Apostle Tosin Oke
Ministry to the total person
I welcome you to one of my online platforms for ministry. Here, I combine all ministry and diverse abilities to minister to you. I have other sites where you can also access my works. Links below.
I welcome you to one of my online platforms for ministry. Here, I combine all ministry and diverse abilities to minister to you. I have other sites where you can also access my works. Links below.
Videos for your viewing pleasure
I got born-again in the mid eighties in high school, took over as Secretary of school fellowship and then President. Started reaching out right from my high school days. I later set up an outreach team and went on school crusades covering about 30 schools before 1991. We saw GOD'S power at work. This opened doors for me in diverse Churches and ministries. A large portion of my ministry years were spent on the field by invitations from places to teach and minister. I pioneered a small Church for a while, but later disbanded as led by the HOLY SPIRIT. I kept traveling until the enemy moved in with diverse manipulations and several doors closed. Well, no need to revisit gone issues. Seasons go, seasons come. Due to prevailing circumstance, i had to concentrate on ministering online. I have several sites for such, this is one of them. The vision is to return to the field in actual setting up meetings in diverse places to touch lives and meeting the needs of people when GOD gives the go ahead. This vision,the enemy has been busy fighting with all they have got, including their lives. Why ? They hate captives been set free. This is not peculiar to me, same for all true ministers and ministries. Best you visit my other sites, especially MINISTRY site (link below), to get a taste of what GOD can do for you. Beloved, welcome here as you receive from the HOLY SPIRIT in JESUS NAME.
From the introduction, this ministry is still running online until GOD gives the push to go on the field. I still have some other field operations, howbeit at growing stage. Will be announced when ripe. I have constantly gone online to post prayers, worship and messages every Sunday by 9am GMT +1 (Nigerian time) as a form of Church service for those who wish. I always post them before 9am. I have a page for that in my other ministry site (click "Church" link below). I intend to, as often as I can, also do same here; giving you two platforms to access my Sunday Services. This page is for Sunday Services, other pages for further ministry and other purposes will also be added. Keep coming, great things await you.
Want to ressurect anything dead in your life, go here
Proceed to the Miracles two page and access the message titled RESURRECTION
1. Start with thanksgiving.
2. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT will minister to you today and give you revelation.
3. Ask HE quickens you to walk in the truth you read in these pages.
4. Cancel by fire all contrary plans of darkness against our service today.
5. Ask that GOD will bring more people into our fold.
6. Proceed to today's worship. Access below. Take your time, do not rush, it is worship time. Sing other songs you know too.
Oba awon Oba (King of kings)
As you go through life, it is indispensable for you to act and react. Acting is doing one thing or the other; this is a daily must. You relate with people, you talk, you make decisions, etc, these are all actions. Others act too, and many times their actions affect you either for good or bad, you will react. You talk back, you determine what to do in reaction to what has been done to you or others either for good or bad. Till you die life will be a constant scenario of actions and reaction. This you cannot escape.
However, actions and reactions are two-edged; if you act and react right, the outcome will be good. If you act and react wrong, the outcome will be bad. Most of the destruction you see in the world today arise as a result of bad actions and reactions. This is why the Bible enjoins us to be cautious in what we do.
Proverbs 14:16. Living Bible Version
[16]A wise man is cautious and avoids danger; a fool plunges ahead with great confidence.
The problem is conquering those impulses in you that could make you take the wrong actions and overreact or react wrongly to issues. Some of these impulses are :
1. Instincts. Instincts compels you, reason guides you wisely. Humans were never meant to operate by instincts, unfortunately, many do. Somehow, instincts found its way into humans. You know it is Instincts if it does not give the slightest consideration to the consequences. Have you seen many behave that way ? The major reason animals enter simple traps hunters set for them to catch them. Reason will look at the trap, look at the food in it, weigh the risk, the survival index and make the wise decision to walk away. Instincts will not walk away, it damns the consequence. A major reason it is easy to destroy a person ruled by instincts. Just show them the right stimuli and they keep going in the direction of destruction you have set for them. It becomes a winning card in the hands of the enemy with spiritual powers if they can control your instincts. A reasonable man will think, "if I do this, what will be the consequences" and act rightly. Instincts does the opposite; it acts without reasoning. Beloved, many of you are walking about acting and reacting with Instincts, thus all your errors and the troubles you find yourself in. You know it will destroy you, yet you went into it ; Instincts at work. Never say "my instincts told me...", when you do right. Commend your reason instead. Instincts can make you commit murder if let loose. Instincts respond to external stimuli and do whatever it wants done without reasoning. When you have sex out of instinct, you violate boundaries and end in shame or disgrace. You go near, for sex, those you should never go near for such simply because your sex instinct is activated. Beloved, this is how