
Let your smile change the world

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My Story
I am a 38-year-old goal oriented, persistent, passionate, complete health advocate, beauty enthusiast, dancer who loves to learn, educate and share knowledge through the dental field, Zumba and daily life!

I have been wanting to do more with what I know. To be able to share what I was able to learn throughout the years.  I am addicted to dentistry and I understood that everything is connected. By that I mean our body and mouth. I have also been battling with my hair since I can remember.

My hair has changed through the years, and I have done everything humanly possible to help make it thicker, stronger, fuller, and naturally beautiful. I have tried millions of shampoos, oils, natural recipes, treatments and pills, without an effective change or result. I finally found products that make my hair and my skin HEALTHY AND HAPPY. I believe in this products and what they can do for you hair, skin and over all wellness.

I decided to adventure in a new journey, where I am the one in charge of my time, I can educate and help people at the same time. I wanted extra income to be able to satisfy my desire to travel and enjoy what life gives us – EXPERIENCE – MEMORIES – PEACE – FUN – LOVE. I am a believer that happiness comes from within and like this we are able to share our light with those around us.

I consider myself a healthcare advocate and want the very best long-term results for every single person. This process starts with good oral habits, taking care of our skin, hair, nutrition and exercise. Love yourself, be healthy and enjoy it!

Your Healthcare Advocate

Greicy Carvajal

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”Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret” – Oscar Wilde