Meet The Author Caitlin D Burnside...Who am I? Two New Series!

She's the author of "Eternal Love Series" (4 Novels of Historical/Paranormal Fantasy), which were written during the Pandemic Lockdowns of 2020. The year 2021, saw her beginning a Trilogy titled "Heavenly Unions" which is her current WIP.

In 2022, she was planning to launch her series THE OAKWOOD CHRONICLES/ Eternal Love Series) but tragedy struck her family. Everything has been on hold since, out of respect for her loved ones. Soon, it'll be back on the writing board...

A child in the 60-70s. A hard worker, a happy bride, mother of two lovely munchkins in the 80-90s. A world traveller and a full-time carer since the 2000s. Nowadays, a widow, with a daughter and cat, lives in beautiful Scotland by The Clyde.


Synopses of the eBooks in the Series

The Oakwood Family, residing in the heart of Scotland since the 1990s, invites readers on an adventurous journey through their lives on Earth. Delve into their extensive collection of journals, diaries, and letters to uncover their centuries-long existence, marked by wars, survival challenges, and the quest to conceal their true nature, all in pursuit of a peaceful existence.

  1. BIRTHRIGHT eBook (1) of (4)

    BIRTHRIGHT eBook (1) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: Ella Rose, the narrator's best friend, abruptly leaves school, promising that someone amazing and something terrible will come into the narrator's life. They will discover truths and lies, eventually seeing Ella again and learning the whole truth. Ella mentions a "Divine Decree" which will be her Birthright and says she will be watching. The narrator is puzzled but not overly concerned about her future. She wonders what lies ahead and expresses sadness over losing Ella's comforting presence.

  2. FORESIGHT eBook (2) of (4)

    FORESIGHT eBook (2) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: After being summoned, Callen is visited by a mysterious woman who brings him breakfast and a note from the Queen. Confused about his location and the whereabouts of Cassandra, he realises he is unable to get out of bed due to an invisible barrier and the presence of an IV. He deduces that he is under a stasis spell for protection during the journey, but is eager to be revived and learn the destination.

  3. MYSTICAL eBook (3) of (4)

    MYSTICAL eBook (3) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: For those who haven't read the first two books in the THE OAKWOOD CHRONICLES (Eternal Love Series), you've missed out on the most important part of the series. In this installment, the Oakwood's Journals continue, exploring characters that were previously mentioned but not fully explored. This book delves into the unique way of life of the Vampire/Witch Blended Humanoids from the Hyperion Star System, a living race with romantic encounters and heavenly unions. Get ready for three full stories of love in its simplest form for this amazing race of Supernaturals.

  4. SECRETS eBook (4) of (4)

    SECRETS eBook (4) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: In the final installment, love abounds. All the remaining couples listed their life's stories in the Oakwood’s Journals. First off, three royal guards discover that one of the Royals they protect is not who they appear to be and is under a spell. This revelation poses a threat to the Queen of Vampires, as her legacy is supposed to consist only of sons. The story follows a love story filled with rescue, new life, and hope. More secrets follows!


Cast of Characters

The OAKWOOD Family Plus One

ADRIAN -- Born as His Lordship Adrian of Silvestris on Sanguineo. Father to his brood and husband to Autumn (née of HavenGlow). Founder of Hellebore Coven in 1600. Owner of Taygan Law Offices in Scotland.

AUTUMN -- Born as Her Ladyship Autumn of HavenGlow on Hechizar. Mother to her brood and wife to Adrian. Owner of Pitstone’s Little Big Shoppe, an herbal mercantile.

BRICE -- First born son in 1550 in France. Married/w/Children. Restaurateur and Hôtelier, owner of La Mouette in Camaret-sur-Mer, France. Known as Brice De Chesnay in France.

SIMON -- Second born son in 1570 in France. Married/w/Children. Oenologist in Viniculture. Owner of a Winery Estate in the North of France at Maison Chanterelle. Known as Simon De Chesnay in France.

FABRIZIO (known by the surname of Silvestris) – Third born son in 1610 in Italy. Married/w/Children. Oenologist in Viniculture. Oak/Bright Wines Estate owner at Cascades House in Chatham, Kent, England. Known as Fabrizio Di Quercia in Italy. He decided to change his surname to Silvestris to update his family's name after moving to England.