many get pregnant or impregnate those they should not. A little gift or physical appeal and their sex instincts run wild. The stronger the sex instinct in you the weaker you are for sex. The enemy can activate the sex instincts in people to sexually destroy one another. They quietly remote it and still be the first to go to town with the scandal while no one suspects them. You have no idea how much teenage pregnancies and adulteries sex instincts have caused. Some regret afterwards, but yet they can't help it. When reason guide you, the external stimuli comes, but by reasoning you know you should not and stay away. Instinct will make you steal what you should not steal. It will make you drive people you should accept away from you while instinctively defending territory : territorial instinct. Instincts will cause you to overreact causing more troubles for yourself and others. A person who operates by reason is considered a fool by those ruled by instincts. They often see them as proud or strange. Instincts and reasonableness are two parralel lines that can never meet. You wonder how evil spirits can make you do terrible things you will normally never do, simple answer; they seize your reasoning. Yes, spirits can seize your reasoning. Yes, an evil spirit can enter your body, seize your reason and make you strip to go about naked in public or do other shameful things. A mad person is mad because his or her reasoning is gone, the work of evil spirits. To lose your reasoning is to act mad. When evil spirits possess you, one of the first things they do is to tamper with your reasoning. Once your reasoning is seized, they can make you commit abominable things. When you see reasonable people suddenly begin to behave in an unreasonable manner, evil spirits are most likely at work. Mind you, instincts too, if allowed, can also make you do terrible things though you are not possessed. If those in your caucus are susceptible to instincts, they can betray you one day. All they need is the right external stimuli like money, gifts, reward, etc, and their instincts will make them act wrongly. Instincts will turn you to a Judas. Reasonable people who act out of sound reasoning rarely end up as Judas. Their sound judgement will not allow it. Hit the floor now and pray like mad,
LORD deliver me from all Instincts that can destroy me, strengthen my reasoning in perfect conformity to your Will.
Do not proceed without praying that prayer.
2. Anger.
Proverbs 14:29-30. Living Bible Version
[29]A wise man controls his temper. He knows that anger causes mistakes.
[30]A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life; jealousy rots it away.
The key phrase there is "A relaxed attitude". If you can live that way, you stand a good chance. Many things will make you angry on a daily basis, you live in a rotten world. I have lived long enough in this world to know not everyone is reasonable. You must learn to accept this fact and cool down to always act or react in a reasonable manner. If you don't, the rot will drain you. This wisdom will help you live long. If you act instantly in anger, the probability of acting or reacting wrongly is very high. If you refrain, take time to calm down and take informed decision, you stand a very high chance of acting or reacting right. Anger will most certainly make you overreact to offences and issues. There are very grievous offences that can make you devise cruel revenge. Some, out of bitter anger, have extended their revenge to the innocent. When a person offend you and you hit them back, you may be justified. If you extend your revenge beyond them and also destroy the innocent in retaliation, retribution will come after you and your offsprings because you touched the innocent. This is the danger of overreacting in anger. A major reason many of you are labouring under heavy generational curses; your parents or ancestors destroyed many innocent lives out of vengeance against their enemies. They didn't limit their vengeance to their enemies, they destroyed everyone in sight. When I see the heavy load of curses in the lives of some people, I marvel and say to myself "who on earth did this level of evil to others and left it for their children to inherit the curses", that revenge lost its value, it simply backfired. A revenge plan that would wreck your own innocent offsprings should be reconsidered. Hit the floor now and pray,
As from henceforth, I cease to act or react out of anger. I live and walk in the Spirit always.
Best to forgive whenever you can, pray about stubborn enemies and leave all vengeance for GOD. When you live like this, you keep your peace. Simply take many offences in your stride and move on. For recalcitrant die-hard enemies seen and unseen, settle their case in prayers. Full stop. Some people think because some evil ones have hurt me I will start cursing their human offsprings, a lie. I have never done so. No one knows the future.
3. Diverse evil influence and programming. These can make you act or react wrongly.
Place one hand on your head and the other on your chest and say this 7 times.
4. Bad counsel. Best to always stick to your Bible. Also seek GOD'S face first before taking action on any issue. HE knows best. If you stray into enemy advice, you are toast.
5. The sinful nature you inherited from Adam. Salvation in JESUS the antidote. Do it now if you are yet to do so.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, access "Ministry" link at the start page, takes you to my other ministry website, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
1. Lay before GOD and ask HIM for personal surgery from everything in you that can destroy you.
2. Destroy by fire, all influences of darkness meant to destroy you.
3. Uproot by fire all unreasonable actions and reactions from your life.
4. Pray that all those whose resources have helped to bring this message to you will be instantly delivered from all bad issues raised in this message.
