Teach and Learn

Giving lesson, delivering knowledge, building a strong team

Personal Statement

I am a happy teacher. I graduated from the Department of Public Policy and Management, Gadjah Mada University in 2019. I am passionate in education since I was in college, so after graduating I will continue to contribute in this field and will continue to pursue it.

The main reason why I have decided to pursue this career is because I feel the strong desire to positively influence educate children.

Personally, I have had a hugely positive experience primary education. I believe I have the potential to inspire and encourage children of all abilities to reach their full potential.

Creative Learning Plans

The learning plan is a description of the lesson plan that becomes a learning guide to teacher. It also can ensure that our learning process will be very efficient and directly. The learning plans that I made consisted of making a class schedule, weekly plan, and lesson plan.

Lesson plans are important and essential for a teacher to prepare lessons that will be delivered to the next lesson. I make a lesson plan minimum 2 weeks before the lesson starts.

Lesson plans help me to be more effective in the classroom by providing a detailed scheme to attend each class activity.

By making a lesson plan, I can be more focused and if there is something that have not been conveyed, it can be an evaluation for the next learning activity.

Learning plan I created

My Ideas and Materials

The implementation of high technology (such as educational applications) helps me to develop the learning in the class and generate ideas in delivery.

Materials I created

Assessment for Student

Assessment carried out to determine student learning achievement. There are three types of assessment: diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment.

Diagnostic assessment is carried out at the beginning of learning, usually I apply this with trigger questions. Trigger questions try to check the initial understanding of each student.

Formative assessment to monitor student learning, when in learning, I usually do it with oral questions or provide a worksheet. While the Summative assessment is carried out after all learning materials have been delivered to measure students' abilities and evaluate the results of the assessment.

Outdoor Learning Activity

Learning outside the classroom is about engage with our nature activities. The use of outdoors makes students know environmental education. The material received in the classroom is applied outside the classroom. They also contribute to personal growth, social awareness, and developing skills.

Here we go!

Parent-Teacher Communication

This activity is carried out as a form of communication between parents or guardians and teachers at school. Parents can find out the learning progress of their children, provide suggestions, and make positive contributions to the learning process.