LORENZO -- Fourth born son in 1710 in Portugal. Married/w/Children. Owner of Àrsaidh House, where a special Scotch whisky is made, also part owner of Blacken Lens. Known as Lorenzo De Carvalho in Portugal.

GREGOR – Fifth born son in 1790 in Germany. Married/w/Children. Co-Owner of Wild Horses Estate in West Calder, Doctor of Medicine et al. Known as Gregor von Eichenholz in Germany.

AIDAN – Sixth born son in 1890 in Wales. Married/w/Children. Co-Owner of Wild Horses Estate in West Calder, Doctor of Medicine et al. Known as Aidan O'Bren in Wales.

CASSANDRA -- Seventh born in 1990 in Scotland and only daughter of Adrian and Autumn. Part of 'Divine Decree' a wee Witch by birth but with a unique future and the heroine of this Eternal Love Series. Known as Cassandra Oakwood. The whole family reverted to the surname of Oakwood after moving to Scotland in time for Cassandra's birth.

CALLEN (Lord of HawkStorm) -- Known to Cassandra as 'Uncle Callen' born a Vampire on Sanguineo in the 1100s. He's instrumental in helping Cassandra face her destiny!

**SURNAME CHANGES were required to suit the places where they lived. Ultimately, it was to prevent the general populace from discovering their true origins.

**SILVESTRIS means Woodland, a reference to where Adrian was born on Sanguineo. His family's Estate is amongst a woodland area. After arriving on Earth he settled on OAKWOOD as his future family's surname. Being in France, he just translated it to De Chesnay.



The Seventh Child
ON THE NIGHT of 26 July 1990, The Lady Autumn Oakwood (Cassandra’s Mother), also known as Lady of Silvestris, had been feeling ill. A sickness she had not felt for over a Hundred years, since her last pregnancy… She had given up hope of ever having the promised Seventh Child and precious Daughter.
Three months and twenty-eight days later, a few days after the New Moon and ahead of the three days of Full-Moon Frenzy, her Mother Annabelle, acting as her midwife along with her son Aidan, as her OB/GYN, attended her.
She needed blood, so an I.V. drip in her left arm was feeding her and another in her right arm supplied her with Euphoria enzymes from the family supply. Said endorphins-like enzymes, one of three, were secreted by the pituitary gland similar to Humans but three times as powerful in Vampires. Both Aidan and Gregor (he was a Doctor as well) had found a way to extract it from themselves.
Two hours later on 23 November 1990, in a totally pain-free environment, Autumn had given birth to her long awaited for Daughter, born at 23:59 to be named, in eight days, as The Lady Cassandra Oakwood. A naming ceremony is similar to a christening or baptism in the Christian Faith, performed shortly after a Witch is born.
A High-Priestess or the oldest female of the family line attends it. She summons the spirits of female ancestors to guide and watch over the newest addition to the family, as well as blessing the child with goodness and light. The oldest female of the Oakwood family is, of course, The Lady Annabelle (née De BethenCourt) of HavenGlow, Mother of Autumn, and Grand-mother of Cassandra.

In addition, similar to christening, Guardians are chosen (just like God-Parents) but with a difference in regards that it has nothing to do with them becoming legal Guardians but it is considered a symbolic position.
The Ceremony usually follows a set style – but as Annabelle is the family matriarch and of the Noble Line of Witches – the HavenGlow, her traditional ceremony was therefore followed:
I call upon the female Ancestors of the HavenGlow and Silvestris Families; Mothers, Daughters, Aunts and Sisters; to join us this day to rejoice with us; as to the birth of our newest little Witch – my Grand-Daughter!
I call upon the Goddesses of Witchcraft and Vampires – of our Great Families – The Quadrangle and The Blood Primeras.
North, East, South, and West
Powers and Creatures of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
Greet this precious Daughter – And give her your blessings.
We bring this young child before You – Asking that You embrace her in body and spirit.
Protect and guide her upon her path, and witness that we accept her into our community – in perfect love and trust.
We, in this Circle, name her today – Cassandra!
Guardians you are asked this day, if you choose the position of guarding this child, to guide her in her Magical destiny – to protect her from harm – to defend her from enemies – Do you accept?
The ones chosen for Cassandra were The Lord Callen of HawkStorm, whom eventually Calista would call Uncle Callen; and her two Brothers who saw her into this world – Gregor and Aidan Oakwood:

