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Taylor MacDonald —


Taylor is a Canadian based Mom Boss and micro influencer highlighting daily wellness and parenting tips, beauty and fashion, and emphasizes on encouraging productive mental health journeys, through her social media channels.

Taylor’s passion for creating a safe space to discuss and share healthy living, wellness, and parenting tips began during her 15+ years in the modeling and fashion industry. While in the industry, Taylor realized there was work to be done and noticed a major disconnect of healthy living, both mentally and physically, within the modeling industry - behind the scenes and eventually opened her own modeling agency. Here Taylor prioritized actively changing the mindset of the modeling industry’s unhealthy practices by having health and wellness at the forefront of her business model.

Along the way Taylor discovered her passion for building brands and witnessing the confidence level of entrepreneurs, while as an image consultant and brand builder.

While on her own health journey, Taylor has fallen in love and become obsessed with having a healthy life balance. Taylor provides a safe space for all moms to be able to relate to and seek advi
As a mom of a blended family, with five children, Taylor is able to connect with other moms who may share similar struggles and interests pertaining to motherhood and healthy living.

Through social media, she loves to share the importance of health and wellness, both physically and most importantly mentally. Taylor loves to connect with fellow mommas and provide tips on the pillars of routine and structure needed to achieve the perfect balance as an active momma.

Taylor loves communicating and utilizing social media because it gives her (and everyone) the opportunity to inspire and impact while being able to be 100% authentic. Through social media, Taylor enjoys bringing her viewers, followers, and friends closer into the process of her “totally insane, beautiful life”.