Speak My Passion

Life Coaching and Shamanism

Shannon Plummer has at her fingertips the lightning, in her voice the thunder, and within her presence the earth. A shaman by practice but not by title. In her foundational lineage, the shaman consider themselves apprentices, always deepening their connection to the spirit world. It is a lifelong way of being.

Her connection started as a child. She was culling the energies, shifting the rivers, touching the other dimensions, and listening for the messages from the four-leggeds and the winged ones for as far back as her memories exist. She carried this throughout her 15-year career in government as a program manager.

She is a soul retriever and message receiver for the committed ones, those seeking a path of healing and clarity. To balance the shamanic work, she is a board-certified life coach. This allows her to hold high watch for your soul while deftly guiding your human experience.

Where coaching and counseling talk through issues, the shamanic practices deepen that work at the energetic level for soul healing. Shannon’s combination of the two worlds offers a space for no stone to be left unturned and no questions to be left pondered. Working with Shannon is a gift to yourself. If it is time to make a change, once and for all, it is time to talk to Shannon.

Where the Light Gets In

Speaking, Music, Workshops, and Retreats

Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer met - with a little luck from St Patrick - on March 17th, 2012. Little did they expect the marriage of souls that have connected their individual and collaborative gifts on all levels. They are just as committed to their own personal spiritual development as they are to supporting each other through their blind spots to find a harmony of being-ness as partners in life and mission.

They are both ordained ministers through the Alliance of Divine Love. Identifying themselves more as “facilitators of remembrance” than as teachers, they love to share the ideas and concepts that inspire them with the intention of triggering internal and external conversations within you. Both possessing a creative intelligence that compliments and infinitely weaves with the other, they navigate internal trials by outwardly sharing and expressing the universal truths that have come to and through them. Their offerings of music, poetry, journey, keynote presentations, workshops, retreats, life coaching, and shamanic healing sessions are their ministry. A ministry whose mission is to provide creative arts, education, and experiences that activate compassionate love within the self and the collective.

Bob shares through the lyrics of his songs, which are his lessons that become the soundtrack to a life of continual transformation. Shannon shares through the written word, which represent conversations that she has within herself. She also offers shamanic coaching, which is an integrated expression of direct Peruvian-based initiations and her own practices.

Together, they weave their individual spiritual connections to create experiences for all audiences. Whether an indescribable concert, a contemplative musical meditation, an experiential workshop, or an empowering retreat, they cover the spectrum from spiritual entertainment to spiritual entrainment. You can meet them exactly where you are, and - with your self-guided permission - you may find yourself in an unknown territory where your soul and spirit have been patiently awaiting your arrival.

Shannon Plummer is a powerhouse strategic visioning and intentional creation coach and shamanic practitioner wrapped in a divine package. Her approach combines spiritual, shamanic, and metaphysical wisdom with business and management expertise. Her approach is not only unique, but is extraordinarily powerful and will uniquely serve your walk through this world as you create a passionate and purposeful life. Shannon is an instrument – an engaged observer to the story of your life. She will guide you to and through the blind spots, allowing your higher self and vision to illuminate the true passion that lies within. Shannon’s intuitive and heart-centered coaching and visioning process will gently lead you to a more authentic, conscious, and intentional life. Her unique energy and presence creates a sacred space for expansion and deepening of what is waiting to be expressed. She now guides seekers to find, express, and live their truth in their calling. Shannon brings joy, peace, and possibility everywhere she goes. https://speakmypassion.com

Bob Sima is to music what Wayne Dyer, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Eckhart Tolle are to books and Rumi, Hafiz, and David Whyte are to poetry. He is troubadour, a way-shower, a guide, an awakener, and a musical mystic. Through the medium of melody and message, he leads listeners to an expanded consciousness, deeper sense of connection, and inner peace and purpose. His music bridges daily life and soul consciousness, the eternal with the now. He delivers instantly accessible songs that take up residence and resonance in your soul. Sima is a dynamic singer-songwriter, performer, storyteller, speaker, servant of humanity, workshop and retreat leader, meditation and breathwork facilitator, and creative collaborator — often weaving all of these elements into a single performance. When Sima opens his mouth to sing, what emerges is far beyond the human sounds of his warm and soulful voice. It’s a call, a remembrance, a soft and steady place to land. He speaks the language of the Universe, the language of the soul, the language of the heart. But he’s not just singing to his audience and it’s not just a performance. It’s a gathering, a connection – somewhat of a musical satsang or gathering of truth – that navigates the audience on a profound musical journey. Bob has an unparalleled ability to connect audiences in a visceral, powerful way, changing the vibration and consciousness in the room. https://bobsima.com

Their 501(c)3 is called Where the Light Gets In, to remind everyone that an activated heart must first be cracked for the light to enter and ultimately express as full living potential.

Boldly Going Nowhere Retreat 17-25 March 2025

Spirit of the Jungle III, Chichen Itza Mexico


Cellular Health, Signaling, and Performance

Whether we are challenged with a health crisis or are a vibrant expression of vitality, our cellular health is at the core of our full wellness potential. Without optimal cellular function, we begin to age in all aspects of life: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

ASEA entered my world because of a health crisis, or "initiation" as I prefer to call it. I never bought into the "name" or blame of it because I was more concerned with why my body was not functioning optimally - to do what it knew how to do, to take care of what was threatening my vitality. I did not care what, ultimately, became the signs of cellular dysfunction. I had an intense desire to correct that imbalance so my body could heal itself.

I finally found something that is native to the body and meets all the prerequisites, requirements, and desires that I ever wanted in a supplement. I found a product that helped me and that I have seen help thousands of people improve their cellular communication. I found a company who has a foundation of being-ness that aligns with my core beliefs and values. I found something that I believe every person deserves to know is available, whether for them personally, for a loved one, or for a future connection.

Education is part of wellness and I am here to introduce ASEA the company, ASEA the products, and ASEA the opportunity to those willing to witness a breakthrough.

Zen House Cocoa

5BR/3BA vacation rental that is near everything you want to visit on and near the Space Coast of Florida!

Zen House Titusville

5BR/3BA vacation rental that is near everything you want to visit on and near the Space Coast of Florida!