Heyy luvs! Before I talk about what this website is for, I just want to say ty for checking my website out! Now that I’ve said that, this website includes the following: my coloring tut, the fonts I use and my color codes!
c o l o r i n g
c o l o r i n g
first of all, the coloring I use is inspired by @charldiors I just changed the settings a lil!
so first, you will need the app 24FPS and screenshot the first QR code, ‘red flavor’ and choose that filter and save the vid
Then, go to prequel and adjust the settings like so:
exposure: -16
contrast: -25
highlights: -50
shadows: -100
haze: 16
glow: 18
blur: your choice!
then go to the ‘effects’ section and choose dust and adjust the settings like so:
dust: 100
filter: 20
then, go to the ‘filter’ section and choose the filter Oakland and put the filter on 30
Then go back to 24FPS and screenshot the second QR code, ‘honey’ and choose it, then save the vid!
Finally, you will need the app ‘ultralight’ and choose your vid and go to the ‘edit’ section and press the triangle and put the clarity to -5 and sharpen to -10
f o n t s
f o n t s
here are the fonts I use for my theme!
winkle ( for the boxes )
childrensans ( spaced to 10 )
Louis George cafe
c o d e s
c o d e s