5. Tell GOD that your Will reject all things contrary to soundness of reason and good judgement.
6. Begin to declare you will never act or react in any way contrary to good no matter the stimuli or provocation.
7. Begin to repent in any way you have reacted wrongly or overreact to issues. Make needed corrections and restitution where necessary. Avoid GOD'S wrath.
8. Present your other needs before GOD. Cancel by fire all things contrary to good in all areas of your life.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach me through the contact below for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the end of this service. You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy, preferably evening or any other time of the day convenient for you
1. Start with thanksgiving.
2. Go over all our Sunday service prayers again.
3. Now relax and let the HOLY SPIRIT give you additional prayer points. Just wait on HIM quietly, HE will do so.
4. Present all your needs into GOD'S hands. Cancel by fire all plans and purposes of darkness contrary to good in all areas of your life.
5. Now say the following three times,
I have received from the ministry of Apostle Tosin Oke, I decree in JESUS NAME, all the good things, spiritual and physical, both him and all those helping him to make these works available need in all areas of their lives be delivered to them in JESUS NAME. I cancel all declarations and pronouncements contrary to these in all areas of their lives in JESUS NAME.
6. Close with thanksgiving.
Ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, access "Church" link below, takes you to my other ministry website, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. All glory to GOD. Say Amen as we close
May God’s mercy and peace be upon all of you who live by these principles of GOD'S word and upon those everywhere who are really God’s own.
𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞.
+2348167409467. +2348083634059.
+2347013955690. +2348156646447.
1. Thank GOD for all things.
2. Commit our service today into GOD'S hands, ask for revelation and illumination.
3. Cancel by fire all plans of darkness against our service today.
4. Proceed to today's worship. Access below. Do not rush, take your time, it is worship time. Sing other songs you know too.
Sanctuary (Covenant Keeping GOD). All Nations Music
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, access "Ministry" link at the start page, takes you to my other ministry website, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach through the contact below for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the end of this service You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy or any time of the day convenient for you.
1. Start with thanksgiving.
2. This is a praying in the Spirit (praying as led and guided by the HOLY SPIRIT) moment. Pray as the spirit will lead you. Just start by singing praises to HIM, speak in tongues if you can and just flow as the Spirit will direct. To pray like this, put your watch aside so as not to be distracted by time.
I have a guest minister for today. I actually came across this particular message titled "INSIGHTS ON SEEING IN THE SPIRIT" by Prophet Emmanuel Okeke online and decided to share it with you. It contains a lot of things you must learn. Very loaded message. Study the message line by line and take note of all the points raised, also ensure you get the books recommended by the speaker at the end of his message. Develop your own prayer points as you listen. Meanwhile, ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, access "Church" link below, takes you to my other ministry website, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. Access insights on seeing in the spirit by Prophet Emmanuel Okeke below.
Insights on seeing in the Spirit by Prophet Emmanuel Okeke
𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞.
+2348167409467. +2348083634059.
+2347013955690. +2348156646447.
Two types of prosperity abound, good and bad. GOD wants you to have the good one that comes through godly means. Keep away from the bad, it will destroy you. Never worth it. Getting the good one does not come cheap, you must know what to do and pay the price. Well, I am still on the way there in actual physical manifestation, still trusting GOD, We can, however, journey together to arrive. Welcome on board. Let's take the trip.
Genesis 41:36. KJV
And that food shall be for store to the land against the seven years of famine, which shall be in the land of Egypt; that the land perish not through the famine.
The scriptures above speaks of a divine strategy GOD gave Egypt through Joseph to combat and survive a coming famine that engulfed the whole world then. It was the strategy of reserve or laying up in store against the days of need. This strategy made Egypt not only survive, but feed the rest of the world. Having reserves or extra is a wise strategy you should employ in all areas of your life to combat emergencies. If you live long enough, you will know that having only that which you need for now is extremely risky. You must always have alternatives in store to fall back on. Some countries have constant water supply, yet people still keep reservoirs at home filled with water; anything can happen at anytime to the water supply, reserve will keep you going. My candid advice to all is always make sure you have at least two or more of anything you must have to keep you going on a daily basis even in personal effects and home equipment. Also apply this in business. Each time you go shopping, always buy twice or more of whatever you need to run your life. Use the ones you need now and keep the rest for the dry season and emergencies. If you lack this strategy, survival will be difficult for you.
In sports, to last in contest and beat your opponents, you must train beyond what is required. You must keep extra strength. If you train and build just for the 100 meters run, you might not win. For a 100 meters race, train for 200meters. That is how to win. Ensure you can jump twice the height of any high or long jump before going in to jump. Beloved, that extra will most often save your life in the day of battle and keep you going when things go bad.
