About Me

I am a Dental Hygienist turned Digital Marketer! I live in Kelowna, British Columbia Canada, with my two Australian Shepherds- Tucker & Crew.
I spent ten years in dentistry. First as a dental assistant, then as a dental hygienist. I sadly developed nerve damage through repetitive strain.. and my career abruptly came to an end in 2017.

At 32 I was faced with a choice. Go back to school, choose a new traditional career.. OR- try something so far outside of my comfort zone, realm of knowledge and conventional working methods.
I chose the latter.
I dove into the online working world, stepping into digital marketing, being self-employed and a huge learning curve for a not-so-techy gal.
Read that again- NOT TECHY!!!
But I did it.
I pair together digital education with high ticket sales- this means using paid social media to market my products /offers, and earning high commissions in return. Win win!
I’ve worked from home for 5

years and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Yes it’s scary to step outside of your comfort zone. But what’s scarier is staying stuck in something forever, not growing and being challenged!
Also- earning potential. I have NO ceiling on what I can create.
I have proudly generated multiple six figures in revenue for myself. Far surpassing what I ever earned as a hygienist.
This is through using paid social media marketing, and affiliating with products that earn high commissions.
If I can do this, so can you!

Where to find me!

Check out my Facebook & Instagram

If you’re keen to work alongside me and want to follow along this journey, please check out my Facebook business page.
I am always dropping inspiration, value, motivation, tips and tricks on working for yourself!
Always happy to make new friends and bring more women together!