Yes we do!
Thank you to the Goddesses, our Ancestors, her Parents, and her Guardians, Blessed Be!
The ceremony concluded and her birth certificate was filled in that day – as 1 December 1990 (there was a reason) – everyone ‘official’ needed to know that this date was the birth date, we then had a celebration that lasted nearly a month.
This Youngling born on the Planet Earth had an incredible destiny ahead of her and such a one on very small shoulders to bear. She would be the one that would save these two cosmos, the Hyperion Star System and Planet Earth, the latter which is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, of course.
She would grow up a normal-looking Human being but in nature, Humanoid, albeit a True-Witch as well and on her Twentieth birthday would transform into a fully-fledged Living-Vampire. She would not be without powers, although these would manifest themselves around her Twelfth birthday.
She would be ignorant of the truth about her family, her origins, and quite a few facts about everyone’s original age. She would also be at risk of impending death throughout those twenty precious years, such a cruel thing to face for a small girl that we had awaited for so long.
Mostly, she would grow up away from her family always with safety in mind, but in place a network of people exists that would forever come to her rescue. Her three Guardians have dedicated their lives to protect her and one of said three, would be destined to be with her forever, her Uncle Callen. 
● ● ●



Things To Come – Cassandra's Travels
By Cassandra
I RECALL ABSOLUTELY nothing from the night Callen tucked me into bed. Nevertheless, my mind is a frenzy of jumbled up pieces of what might have happened. I just cannot make heads or tails of what my mind keeps rehashing repeatedly… One part of it is extremely pleasant and I think I will concentrate on that! Maybe then, I can figure out what has happened and where I am just the now.
Here is the memory: I seemed to be somewhere inside The Enigma Gardens that was described in Mother’s letter. However, how can I be here when I have no idea of how I got here? I am confused and scared, I really wish I could find Callen; he would be able to explain to me what was going on. I was trying to rationalise things when… my eyes opened and I drew breath… 
Oh my Goddess! I’m in a glass coffin and the surroundings are the same as the images that floated in my mind, the ones of The Enigma Gardens. Being in a coffin, I suddenly panicked and the top disappeared, simply melted. Additionally, in my frightened state I jumped out of there in one swift move.
I looked around me to a scenery that was dark and desolate. That is, what was around me now and without realising it; I had the said letter in my left hand, which I was still clutching to my heart. I assumed that everything else that had happened before, however crazy it all had seemed, had just been in my mind. Maybe, just maybe the crossing into the portal, a first for me, is probably what had created all the nonsense that now floated here and there. Oh wait, I had no recollection of going through a Portal, I just woke up here in these circumstances!

Since I was where I was supposed to be and having the letter with me, I figured it was best to proceed. I did everything from the letter, to the letter (giggles!) Yes, I know! What a way to say it, but yes, I did. Now I had not one, but two repositories floating on the beautiful Krystal and azure waters of this giant Fountain.
I was facing the last part of it, and wondered if there would be two keys. Since Mother had been specific about only one repository and one key inside the bench. When I reopened the bench, there were two keys.
One repository had my Mother’s symbol, the other my Father’s. They were beautifully inlaid with jewels and fine metals. Finally, I was going to learn about my family’s history, our ancestry, and hopefully our two specific branches of, well, I’m not sure how to put it, but I guess the best word is Magic.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief, everything was done the way I had been told, and I had my Mother’s Journals with me, at last. Looking around, I was confused as to how I was going to get out of here. Even though the sun was high and shining brightly, I could see no escape hatch marked ‘Exit’.
The Garden was alive with flowers, wee animals, and the waters of the Fountain were so amazing… No, I could not see an exit anywhere. I figured that maybe my Mother had planned for me to be accompanied. Therefore, whoever would have been with me would have known how to return. However, there had been no mention of that particular detail in her letter.
Being a Witch and having performed something very complicated just now, I concentrated on and wished for an exit. Then, I did the only thing that seemed plausible in this beautiful and Magical place, I jumped into the Fountain.

