About Me :)

Hey hey, Myra here!

I’m in love with all things fun, fitness, food, health, style, and coziness! 🤩

I enjoy working out, making yummy food, cozying up to read a good book, having amazing routines (Skincare, morning, evening, self care, etc.), taking pictures, and going on lots of adventures to experience everything life has to offer! I also love making new friends and sharing with them all the cool things and experiences . 😉 That’s what I’m trying to do here! Join me in trying to enjoy existence a little more.

Let’s get this bread and partyy it up! 🎉

Start Your Day Right!

Things that will help you start your day right!

Right when you wake up, it is so important to decide to focus on good, choose joy, and have positive loving thoughts to start your day off right. What better way to do so than connect to yourself, others, the world, and something higher than yourself, with meditation, scriptures, and other uplifting things!?


Guided meditation helps me start my day with a calm and peaceful attitude!

I use the Headspace and Calm apps to help me with guided meditation. There are also many great ways you can DIY your meditation. The simplest way is to lay down, or sit cross legged with no distractions, and breathe for 5 minutes, just allowing your mind and body to relax and let go of unnecessary stress and negative feelings.


I have found that prayer not only helps me feel connected to God, but also to myself and what I am desiring in life. I also feel more grateful, hopeful, and excited for my future! When I pray, I also become more aware of others and the world around me.

When I pray I simply have a discussion with God about what I am thankful for, concerned about, need help with, desire guidance about, and share anything and everything I want to with Him. When we turn to God, sr can feel peace and guidance in our lives!

“God loves His children, and He wants to hear from them. Just as we would work to develop a relationship with a new friend by talking with them, we can build a relationship with God through prayer. As His child, you can ask Him for help and guidance as you pray. You can tell Him about your challenges and about your good days and bad days. And you can pray in gratitude to thank Him for all the things you enjoy in life—big or small.
No matter who you are, God is eager to bless you and help you find happiness. Jesus promised, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Matthew 21:22). At first it may feel strange to pray, and you might not be sure how to recognize God’s answers. But as you continually practice and try to pray with faith, prayer can become a sure form of communication with God. It will take effort, but it is worth it.”

“The following explanations have been offered as to how prayer helps improve health:

The relaxation response - prayer elicits the relaxation response, which lowers blood pressure and other factors heightened by stress.

Secondary control - prayer releases control to something greater than oneself, which can reduce the stress of needing to be in charge.

The placebo response - prayer can enhance a person's hopes and expectations, and that in turn can positively impact health.

Healing presence - prayer can bring a sense of a spiritual or loving presence and alignment with God or an immersion into a universal unconsciousness.

Positive feelings - prayer can elicit feelings of gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, and hope, all of which are associated with healing and wellness.

Mind-body-spirit connection - when prayer uplifts or calms, it inhibits the release of cortisol and other hormones, thus reducing the negative impact of stress on the immune system and promoting healing.”


Reading the scriptures helps inspire me to be better and learn and grow from my mistakes rather than letting them define me! Scriptures are so insightful and can carry many helpful messages of joy and goodness.


We are encouraged to always learn, even outside of a school setting. When we continuously learn we are increasing our capacities and are becoming more than we were before.

I’ve also learned that listening to others discuss uplifting topics helps me become more uplifting myself, and in turn try to be more uplifting to others. You are what you consume. ;)


Sometimes I wake up with a specific topic or concern on my mind and want to study and research about it more. There are some really awesome resources out there that can help us find answers to our questions!

YouTube, Google, books, friends and family members, mentors, teachers, even strangers, can all teach us so many new things!

Wanna learn about my favorite thing ever?

Wanna know what makes me happy?