Warp & Weft Coaching

Discover the foundation your roots are already growing in. Plant new seeds of knowledge and fertility. Blossom into who you know you can be. An offering by Vyse ✨


Adventure is all around us,

and embracing that as inspiration, I offer guidance by holding maps for individuals on their own quests. Challenging the harmful systems we exist within (imperialism, colonialism, racism, white supremacy, colorism, sexism, the list goes on) and recognizing their effects on specifically the TGNC BIPGM/POC communities, together we can reinforce against problematic norms which are limiting your growth and goals while working to eradicate bigotry, in turn uplifting others. Self care is a crucial component of community care.

Due to the nature of the journey, I bear a culturally sensitive, gender-affirming lens through which I analyze my work. With a holistic approach, addressing the mind, spirit, and body, I offer aid in helping you feel affirmed in the decisions you are amidst and plan to take on. Recognizing I function within a broken system, I limit my participation in the commercialization and capitalism I inherently contribute to as a self-employed business owner.

I hope you find someone to hold your map for you (you seem to be searching for someone), regardless of whether or not it is me.

Looking for a Mapholder?

The path just is hard, bring a Support

You are an experienced adventurer, but inspiration, buffs, and healing can bolster any roll.

As a queer, fair complexion mixed Korean, gender non-conforming cat lover, role-play facilitator, and coach, I believe our intersections are our strengths. Each unique person has their own narrative to experience and share, and collectively they weave into a tapestry. Hence, a stronger single thread amplifies the whole, but sometimes it is easier when not done alone.

Let me help you discover what your goals of growth are, and let's achieve them together. Personal and relational development is an ongoing opportunity in our lives, and together we can tap into more of you; make manifest that which you desire.

Curious practice makes improvement. Sometimes that means having someone to question us. Sometimes that means having someone to affirm us. Through an offering of both, we can blossom the borders of your growing edge and propel you on a stellar journey.


Together we can explore

>Forming sustainable accountability rituals
>Analysing barriers obstructing your goals and calculating routes accordingly
>Bolstering personal practices
>Defining and ending toxic relationships
>Game & artistic development
>Strengthening personal affirmations
>Support blossoming relationships with people, and plants, stars