Immediately the waters disappeared and I found myself in a rainbow-coloured vortex. As I came nearer to the end of it, I crossed a threshold that felt like I had read in College, entering into a black hole. Once more thinking in those precious seconds, that I would emerge into our Stone Circle and out from the bark of the Lone Oak Tree, the blackness swallowed me whole… Memory ends – and I’m none the wiser…
● ● ●



MY DEAREST CASSANDRA and Callen, it has been 5 years that you have been married and thanks to the two of you, we have had a very quiet time. It is a good thing since you have been able to enjoy a long and comfortable honeymoon…
I am forever hopeful that you will add to my collection of grand-children, but to each his own! I am not writing this with the expression “thou shalt have to procreate now!” sort of thing. I am mostly hoping that you will not have to go through what I did.
A hundred years between children, and having to reinvent ourselves in every place we lived, has been enough of a distress, but there were extenuating circumstances as you both have found out prior to your heavenly union. 
Herein enclosed are the parchments – parts of my Journals – which contains another of my precious treasures – the romances and lives of my grand-children. Followed by all the other bits and pieces of stories such as Baron Danski Larsen, you will find things about him, his struggles through the centuries and a few more that told me their stories, once they realised what I was collecting.
I remember vividly you, Cassandra, telling me of how surprised you had been that day in December 2010, when you retrieved your relatives from Switzerland and they, in turn, released the remainder that they had hidden themselves.
The sheer amount was overwhelming, you had said, but as you and Callen found out – the Enigma Gardens had the capacity to accommodate as many people as you brought in. You and Callen were faced with a lot of strange faces and wondering whom to trust and how to call everyone.

A little explanation I have to give you here, about how we called each other from a very early time. As you know, it is difficult to say to anyone that these are your children and grand-children when the age difference and appearance from one person to another is so similar.
Therefore, your Father and I established, with our own children, that the best way to call each other in front of strangers was by our first name, also stating that we were related as cousins instead of siblings and all.
As you have read the multiple pages of these parts of my Journals, you will find them, for the first time, referring to Mother, Father, Son, etc. except when amongst the remaining Human population. I hope that this will make things easier for yourselves. I have accumulated the stories since around the 1900s and a few are relatively new. It is in their own words, narrated mostly by myself.
As it happened along with the witnesses – a few of them thought it would be good, for posterity, to have the story as to how they became Vampires as well as acquiring Witches powers themselves, before or after being joined with their life-partner.
It makes interesting reading and in some cases, it is a wee bit of sadness as the ‘Ultimate Battle’ made us lose contact with Families and Relatives. Even Hellebore Coven as well! No news is not always good news. Your grand-uncle, Danski, Earl of HawkStorm, as you have known him referred to as Baron Danski Larsen, created a few… You will be surprised by the results.
Well, this is Episode 1, where you will find the love stories of the first nine (9) of my grand-children, so on and so forth, starting with the children of Brice and Maribelle’s – Charles, Arthur and Henri. Followed by the children of Simon and Orane’s – Corrine, Estelle and Genèvre. Finally, for this part, the children of Fabrizio and Amarante’s – Abriana, Benedetto and Carolena. 
I am not saying any more, enjoy kids… It is romantic – this from the one who is an eternal romantic – literally me!
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Tristan’s Recalls (Tristan Or Trisha)
– Who Am I, Where Am I?
By Trisha
I HAD NEVER heard any of them creeping into my room, I basically had no time to react, both a Living-Vampire and a Witch, I must admit I was ashamed of myself. Whatever they had in that rag, it was a powerful concoction as it knocked me out right away.
Everything went dark and up until I slightly came out of my unconscious state it was to see the darkened Crypt in the bowels of Nativus Regina. As I was about to ask my kidnappers what was going on and where they were taking me, the rag and very strong hands came back down on my face and once again oblivion!
● ● ●
A WHILE LATER… I do not know for certain what happened. However, I was momentarily revived when we hit water, just by the sound of it and the vortex (where you feel you are endlessly falling without knowing when you will reach bottom…) that followed, and lastly the smell of the potion, this time, reached all of us and we were in the black one last time.
It felt as if an enormous amount of time had passed since as I opened my eyes, I could see sunshine through the trees. Where were we? I wondered. As I sat up, I was surprised to find the rag had been removed from my face, my arms and legs were not bound, but a stasis spell had been put around me.
Because, this is as far as I could move. Looking around me, all was forest with extremely thick-trunk trees, moss covered floor and roots, bushes and berries for as far as my eyes could see.

