555 Method Ebook
Old Out- New In
I was a personal trainer and celebrity fitness trainer for 18 years, before which I was a fitness competitor. Now, I am a mother and a creator of big projects—the biggest of which is my business, MY Return.life, through which I sell empowering apparel for women. My young adult life was a series of 180-degree flip-flops: I’ve gone from arrogant nonbeliever to God-loving woman of faith, from super-dieter to overeater and back again, and from obsessive workout fanatic to completely unmotivated. Living in extremes has led me to an incredible discovery—an epiphany, really—that has allowed me to find the healthiest balance within each of these extremes without even tapping into my willpower. In 555 Method, I spill my secrets.
How many times has January 1st inspired you to re-commit to your New Year’s Resolution—otherwise known as “re-re-re-re-old resolution”—to get into shape? The reason it repeats every single year is this: short-term motivation. You start out with great intentions, but by March, the motivation is completely gone. This also applies to healthy eating, career, and anything else that requires self-discipline. When the first storm hits, interest and enthusiasm taper off.
Through my experience as a fitness coach and also a person who has received plenty of lemons, I have had to stay focused and motivated while turning my sourest lemons into sweet lemonade. I have no time for short-term motivation. I have developed the 555 Method, which will help you to summon a type of motivation that will never fade—for all aspects of your life! With this method, you will consistently burn with the desire for healthy eating, exercising, sticking with your business projects, and most of all, being loyal to yourself.
Every plan, project, and resolution is basically a promise to yourself. Every time you stop short, you are breaking those promises. The reason you stop is that you allow your world (that event, that crisis, that person, that election, that storm, those lemons) to have more power than YOU! With the 555 Method, you will never let anything be more important and have more power than you, YOURSELF. (Not even those chips!) Period.
The only tree that will withstand every storm is a tree with the deepest, strongest roots. Any project, diet, plan, and resolution you tackle without first establishing solid roots won't last long because of the obstacles, challenges, and lemons life brings. Therefore, before you decide to jump into anything new, make sure you have grown your roots down deep and strong. 555 Method is a method for growing the most powerful roots that will produce the most fruitful life tree, which will withstand any storm.
Isn't our life the result of our goals, both finished and unfinished? We all have that "unfinished" thing in our lives that we keep coming back to again and again. Every year, we try to start a new tree—but it soon gets uprooted. Why? No roots! Today, get rid of the OLD way and start a NEW way: instead of building a tree from the branches down, start by growing the roots—and next year, you won't have to start a new tree. You will be able to continue growing bigger roots, a bigger tree, and a more fruitful life! The 555 METHOD teaches you how to grow your roots, and it is totally up to you to choose how big of a tree you want to grow. YES! You can grow it all the way to the top!
With the most solid roots, you will be able to see your worth and your value, and there is absolutely nothing and no one who you will allow to disrespect it.
555 METHOD is your RETURN to your WORTHINESS, bestowed upon you by your Creator and demonstrated to the world in the form of SELF-ESTEEM.
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