Hiyaaa!! Here I will give you my colouring tutorial and some tips! Remember just because your not aesthetic doesn’t mean your not a good fanpage or you won’t get noticed! Do what makes you happy and what is best for you 💕
My colouring:
Go to adjust:
- exposure 10%
- contrast 25%
- shadows 100%
- glow 25%
- abberation 50%
- blur 50%
Go to intro:
- iris blur
Go to effects:
- diamond
Go to effects:
- cooge
My favourite fonts for text:
Go to dafont and download fonts to vont:
- pumpkin cheesecake
- hug me tight
- refresh bonus
- lemon milk bold
- mystical snow
- butterfly
- shorelines script bold
- payback
To edit I use Video star and if you have any other questions about anything else do ask on my page! <3
Also remember to be kind to everyone and treat everyone fairly! Don’t hate on other fandoms because they are only there to show support to their idol like you 💕
To gain you can:
- do gain trains (like the one on my page)
- do F4f with people
- post 2 times a day
- use trending hashtags and sounds like
#(youridolsname) #(youruser) #fyp #actives? #viral #londonpiper
Remember your loved and follow the links below if you need cheering up! 💕
- .londonpiper