Nowhere could I see or hear my three captors, I just had a sense that they were in my immediate entourage. While waiting patiently for, hopefully, them to return, I had a sense that something was different about my body. Even my thought-patterns had somewhat changed.
My thoughts were as a female… What? That makes no sense, and as I had been a man for so long, I took a look at myself and found a full woman’s body beneath my surprised gaze… Speaking within my mind. 
“Huh! Wait a minute… Could we really have passed through the Legendary Cavern’s Falls? That would explain the feeling of wetness and then the endless vortex. Then it means that we were on Blood Island and those Falls cleans off any spells put on a person (Vampire or Witch and I am both), but why would someone have put such a spell on me, to make me believe all those years that I was male?…”
“… How will I ever find out about this? We do not seem to be within the Hyperion Star System anymore. The Legends if they are true, as I have always been told growing up – they take you to the Third dimensional Milky Way Galaxy to the twinned Planet Earth.
Frankly, until they returned there was nothing I could really do about my situation. I had not fed in over 24 hours, or so it felt as such as I was positively famished. I was too weak to even break this stasis spell.
I was hoping against hope that my three captors would know and tell me more – as they say: “Fingers Crossed!” Therefore, I just laid my head back on the ground and while keeping my senses awakened around me, I closed my eyes…
● ● ●

IN MY WEAKENED state I must have fallen asleep, since as I peeped around me once again it was now dark and I had something underneath me that was not the ground – was I back in my own bed and this had all been a dream? No! One of my captors approached me: “Your Highness, you are awake at last!”
“I demand to know who you are and…” but the words were strangled in my throat when I realised how the words came out and who spoke to me, one of the Council’s Guard – Rowyn, what is going on? I better ask. “I am sorry, I am confused, you are one of the Council’s Guard that accompanies The Council, when they came to Court, you are Rowyn are you not?”
The surprise in his eyes realised that I knew his name was precious… However, something else was there in these eyes that were trying to look through me. He finally and very silently spoke.
“Yes, your Highness I am Rowyn, I am surprised that you know me by that name as I am always referred to as Master Rost and I have food and blood here for you. Furthermore, if you please, I will reveal to you why I did (and another two people spoke behind him – “we did!”), take you and brought you here on Planet Earth. At a great risk for myself and my Brother’s-in-arms, will you sit at my humble table, your Highness?”
“Firstly, stop calling me your Highness, we are not at Court, and as you stated we are on Earth… For once in my life, I would like to be normal, since (and I gazed around my body and gestured with my hands) I seem to not have been what I have been, and I do not know why I am what I am now.” I took a deep breath expecting them to speak – they did not, therefore, I resumed…


Synopses of the eBooks in the Trilogy


After centuries existing as an Angel duty-bound to help lost souls find their way through birth and death, she fell in love with Malik while sharing their eternal duties.

Both Powers Angels, they decided to experience their love as Humans on Earth. Armed with their Angelic skills, they will help many.

However, their meeting as lovers will be delayed as Angeline, hopeless with directions, lands with the wrong family.

Eventually, Malik will rescue her!

As above, so below! Life is beautiful...

  1. BEHOLDEN eBook (1) of (3)

    BEHOLDEN eBook (1) of (3)

    THE MAIDEN YEARS / 1960-1980

    Well...you have to begin somewhere in any good storytelling! Without further ado, here is an introduction to how I went from my lofty cloud days as a Celestial Being, to finding my way down to Earth and getting lost in the process.

    It takes forever for the application (yes dear readers -- paperwork, ha!) to be received after you put in a request, of course! Then you have to fill it in (and they're quite a few pages), once completed it has to be made into a triplicate set as each Ward (aka department) requires a copy. Finally, before you hand it over for the process, you have to face THE SCALES!

  2. SUBLIME eBook (2) of (3)

    SUBLIME eBook (2) of (3)

    THE MOTHER YEARS / 1980-2000

    After meeting a Gypsy in the late 70s, the reading she gave me was prophetic. Independence years, where I travelled alone, to see if I could leave the home nest, get my own place... It was eye opening and I felt confident returning from a wonderful holiday.

    I was saved by the "Luck of The Irish"... St Patrick's Day was indeed lucky for myself. Meet my soulmate, we fell in love... Recognising each other from our existence beyond the veil... Well, I did...

    Wedded bliss for too few years... Sad... When a blessed event took place, my heart was overjoyed. My better half was overwhelmed. It was subtle to begin with and without any support, I had to make important decisions on my own. It wasn't easy.

    The moving, the medical troubles, the schooling, the rejections, the lies and the abuse. A time period where loneliness reined supreme...

