My Passion Business

Transforming my mind & body while helping others to do the same!

If you are reading this, you were MEANT to be here☀️and I am so grateful for you!

Hi dudes!! My name is Kathryn Quirk, and among other things I am an online health + fitness + mindset coach!
I’m striving to share the transformation my own journey has given me with others.
Everyone starts somewhere right? And let me tell you where I started was low...
I’ve had ongoing battles with depression for years, and when I started my health journey it was because I had hit rock bottom and I made a decision that I was sick of being there.

My priority is not to get you or myself a 6 pack. Honestly I never started health for the physical benefits, it was for my mind! Your physical health is always a reflection of the mental.

Let me ask you this!
•How do you want your life to look in 1 year?
Do you want to stay in the same place you are now?
Or do you have something bigger and brighter you want for yourself?

We each have a unique and DIVINE purpose on this planet...
Yours is powerful believe me💛💛💛

La Vie Est Belle
{life is beautiful}