I was studying full time whilst working full time when this business opportunity was presented to me.
I NEVER thought I would do network marketing, I had a negative opinion about online businesses tbh! I thought I was “too good” and I had studied at uni for 4.5 years so I had my career sorted.
I had every reason to say no! I was so busy! I was exhausted and burnt out!
Once I eventually took a closer look, I couldn’t say no. I saw the value in being part of a positive, empowering, inspiring community filled with all different walks of life. I came across doctors, lawyers, business owners, occupational therapists, beauty therapists all doing this business!
I educated myself (not from a random blog post) but from people ACTUALLY successful in the industry because that’s who I envisioned and admired their lifestyle.
I continue to work this business on the side of my career. This business gives me relief for mine and my partners future. It gives us opportunity, a plan b if my career hits a bump in the road.
I 1000% would still do this business if there was zero income involved. Purely because I am loving how much I have changed and grown since doing this business! I am so much more confident, excited and inspired!