If you do not apply this rule in spiritual warfare, you might end up a casualty. If you begin to pray, study, learn, embark on spiritual exercises only when trouble comes, you might be too late. Beloved, the food you are eating now will work with the ones you ate before to keep your body going. Some have been starving their spirit for years, yet expect spiritual strength when trouble comes. The strength warriors use in battle were acquired over years of training, even when there was no battle. You don't wait for war before recruiting and training soldiers, that will be too late. I remember several years ago, when I was still quite younger, i devoured any book or messages that comes my way. There was hardly anything I did not study, even things I did not need for that season of my life. I just devoured everything and any materials I could lay my hands upon both secular and spiritual, even female issues. I had no idea those reserve knowledge will save my life in the future. I prayed all manner of prayers I came across, even though there were no reasons for such; fortunately, prayers never die even if not needed at the moment, they stay in the reserve bank of heaven for the right moment. Beloved, if I had not learnt those things back then, I would have become a spiritual casualty long ago. Years rolled by and suddenly all kinds of things I never envisaged in my life began to appear, others would have been caught by surprise and destroyed. Fortunately, as battles arose one after the other, answers and strategies I had learnt and kept in reserve years before began to help me find my way. Imagine if I had no idea what to do, nothing in reserve to combat sudden troubles, and start guessing or just plain confused; I would have been swiftly destroyed. Many prayers I prayed and kept in the storehouse of heaven years before fought for me. They all worked together with the ones I prayed when troubles came to deliver me. When the enemy began to bring certain strategies they were sure will destroy me, I smiled, why ? I learnt those strategies and how to deal with them several years before they emerged to confront me. What if I had refused to learn years back, saying "no need, all is well". When I see them come, I sit and wonder what they think I have been doing right from my teenage years, playing about ! A few Psalms I learnt years ago, even before they were needed, were sufficient. They begin to bring their zero point stuffs and I say " they wanna play, let's play". Their Zero point moves I learnt since the 90s. They ought to have known I have been to the physical jungle in prayers and back, all in the 90s. What do they think I went to do there? Watch rats ! Do they think prayers die ? They all wait for me to sleep (do they think I don't know, with their decibel measuring devices around, etc) and then gather to attack, believers in the day, devils at night. Even the prayers I prayed over 20 years ago is enough to answer them. They move in their agents around me and I wonder, same proximity moves, old story. I can write like this in humility and with all glory to GOD because I kept laying up reserve in knowledge and in prayers over 3 decades (got born-again in the 80s). All these have helped me. All glory to GOD alone.
Beloved, if you wait to marry before learning about marriage, if you wait for battles to come before learning spiritual warfare, if you wait for business troubles to come before learning about business, if you wait for poverty before learning about prosperity, if you wait for war before learning about spiritual defense and offense, etc; you might be too late.
Don't wait for troubles before you pray. Sit down now, begin to think ahead of troubles. Make a list of everything you do not want in your life; whether they are already manifesting or not, and begin to deal with them in prayers. For anyone that will survive, you must have the following things in your life reserve.
1. Good relationship and constant fellowship with GOD through JESUS CHRIST.
2. Diligent study and a thorough working knowledge of the Bible.
3. Exposure to knowledge from all areas of life, even outside your field. Learn as many good things you can learn about all issues of life.
4. A study of all materials on spiritual warfare you can lay your hands upon.
5. A firm grasp of current affairs. Don’t be foolish, you live in this world, you must be informed to the best of your ability. No knowledge is wasted. One of the wisdom nuggets I learnt early in life.
6. Doing all the good you can in giving, helping others, etc. These are reserves that will speak for you when the need arise. Such good deeds don't die. There are some good you do, though might not appear needed at the moment; just do it and let it go into your reserve store. This has saved many people from various destruction. Yes, reserve good can deliver you in the day of trouble. Beloved, I have seen the good some did years before save their lives when destruction came. Examples abound in the Bible. If you are wise, don't wait to be asked, just be good. It works !
Settle down and take your time to study this message as we unravel the mystery of a green life. What is a green life ? a life of constant and non stop supply of your needs, always having your needs met in a constant manner, no dryness in provisions of daily needs and basic necessities of life, crossing over into abundance. Furthermore, a life where no matter the cost, you will always have more than enough for your needs. The key words here are constant and continuous supply without break. Before you start shouting "I receive it", as we all do, take your time to understand the mystery, established by GOD from creation, that if understood and applied will bring you into a green life experience all the days of your life. It will move you out of financial dryness into a state of constant and continuous supply without stealing, cutting corners, doing evil or being wicked. No need to steal, a green life is available. Here is the key. Let's start with this point. You must understand that everything GOD does or say are established as spiritual laws that will always do what they are supposed to do if applied in relevant situations.
