How to add me and buy pets
Guide followers to your most important things to do
First click on my user link ^^ follow the steps carefully :
Log in or click on add user ❤️ if you click on add user they will ask you to log
Log on your account and then you will found my user on your friend list.
Some of your most question 🤗❤️:
You - Do you sell pets?
Me - ofc ^^
You- is it real ? Should I not worry ?
Me- if you don't want to worry make the two steps verification and pin ! So No one can log on your account
You- can i have free pets !
Me - ofc dm me and I will send you the rules ^^
You - do you play another game ?
Me - yes like mm2......
You- i can't found your user on Roblox
Me - it's BCS my account private
You - why is it private?
Me - I'm scared to be hacked or scammed so I'm making it private
I think it's all the questions I've got ^^
If you have more questions dm me !