Hi, I'm Amalita
If you want more out of life, this is for you
I'm here to do my part in making the world a better place, become a better version of myself every day and live life on my terms.
Before this business I was in a rut, tired of trying to fit into societies expectations, unhappy with myself and unaligned with the life that was set out before me, yet I didn't know how to get out. Eventually the fear of staying where I was outgrew the fear of stepping up and making a change. I invested in myself and my life, starting my own business and partnering with a company that supports health, wellbeing and sustainability. I joined a community of like minded people that celebrate each individual for being their true authentic selves, and showed me the simple process of how I can also make my dream life a reality, just like those who have gone before me.
Now I'm here to bring awareness of this opportunity to you.
This is for you if you want more
⏳time freedom to do what brings you joy
🌏location freedom to be anywhere in the world, anytime
💰financial freedom by earning an automated income online
❤alignment with yourself and the life you want
Send me a 👋 in DM or swipe ➡️ for more info