Example; the mystery of a green earth as intended by GOD. This is how things run from creation. GOD established systems that are self running in all affairs of life. The human body is a system; all organs play their part for the joint running of the body. Read your biology. Seasons and times are systems; Sun, rain, day, night, etc, all run together to complement one another, they come in at the right moment and rest at the right moment. The Sun picks up the water from rain, the water comes back as rain; non stop cycle, a system at work. All our so called inventions are just discoveries of systems already put in place by GOD, we simply work with them to produce the results already built into them. That is why we call them discoveries. They have always been there, we just didn't see them, we saw them and called them inventions or discoveries. GOD also established a system of constant feeding and nourishment that will ensure the earth never runs out of food.
Genesis 1:11. MSG
God spoke: "Earth, green up! Grow all varieties
of seed-bearing plants,
Every sort of fruit-bearing tree."
And there it was.
Earth produced green seed-bearing plants,
all varieties,
And fruit-bearing trees of all sorts.
God saw that it was good.
It was evening, it was morning—
Day Three.
Two things here, the food and the seed to multiply and produce more in them. GOD does not have to continue creating food for us on a daily basis. He perfected all things at creation and rested. HE made a self-runing world. Here is the wisdom. Every plant, fruit and animals serve two purposes: the part you eat and the ones you plant as seed and the animals you rear to produce more and multiply. Even humans have seeds in them to fertilise and produce children. A system of constant procreation already in place in every living thing GOD created.
You were meant to eat the fruit or plant and plant the seeds in them to ensure a continuous supply, no dryness in provision.
Too easy, you consume more than you return to the soil. You will surely end up in dryness and hunger when you consume both seeds and plant. You see, this is the law. Unless you plant the seeds, there will be no harvest. Once you finish consuming what you have, then hunger and lack will face you. Why ? You have violated a law of constant supply. The wisdom is this, whatever you have to consume, you divide into two parts : the ones you eat and the rest you sow. Once you do not sow, you will never reap. You don't marry a wife, perform surgery on her to remove her ovaries (eggs) and then put her in the house to produce children for you. No sane person does that. If you will not do that, why then do you consume everything that comes into your hands and then expect not to end up in lack. This is why you have been praying for prosperity for years yet never left poverty. Prayer was established for many good purposes. Prayer is good, but it is secondary when it comes to the system of constant supply.
Read this,
Isaiah 55:10. NKJV
“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
GOD gave rain and snow. HE has done HIS part. They water the earth and cause plants to germinate for two purposes: 1. seed to the sower. 2. Bread to the eater. No sane farmer will eat all his harvest. If he does that, he will one day end in poverty. Someone says, "I am not a farmer, does not apply to me". That spiritual law applies to every area of life for a person who wants to prosper and live a green life in all endeavors, including Churches and Ministries. Over the years, I have discovered that Churches and Ministries that started small and in lack but who eventually grew out of smallness and lack were Churches and Ministries that were giving to other Churches, Ministries and true ministers. They financed others though they were in need. They used the key of sacrifice to breakthrough. I know young and struggling ministries who almost emptied their Church accounts to sponsor other true ministries and ministers. Those same ministries began to receive divine help and provisions too that eventually liberated their ministries from lack and smallness. Many of them eventually went international with branches here and there. I have also seen selfish ministers and ministries, they never left the same spot, though they fasted and prayed like mad, even prayed more than those that prospered. Selfish people never prosper in any endeavor they lay their hands on, including ministry. The only way they 'prosper' is in money rituals. Once the blood money finish, they either revert to poverty or go for more blood money. Beloved, what many true Churches and Ministries need to do to come out of lack and smallness is not all the fasting, prayers, vigils, shouting, television and radio programmes, etc, they have been doing for years with no result, all these are good, but without sacrificial giving, breakthrough will still elude them. Unfortunately, many who are not born-again apply this law and prosper, yet believers and ministers who should know better violate it with reckless abandon. This is a major reason evil forces fight giving and sacrifices unto GOD because they know the power of such to liberate people from dryness. A few others and I once sponsored a Church revival somewhere, we paid for everything. Evil forces fought us all the way through diverse strategies, programming, manipulations, attempted rebellion, etc, to kill the programme and cancel it so as to sabotage our giving, full stop. Thank GOD we persevered and it was a success. They started watching out for the next programme we will sponsor to cause trouble and sabotage it. GOD saw and still see all.
As I conclude, never forget this, whatever comes into your hands (salary, good gifts, rents, benefits, profits, etc) serve two purposes : the part you eat and the part you sow.
Sowing outside farming comes as giving and using part of what you have to help others, most especially the poor, true Churches and Ministries including genuine true servants of GOD. Never let the selfishness of others stop you. You don't eat up your seed because others are eating theirs, if you do so you will both end up in lack. Don't copy others, keep sowing your seeds and keep experiencing a green life.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of
JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, access "ministry" link at the start page, takes you to my other ministry site, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
2.Go on your knees and repent before GOD for all your seeds you have consumed.
