Feeling Lost?
Let me tell you a secret...
I did too.
And, if you are looking for a sign on how to find purpose & confidence... this is it.
Hey! My name is Abbey and I’m your normal 26 year old helping people get the best hair and skin of their life while also building my dream life from my phone.
So how the hell did I start here? Here’s a little background: I graduated from the University of Southern California with a PR degree and painting minor. Throughout school, I worked a FULL TIME job as a bartender to pay for rent, I also had an internship and was a dog mom to the world’s sassiest husky— you could say I was VERY BUSY.
During my senior year of college, my peers and I were gathered around a table. EVERYONE knew what they wanted to do with their PR degree. PR for sports, fashion, movie, publicity, I mean the list was endless..
my mind was blank... I felt lost. All I knew: the thought of a desk job made me physically ill; feeling stuck, wearing a pant suit, working for someone else’s dream.
It didn’t sit right with me.
Then I was presented with this opportunity working with a shampoo biz... and I LAUGHED.
No seriously, I was the world’s BIGGEST skeptic. However, it was for the simple fact that I just did not understand.
I had all the excuses NOT to do this: I had less than 300 followers at the time, felt terrified on camera, was too busy (seriously I don’t know how I even managed all of it) PLUS I was graduating and moving across country, didn’t think anyone would be interested, didn’t have the money. The excuse you just listed in your head, yeah, I had it.
But here was thing... something in the back of my head kept nudging me with the what if’s....
What IF this was my ticket to freedom.
What IF this was my purpose.
What IF this was just the thing (and products) I needed.
What IF this gave me my time back...
And so waited and waited…and, of coursed, researched.
Conclusion: the products had third party testing unmatched, had a great scientific advisory, had morals I could stand behind, the compensation plan was unmatched, & the product was consumable.
Here’s what I knew: there was already more month than money for me, I was already on my phone scrolling and NOT making money, EVERY single person in the world (well mostly) washes their hair and skin aka consumable product, and... I had nothing really to loose and so much to gain so I took the leap of faith. And guess what?
I freaking regretted waiting.
I started with only wanting a couple extra hundred a month to help pay some bills and groceries. And then I saw the unlimited potential in this... if I was so willing to work SO HARD for someone else’s dream... why wasn’t I willing to work just as hard for mine?
Fast forward five years later: I’m a full-time content creator. I have qualified for 11 earned trips with the company, I’m in the middle of the compensation plan, making me qualified for my earned Cadillac (yes you read that right and it still surprises me to this day), I have an organization of 5000+ individuals.
Did I expect to be here? Absolutely not.
Was I uncomfortable? Absolutely.
Did I fail? Constantly
But, I am the happiest I have ever been, I have purpose, drive, passion... FREEDOM. Working on my own time, not having to cancel plans because of “being at work.” And the best part: making an impact while making an income, surrounded by a positive, successful and driven community.
If you stayed reading this, there is probably something in you too saying what if...
I’m here to help you do the same! Whether that be financial freedom from your phone or more confidence with your hair or skin! Check out my links on the next page! I can’t wait to get to know you!