did it, except for the one fact I loved every moment. I enjoyed being a mom and all it entailed! I live in a substantial home that, most days now, is quiet. There is no more laughter, crying, yelling, or playing.

Yet, in my mind's eyes, I can almost see them all at the dinner table. Having dinner when they were older was my favorite time as we sat for hours discussing their day. Yesterday I raised four exceptional children because I took the time to hear what they had to say.

Now the voices of nine grandbabies fill my home when they visit, and sadly, I know the silence will return when they leave. The beauty of my life is that I enjoy every day just looking outside my kitchen at the beauty of Mother Nature, which has comforted me all these years.

Love, Light, Power, and Peace, Linda

I Love Books

Books Can Inspire Us To Live Our Truth

As an avid reader, there are hundreds of books I have read! Too many to list! Listed below are the authors that joined me on my journey to truth starting in 2003…

The following authors are an inspiration in my life!
Louise L. Hay
Sonia Choquette
Julia Cameron
Pauli Coelho
Dan Millman
Don Miguel Ruiz
Joan Anderson
Neal Donald Walsch
Alberto Villoldo, PH.D
Gary Zukav
Gary R. Renamed
Esther and Jerry Hicks
Carolyn Myss
Sylvia Brown
Dr.Wayne W.Dyer
Diana Cooper
Hank Wesselman
Tom Kenyon
David Spangler
David Wilcox
Ronna Herman
Marlene Swetlishoff
Michael Newton, PH.D
Marianne Williamson
Donna Eden
Claire Heartsong
Dolores Cannon
Brad Olsen
Robert Moss

Food / Health
David Wolfe
Vani Hari
Gabriel Coysens, M. D.
John Robbins
Mark Hyman

Come and meet all my totem animal spirit guides!

My New Book is Now Available at All Book Stores


A Key to The Unseen World is A Discovery of Self

Book Review

A Key to The Unseen World is A Discovery of Self

Book Review

A Key to The Unseen World is A Discovery of Self

Believe you are a Divine Essence of Spirit

Trust You Are Never Alone

We are One! Here to be of Service by choosing Love in all Situations…

Recommendation: Pray! Meditate! Journal