Anya Sunica Cloete

Who Am I?

My name is Anya Sunica Cloete, I'm 21 and I am an actor, dancer, writer, and model. I was born and raised in Namibia, Windhoek. Entered the entertainment industry from the age of 13, have had opportunities to travel and study abroad in Los Angeles at the New York Film Academy where I obtained a diploma for the one year acting in film program. My talent and skill carry on to several certified certificates for Songwriting, Audio, and music production in Logic Pro x, Four pillars of singing, Social media marketing, Introduction to Psychlogy, Creative writing, DaVinci Resolve, etc.


I’m changing, rapidly, brutally, and vigorously. All at once but not at all. The contradictions of contradictions. An unfinished puzzle bleeding from its core. A single touch activating a thousand years of hidden rage. Red patches on the scalp of a mad man. Pages covered in the black ink used to write my final words.

Heart Surgery

I dare the one with steady hands to carve out my heart, and tell me if it still beats. If it does, make sure all of which I gave away still remains. Then shine a light on it to find the bruised parts, once found, scrap them off. When you’re done put it on a scale and see if it’s weight is accurate to how it feels on a Tuesday morning. If all is well, return it to its home.

Unseen Pain

The ones who make you feel small, treat you as an inconvenience, and spew gestures of horrible ignorance. They do no matter. They should be brushed aside to make space for the ones who believe in your true nature of being. The souls who carry kindness in their aura. Because they matter. They are the ones who will keep you sane. -Anya Sunica Cloete