3. Ask GOD for help to rearrange and plan your life in line with the message.
4. Pray against all forces and power making you eat up your seed, receive deliverance by fire from them all.
5. Ask GOD to direct your steps to accurately plant your seeds.
6. Ask GOD for seed to sow, just as you ask for bread to eat. Actually they both come in a package, you must learn to distinguish between the two.
7. Ask GOD for wisdom to know the difference between what you should eat and what you should plant and act accordingly.
Another easy way to access the foundation class messages, 9 parts teaching. Available in my other ministry website, link at the bottom of our home page in this website. Also another quick access option, go here
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2. Enter this code 345644 in the browser
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ACCOUNT FOR SEED SOWING AND GIFTS. Please, only account numbers that you get directly from me or from my websites should be deemed authentic. Thanks.
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The Spiritual Power of Food pdf access
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I trust GOD for new sound and music equipment, mobility for ministry journeys, recording and mass production of ministry materials equipment for video, audio and printing. Money is also needed for other things and to put up programmes. Facilities as fellowship, office bases and other uses are also needed. I am already on the move, I need to do more, time is short. Help me step up and GOD will also step you up. Reach me direct.
Above all, I cannot do it alone, can you serve in any capacity with humility and submission to spiritual authority, in faithfulness and holiness, ready to learn and make sacrifices for GOD ? Pray about it and reach me. There is a room for you in my ministry once you are genuine and GOD approved. Reach me through my contacts.
Apostle Tosin Oke.
+2348167409467. +2348083634059.
+2347013955690. +2348156646447.
We have stayed online for a long time and this has been a blessing to many. Many of you have joined hands with me in fasting and prayers as I called and this has yielded very good results thus far. Some joined the prayer chain and GOD heard us.
One testimony out of many. A few ministers suddenly became connected to me, one by one they began to come forth even when they have never seen me nor known me before. The interesting thing is that all of them, prior to getting to meet me, have never heard my name nor seen me preach before, yet they were bringing one another. We set up a regular meeting and borrowed someone's living room for our first meeting. Interestingly, the person who allowed us use his living room for our first gathering for prayers and fellowship was a born-again taxi driver I met by chance. I called a cab one day on my way back home from a place and he picked me. Cab driver and passenger got talking and we discovered we were both born-again. A friendship developed and we exchanged phone numbers. He had never met me before nor ever see me preach anywhere prior to that meeting. I needed a place for a meeting with few ministers coming, I told him and he immediately allowed us come use his living room. I had no idea he was a landlord. I intended the meeting to be the first and the last, but a few who came insisted we continue meeting regularly. I complied. I had not started ministering at the meeting, others were allowed to share, I simply commented or add a few points. Before our next gathering, one of them serving under a senior Pastor told his senior Pastor about us. The senior Pastor had a Church building equipped with all the facilities, music and sound equipment needed for regular Church gathering. The senior Pastor, though having never met me, told me on phone to go ahead and do our next meeting at the Church and use all the facilities we require with absolute freedom. The first time the senior Pastor and I met was at our next newly formed ministers forum meeting. He had never seen me preach nor known me anywhere. He was already waiting for us at the Church and also immediately joined us as a member. That Church became our meeting place with all facilities at our disposal. We lacked nothing needed for a regular successful gathering. The ministers kept bringing others one by one. I had not yet started ministering, others did the sharing while I often comment, add a few points or coordinate meetings.
We started moving out in crusade and Church revival for members just setting up ministry or a Church. Everything was done in house and in love. Of course the enemy was not sleeping, they made their moves, but GOD kept us going. Our anniversary comes up soon.
It was at one of our meetings that members insisted they have been doing the sharing, it is time I start ministering to them too. It was a general demand that birthed my regular ministrations to the ministers. Some of my ministrations I have posted in my YouTube channel. Yes, some go, others join. Some drop out while new ones come in keeping the numbers small, but we are still meeting. All glory to GOD.
That testimony is to show GOD heard our prayers and began to arrange things else I would have remained an online minister only as the enemy intended or even worse; knock me out completely into ministerial oblivion. Thank GOD work is expanding. I will be addressing, based on invitation, a ministers meeting plus Church conference somewhere soon. All arrangement are in place. All glory to GOD.
Ensure you watch my recently released prayer meeting with ministers. Access below.
Will be good if such can be regular face to face meeting with people, not only ministers, as led by the HOLY SPIRIT in my Apostolic commission. Let's give birth together in prayers to WORLD PRAYER AND POWER CENTERS for more of such and other ministrations as the SPIRIT OF GOD will lead. A place where we can all gather regularly to learn, pray and receive ministrations from me as led by the SPIRIT OF GOD. This requires our collective prayer and fasting for the enemy does not want this. Therefore,
Let's do it again. Based on my schedule and other reasons, I plan to break my fast on both days by 3pm. You may break by 3pm too or extend to 6pm if you can for both days. If your health demands you drink water, please do, if not, wait till you break. No one should be hurt by this. These are the prayers to pray. All prayers in JESUS name.
