Hey! I'm Amy

Anam Saor Founder

Hey! My name is Amy. Holistic Coach, ISSA Personal Trainer, Reiki Practitioner and Yoga Instructor with a Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Science.

I'm a Holistic Nomad who has spent the last 2 years traveling to remote and diverse cultures around the world in my Land Rover Defender.

Combining my knowledge and travel experiences, I found myself overflowing with health and wellness information, so I decided to launch Anam Saor Hollistic Wellness to make modern and ancient hollistic modalities accessible to everyone. My aim is to restore and maintain your health. With a wealth of knowledge to share with you, I have created this community so we can all learn from each other!

Are you ready to plant the seed of growth today?

I'm so happy to have you here! Within the next few slides, I will tell you more about what I do here at ANAM SAOR!

'Anam Saor' means 'Free Soul' in my native Irish language Gaelic. It is where my roots are deeply sown, in the heart of Ireland. Anam Saor is a Hollistic Wellness online communtiy offering Mind, Body & Spirtual Wellness support.

Most of the time, we concentrate only on our body (physical) health while neglecting our mindset (mental) and our soul (spirtuality) when trying to improve our overall wellbeing to become better and healthier versions of ourselves!

To understand the importance of our body, mind, and soul, and how they all work in unison to build our overall wellbeing, we must maintain balance between them all to achieve a fulfilled life, especially in moments of crisis within our life. A weakness or an imbalance in any one of these can negatively affect the others and therefore affect your mood, physical capabilities, or outlook on life. Once you begin to comprehend and truly become the master of your life, gaining power over your thoughts, your diet and daily excercise, you wi create the reality you want. That is where your freedom and power lies!

My Story

Hey! My name is Amy..At the age of 16, I became the National Powerlifting Champion in Ireland, competing internationally at the World Powerlifting Championships in Texas & at the European Powerlifting Championships in Denmark. I spent several years learning about the importance of Health and Fitness. Strength training for me was a way to channel the anger I felt growing up due to a lot of trauma I had experienced as a child, it was a way for me to cope and it became a way of life for me.

Back in 2015, strength training, especially powerlifting, was not common among women and I often found myself being the only girl in the weights room. My training was so unusual for a woman (lifting 150kg+ at a bw of 55kg) that I was bullied a lot. Many people said I would grow massive and 'ugly' muscles and ultimately look like a man. This knocked my confidence a lot but I knew the science behind strength training since my degree of study was in Biomedical Science. I physically knew this was impossible as women don't have enough natural testosterone. Strength Training strengthened my mind and body, and I felt like I could handle daily life easier, since I put the hard work in during training, everyday life felt attainable.
After completing my BSc in Biomedical science at the University of Limerick, I became a qualified ISSA personal trainer to further my knowledge even more.

Through my first hand experiences competing at a high level and my own mental health struggles, I also understood the importance of psychology, especially our mindset in sport and everyday life. During my Bsc, I completed my thesis in neurobiology where I studied the genetical and environmental causes of Autism and the behavioral consequences, deepening my understanding of behavioral science. I then went on to study Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) practices and starting implementing them to my everyday life to increase gratitude, reduce stress and achieve my goals.

At the age of 21, I graduated and worked for three years within a multinational medicinal company where I advanced my skills immensely within the world of wellness. In 2022, I quit my job, gave up my house, and headed across the world on a travel expedition from Ireland to the Middle East, living in my Land Rover Defender with my boyfriend. We wanted to train in different Brazilian JiuJitsu academies across europe and live presently among nature, practicing yoga, meditation and foraging herbal teas, overall embodying holistic wellness. Life on the road forced me outside of my comfort zone. Living every day in the extreme cold and hot climates, being immersed within many diverse cultures and embracing immense knowledge on different ancient and modern hollistic healing modalities from several healing traditions around the world allowed me to truly find my purpose.

Through this expedition, I reestablished the connection to the natural world I was missing from my life. I was craving to dig my fingers into the earth. I found solace in feeling and smelling the soil. I washed and bathed myself in many rivers. I foraged my own herbal teas and created my own apothecary on the road to heal our bodies. Everything that followed was a natural progression. I focused on being in rhythm with the cycles and seasons of nature. I started to eat organic foods seasonally and create my own skin-care and cleaning products. Meeting and sharing our experiences became our work, and I realised that I was doing what I loved, sharing knowledge about holistic wellness and living close to nature.
Living among the elements, I built a lot of resilience within my life, which encouraged me to help and support other women in the Middle East. When most people were scared to visit this part of our world, I felt like I had to be there to stand beside these strong women around the world to help them in anyway I could
Why did I choose this lifestyle?

