Aabid vlogs

Thoughts On Food Blogging

If life has been kinda ho-hum or I’ve just dry for anything interesting to talk about, then it probably makes the most sense to get started by just writing about the recipe. Which is kind of a “duh” moment because we are talking about food blogs. But even though it’s so simple, it can be surprisingly hard. It’s like I sit down, get the recipe in there, have the pictures in place. Now, uh, what do I have to say? Yum. The End.

Here are some ideas of food related writing material that I use for inspo when I’m stuck. I’m not the only one, right?

Thoughts On Lifestyle Blogging

I’ve been giving a lot of thought recently to lifestyle blogging, and the still-young and every-growing industry it inhabits.

Unlike fashion or beauty blogging, which have one particular focus, lifestyle blogging is a unique blend of interests pieced together by the author of each individual lifestyle blog.

For a few years now, I feel like I have been naturally aligning with the ‘lifestyle blogger’ label, rather than a ‘fashion’ one – despite fashion being where I first started.

With this shift to lifestyle, rather than a specific topic, I feel I am able to better share a ‘blend’ of topics which interest me at this stage in my life. 

In today’s article I am going deeper into what lifestyle blogging means for me and how you can hone in on the ‘blend’ of your own lifestyle blog.

I hope today’s post will help you to shape your lifestyle blog’s focus, so that you can create content more easily, and feel more confident in owning your lifestyle niche.

If you are not a blogger, I hope today’s post will still resonate with you. We are all piecing together our lifestyles, so whether you choose to share yours in a blog format or not, I believe it is worthwhile giving thought to what makes you tick. 

If you want to skip right to identifying your own ‘lifestyle blend’ there is a writing exercise towards the bottom of this blog post.