1. Declare Matthew 18:19. Call forth into manifestation WORLD PRAYER AND POWER CENTERS. Tell GOD you want it.
2. Declare Psalms 33:10-11 and Proverbs 21:30 against all moves of the enemy against it.
3. Declare Isaiah 14:27. Say WORLD PRAYER AND POWER CENTERS is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.
4. Declare John 16:23. Call forth everything needed to bring it to pass.
5. Make this statement a declaration.
LORD, in the name of JESUS, we dedicate this fasting with prayers to receive from you WORLD PRAYER AND POWER CENTERS where the HOLY SPIRIT will regularly minister to us. Do it for us.
6. We hereby cancel everything that says it will not come to pass or sabotage it in any way before, during or after.
Please pass this round, let's wake up as many who will truly pray worldwide. Thank you.
If what you support will eventually come back to you, a spiritual law ; I think a wise person will always support good. In our laws on earth, anyone who tacitly (by implied or inferential manner) support a crime, becomes an accessory to the crime and is liable to punishment under the law. You did not commit the murder, but you were involved in the planning, the law sees you as part of the crime and will treat you as such. All these was copied from GOD'S laws. The patterns of GOD'S judgement, as seen in scriptures confirms this. When GOD'S judgement came upon Abimelech and his Shechem people, all of them were consumed by it (Judges chapter 9), same for Jericho, etc. The only few that GOD'S judgement never touch are those who were never part of the crime; heaven do exempt them from judgement. Unfortunately, in the patterns of GOD'S judgement, when judgement comes, it goes as far as your offsprings.
There is wickedness in this world at diverse levels, don't be part of it. The Bible makes it abundantly clear to us to stay far from evil so as not to risk being joined to its judgement which will also go after your offsprings. That is why I have reiterated on several occasions, anyone wanting to recruit people for evil (anything contrary to good, purity and godliness); believers, unbelievers and even true ministers of the Gospel alike always their target for recruitment, should stay far away from me, I don't tolerate such. Stay away lest you risk instant destruction.
Thank GOD for HIS Mercy, in spite of the wickedness in this world, GOD, by HIS Mercy, gave us an escape route. The manifestation of GOD'S Mercy through JESUS, establishing the Church as the channel of Divine Mercy to undo whatever evil has done, give us Salvation from eternal destruction, intervene when death and destruction are to hit and to bring the hand of GOD upon the affairs of man.
St. John 1:17 B. KJV
...but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Right from when GOD'S Mercy came through JESUS, the wickedness in this world has resolutely fought it. The nature of evil destroys and attacks whatever is good. Divine Mercy is good, the Church is good, evil has hunted them since the days of JESUS. That is the way it will be till the end of the world. If you think evil forces will suddenly love you because you are born-again or a true servant of GOD because of their apparent niceness to you, you are deluded. Their pretence of being born-again is to get close enough to you to destroy you. Full stop.
Well, if you are wise, you will support Divine Mercy, one sure way to receive Mercy. In support of Divine Mercy, let all the wise worldwide do this.
Let us pray for the Church in support of GOD'S Mercy for the world. JANUARY 7TH AND 8TH, 2025. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY should be set apart for fasting and prayers for the true Church global. A very simple assignment. Just shelve breakfast and lunch each day and break in the evening. I might break earlier for certain reasons, but I will advise you take it to evening each day before breaking. If your health or other reasons will not allow you reach evening, try breaking by 3pm. The prayer we are to pray most important. This is why you should pray when your body is still strong each day and not when weak, so you can pray well. If you cannot bear no water for whatever reason, please drink water until you break. I do not want anyone to be hurt by this. One prayer.
We as the people of this world intercede on behalf of the Church, we ask the Mercy of GOD will again sweep through the world through the true Church, not the false one, to execute the exact purpose for which the Church was established. As it is written in
Isaiah 14:24. KJV
The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:
Isaiah 14:27. KJV
For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?
Support evil reap evil, support Divine Mercy reap Mercy.
𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞.
*In case you want to proceed on this assignment immediately, even before the date, please feel free to go ahead*
Bible true events written for us are filled with spiritual truths released for our enlightenment. These incidents clearly reveal to us many behind the scene operations that birth the events that manifested. The Bible never hide these truths from us. The book of revelation clearly spelt out the things happening on earth and why they are so. The Bible is so clear about future events too and when they will take place. From Genesis to Malachi, you have so many true events you can't exhaust in terms of deep spiritual mysteries about life they reveal. Beloved, stop calling them Bible stories; they contain deep mysteries of heaven and earth. All events, good or bad, are simply tips of the iceberg birthed by unseen laws and forces. When you understand those laws and forces and can turn them in your favor, unfavorable events will adjust accordingly.