In our modern, fast-paced era, women and men are stressed and under more pressure than ever before, and as a result have lost the essence of being sensual in many ways. Sensuality is
about having a connection to yourself, moving your body to the rhythm of music, living and embracing the present moment without being worried about the future and living in the past. Life is about structuring your life in a way that you can indulge in all the things that make you feel like you aretruly alive and living life at this beautiful present moment.

I truly believe that supporting ourselves holistically is an integral part of our self-care, health and our overall healing. Hollistic wellness and self-care nourish us so that we can continue to love and help the people closest to us.

At Anam Saor, we hope to inspire you to treat your life and ultimately your bodies with intention and love on your wellness journey, offering support to your Mind, Body & Soul and encouraging you to not give up as you
traverse the peaks and valleys of life.

The process is not linear but rather a process of taking those steps led by our instincts and intuitively guided by the knowledge and support given at Anam Saor.

I planted the seeds for my healing and growth years before I returned to truly tend to them. It is deeply rewarding to connect with yourself, to truly tune in and connect with your soul, to hear the whispers of what your body ultimately needs from you everyday.. so lets plant the seed of growth today together so you can return home to your purest self.


Our Mission

Our mission at Anam Saor is to raise awareness of hollistic approaches such as nutrition, excercise, meditation, yoga, reiki, adequate sleep, enriching communities of supportive people, herbal medicine and so much more) that nourish the mind, body and soul (Corthaigh an Intinn, Corp agus Anam) to achieve a higher level of health, happiness and strength so you can live the live of your dreams with courage!

Our mission at Anam Saor is to free your soul from the modern day stresses and pessure and supply you with tools to support yourselves holistically.

Our mission is to inspire you to treat your life and ultimately your bodies with intention and love on your wellness journey, offering support to your Mind, Body & Soul and encouraging you to not give up as you
traverse the peaks and valleys of life.

Our logo at Anam Saor is represented by a Irish Celtic Spiral Knot and is one of the oldest symbols on earth. Each one of the three spirals can represents the Mind, Body and Soul which are all interconnected.

The meaning of the Celtic Triskelion is also seen as a symbol for motion or movement signifying energy, in particular with actions, progress and the will to move forward and overcome adversity.

The leaves surrounding the Irish celtic Knot represent herbal and plant medicine.

External link

Let Your Heart Flow Yoga Event - Ericeria

Tuesday 20th June 18:00 19:00 15€ pp DM using WhatsApp link below to book

By cleansing your fourth Chakra, you can take a step forward in transcending yourself from the physical realm.

The Heart Chakra aids us in transcending the physical matters surrounding us and provides us with the potential to move towards a greater awareness of life in a righteous path.

Benefits of having a balanced Heart Chakra: The Heart Chaka helps us to lead a satisfying life. It allows us to be peaceful, joyful, and compassionate. Having a balanced Heart Chakra initiates the flow of prana or life force through our body. It can motivate us and also provide us with the ability to help others move forward in their lives. Our breathing plays a crucial role in the balanced existence of our Heart Chakra.

Issues of having an underactive or an overactive Heart Chakra: The imbalanced flow of energy or Shakti through our body can affect the vitality of our Chakras.

Mental and Emotional effects:

Overactive heart chakra:

- Difficulty setting boundaries with others
- Codependency on others for emotional validation
- Difficulty prioritizing one's own needs and desires
- Difficulty expressing anger or negative emotions
- Difficulty with self-love and self-compassion

Underactive heart chakra:
- Difficulty connecting with others on an emotional level
- Difficulty with empathy and compassion
- Difficulty trusting others
- Difficulty with self-love and self-acceptance
- Feelings of loneliness and isolation

Physical effects;

Underactive heart chakra:
- Low energy levels
- Poor circulation
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Difficulty breathing
- Heart palpitations
- Weak immune system
- Decreased physical endurance

Overactive heart chakra:
- High blood pressure
- High heart rate
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Insomnia
- Anxiety

Please note that physical symptoms can also arise from other causes, and it's essential to consult a medical professional if you're experiencing symptoms of an underlying health condition. It's also essential to address any emotional or spiritual imbalances that may be contributing to these physical symptoms.