  3. GOLDEN eBook (3) of (3)

    GOLDEN eBook (3) of (3)

    THE WISDOM YEARS / 2000-2020

    We went on living... separate lives... Thankfully, love was still with us. Nevertheless, loneliness was inevitable. Halfway through the first decade of the Naughties, living alone came to an end but the world was changing rapidly.

    Terrorism, diseases and it would end with Pandemic lockdowns that would turn our world literally upside down... We were nearing our Golden years, but a heartbreaking 4 years would plunge just two out of four into the lonely years again...


Cast of Characters

The Families of Heavenly Unions (from the Elysian Fields and on Earth)

Main Character, ANGELINE as she was known on the Elysian Fields. An angel duty-bound for many a century, she took care and gave help to souls at the moment of birth and death. Some souls have relatives collecting them, many are alone. Therefore, she's Guardian Angel for new souls. She's permanently in her mid-20s, the age she'd lost her life on Earth, originally. She finds forbidden love with her partner on the Elysian Fields. She decided to move to Earth.

Main Character MALIK on the Elysian Fields. He was ANGELINE'S counterpart. What you might call, a gentler angelic version of the Angel of Death. He accompanied the newly deceased that have no family or relatives in the Elysian Fields (Heaven). The Angel of Death is only for the ones who went to Tartarus... Both of them stayed away from him...

One of the cherubs (wee angels who died in infancy and therefore pure of heart). She's the daughter of Evangeline and Elvin on Earth. She's inherited many abilities which she cherishes.

Another gift from Elysian. He's the son of Evangeline and Elvin on Earth. His time is fleeting...

Evangeline's beloved Papa, totally by accident. He begins work in a vineyard. He eventually inherits a vineyard. He fell head-over-heels in love with JULIETTE, but it's no bed of roses, dark forces are afoot...

Mother to Evangeline and Delphine plus 4 more who didn't survive their births. She agrees to marry AARAN but hides too many secrets...

Marie-Anne (née Cotillard) and Luc A Bessons. Her maternal uncle, Louis-Albert Cotillard Lives with them in her childhood home. He'll give up the grapes for a different life which remains unfulfilled.

The only sibling of Evangeline. She never was happy to end up with a sister. She makes life difficult for Evangeline. There's an important factor as to why... Darkness reigns in her soul...

Brother-in-law to Evangeline and husband to DELPHINE. They'll only have one child, a son and nephew tainted by his mother's darkness.

More to come from the WIP.

Questions & Answers

I'm answering the questions that are most often asked!

In the beginning, while at school in the Creative Writing group, I began writing the stories Papa had retold me time and again at bedtimes. In order to keep them for future generations. Then, I began composing short stories based on a given subject. Finally, as a promise I had made to myself and to Papa.

On The Straight & Narrow - a short story about my first bow and arrow set.

Definitely Fantasy, then Epistolary (based on diaries, letters and pertinent documents), Paranormal, Historical and Romance.

The one author and book that launched me into realising my author's dream were Fred Saberhagen "An Old Friend of The Family". He gave me a sense that I could write about the subject in a different light!

Liberated, relaxed and refreshed...

Watching TV Series, I binge watch actually. Making meals for my family and pet, from scratch. Reliving Stress through Archery, Swimming and when the water's frozen, skating. Cycling, I'd love to get back into it. Talking online to my friends about anything and everything and about my books, of course!

I'd written a series circa 1997. There were 5 novels full but an online accident occurred and I deleted it completely

During the Pandemic lockdowns, I took to writing again and created a whole new 4-novel series. It was near completion when a crisis took place in our lives and I shelved everything. I've now worked on updating the covers, as well as creating one new eBook video trailer on the characters of my Series. Recently, I began revising and did some major changes, in particular, first names and surnames. It falls more in line with the living-length spread over centuries. It will launch in 2025.

It was a difficult time afterwards, I had to change email addresses, get new everything regarding online presence. It was a lengthy process. I also have a WIP Trilogy based on a true story but turned into a fantasy story. Meaning, all names and locations changed to protect privacy.

Many characters are based on myself, family and acquaintances even pets!

I'm hopeful that these will answer your question you have about my Writing Journey and my stories.

Blessed be!

My Own Shield

With Heart ❤️ & Passion: I have great ancestors! The Wolf represents one very important branch. The Thistle, my new Homeland!