Ainsley Rae
My name is Ainsley (pronounced Ann-slee). I’m a travel model who’s very passionate about animals, fitness, and food. I love bringing all my interests and passions together and you can find them all here!
My name is Ainsley (pronounced Ann-slee). I’m a travel model who’s very passionate about animals, fitness, and food. I love bringing all my interests and passions together and you can find them all here!
Animal Love Rescue of Costa Rica is a non-profit no-kill charitable shelter that takes care of 450 dogs 🐶 and 350 cats 🐱, in addition to sheep, goats, geese, ducks, horses, and others (1200 animals in total). Most of them came to the center after being mistreated, wounded, paralyzed, or abandoned 💔
The rescue center was funded by the hotel “Lands in love”, which stopped receiving guests from the middle of March 2020 as a result of the global world crisis. That means that they have no funds to keep the shelter running and their dogs and cats and the rest of the animals are at risk of getting to the point of starvation and eventually of being released to the streets 🙏💜
Making matters even worse, for the past month huge number of cats and dogs 🐈🐕 have been abandoned in their center every day and because of the lack of room in their center for them, they are living currently in the offices, garage, and toilets 😞
Check the link for donations in their bio @animalloverescue and please help 1200 animals survive!!!!
Make sure to leave your handle and platform so I know where to send your surprise😊