coloring tut !!
charli d’amelio
24FPS -
add the Momoi filter (you can get qr code from pinterest)
prequel -
exposure 30
contrast 33
highlights -100
shadows -100
glow 25
blur 25
effects -
dust 100 - filter to 70 - dispersion to 3
colortune -
put the filter avalon
there you go :)
charli d’amelio
coloring tut !
24FPS -
add the Momoi filter (you can get qr code from pinterest)
prequel -
exposure 30
contrast 33
highlights -100
shadows -100
glow 25
blur 25
effects -
dust 100 - filter to 70 - dispersion to 3
colortune -
put the filter avalon
there you go :)