Get To Know Me

I am a Powetful, Magnetic, Loving Leader

Pleasure to connect with you! I fled a highly controlled religious organization ten years ago and haven’t looked back since. While I lost my mom and three siblings I found myself! My WHY is to help others step into their power, reclaim their life from trauma and THRIVE.

Join me on this journey. I answered the call, will you?!

We think that transformation is this ginormous step, what I’ve found in my healing journey is that it just takes CHOICE. What if you’re one decision away from the life you so crave?

Answer the Call!

Ready to step out of your shadow and reclaim who you truly are? Give yourself the gift of stepping into your power when you sign up to join the FLOURISH community. Together we will identify and explore what’s been holding you back and unfold the power of discovering the highest version of yourself. You’ll discover how to release your pain and replace it with compassion and full acceptance of who you are. Book a discovery call with me. Take action NOW and let’s heal together!

It’s about time!

Get your hands on those!

A few gems that helped me step into Freedom

Being raised in a highly controlled religious organization, research and Google was forbidden. I wasn’t allowed to read any material that evoked critical thinking. I started off by listening to empowering music like Sia’s A Bird Set Free and then two years later mustered up the courage to read thought provoking books.

Keep in mind, these were the first books I read starting on my healing journey. If you were not raised in a highly controlled organization and some of these may not pertain to you personally, I encourage you to still read them for you will find value and indulge in understanding how these organizations are run but more importantly take a walk in a survivor’s shoes.

Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously by Osho

An insight for a new way of living

Combating Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan PhD

The #1 best-selling guide to protection, rescue and recovery from destructive cults

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

A practical guide to personal freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)