About Us
Amies Relationship Corner is aimed at starting and sustaining committed romantic relationships. This we intend to achieve through Matchmaking, Coaching, Counselling & Community. However for the NOW we are on about our matchmaking arm called MIX & MINGLE
What's Mix & Mingle?
This is the dating platform under Amies Relationship Corner consisting of ready to marry singles on different whatsapp platforms.
When you become a member of Mix & Mingle
1. You are added to our International Whatsapp Platform where we have a time table we adhere strictly to, that aids our search and being found.
2. You are also added to the matchmaking platform where people are matched randomly for a period of time and then rematched
3. Your profile is posted on our Whatsapp Channel and other social media platforms (don't worry, your privacy is guaranteed)
All these we do to ensure that you see and are seen.
We have recorded several testimonies and upcoming weddings for a platform that is not up to a year, we show promise that you too can be the next bride/groom.
Criteria for Becoming a Member
1. You must be above 30years of age for male folks and 25years of age for female folks
2. You must NOT be married. We admit singles, divorced and widowed only
3. You must have a legal source of income.
Benefits of Becoming a Member
1. You have access to as many contacts as you desire
2. You participate in our virtual coaching sessions for free
3. You have access to free counselling with our convener Dr. Amarachi
4. Your reach is beyond your regular day to day life schedule.
How to Become a Member
1. Pay your subscription fee of NGN2,000 Payment can be made online via the link below or to
Blessing Amarachi
Please note that if you do not pay online, you are to forward proof of payment with your picture.
2. Fill your registration form online
3. Send one good picture of you