Mind you, laws and forces are not things you trifle with. One day, the LORD led me to start studying the subject of curses as taught in the Bible. Too many Bible events recorded as history in the books before Matthew makes the subject very clear. You don't even need any special revelation to know exactly why certain things happened and the laws and forces at work. Those stories state them very clearly. If a blessing is at work, it states it and then proceed to tell us how it produced the events that followed. If a curse is at work, it states it and then proceed to show us very clearly how it produces the destruction that followed. If people's mistakes are responsible, not a curse or blessing, it states it and then shows us how the mistakes produces the consequences that followed. If GOD is sovereignly at work, it states it and shows us exactly how GOD operates to bring to pass what HE wants. Those true life events did not hide anything from us, even GOD fully exposed the diverse manifestations of HIS nature without hiding anything from us. When I studied those stories and saw GOD in HIS true nature; I understood why disobeying GOD even in the smallest things is certain suicide and destruction. When I read many of those events, I say to myself "it is better never to have been born than to experience the anger of GOD ". A major truth I saw in all those stories is the fact that you can either be a victim of destruction you know nothing about or a partaker of blessings you know nothing about.
Before I proceed, do not think I have come to scare you, far from it. There are spiritual legal ways of escaping curses, all these I have taught in my previous teachings. The summary is this, the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross which you must accept for it to work for you combined with your own sacrifices for GOD which might include suffering for CHRIST and denying yourself for HIM plus some sacrificial giving in various forms are all needed for you to escape curses, especially generational. Restitution, where possible, might also be needed to escape certain curses.
Now that you know the way out, let us delve into the subject of curses. My research, done years back, took me into many scriptures which I cannot exhaust in this short teaching. There are so many types of curses, too many to mention here. Those Bible stories and incidents spell them out, most of those curses were specifically described and named. Just an example.
Nahum 3:5. Living Bible Version
[5]“No wonder I stand against you,” says the Lord Almighty; “and now all the earth will see your nakedness and shame.
You now understand why the Bible says
Psalms 111:10. NKJV
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.
His praise endures forever.
I wish to show you a curse that operates in a unique way. The lessons here are so much. Stop doing evil. Stop throwing words around in anger. Many things move GOD; prayers and praises some of them. That is all some of us know. Other things also move GOD. When you do good out of a sincere heart, not for gain, and people bless you out of appreciation, it moves GOD to bring to pass for you the blessings pronounced on you. Events will then arise to bring those blessings to pass for you. Too many examples in the Bible abound. When you do evil and those hurt curse you, whatever curse they pronounce stands. These curses also move GOD to bring to pass against you whatever the curse specifies. Events and forces to bring those curses to pass simply arise as a result of those curses (a law). Think I am wrong, sit down and take your time to go through the following true incident as recorded in the Bible. Makes real sense why you should always do good, avoid unnecessary curses. Study this story again and again.......
Judges 9:1-22,24-47,49-56. Living Bible Version
[1]One day Gideon’s son Abimelech visited his uncles—his mother’s brothers—in Shechem.
[2]“Go and talk to the leaders of Shechem,” he requested, “and ask them whether they want to be ruled by seventy kings—Gideon’s seventy sons—or by one man—meaning me, your own flesh and blood!”
[3]So his uncles went to the leaders of the city and proposed Abimelech’s scheme; and they decided that since his mother was a native of their town they would go along with it.
[4]They gave him money from the temple offerings of the idol Baal-berith, which he used to hire some worthless loafers who agreed to do whatever he told them to.
[5]He took them to his father’s home at Ophrah and there, upon one stone, they slaughtered all seventy of his half brothers, except for the youngest, Jotham, who escaped and hid.
[6]Then the citizens of Shechem and Beth-millo called a meeting under the oak beside the garrison at Shechem, and Abimelech was acclaimed king of Israel.
[7]When Jotham heard about this, he stood at the top of Mount Gerizim and shouted across to the men of Shechem, “If you want God’s blessing, listen to me!
[8]Once upon a time the trees decided to elect a king. First they asked the olive tree,
[9]but it refused.
“‘Should I quit producing the olive oil that blesses God and man, just to wave to and fro over the other trees?’ it asked.
[10]“Then they said to the fig tree, ‘You be our king!’
[11]“But the fig tree also refused. ‘Should I quit producing sweetness and fruit just to lift my head above all the other trees?’ it asked.
[12]“Then they said to the grapevine, ‘You reign over us!’
[13]“But the grapevine replied, ‘Shall I quit producing the wine that cheers both God and man, just to be mightier than all the other trees?’
[14]“Then all the trees finally turned to the thorn bush. ‘You be our king!’ they explained.
[15]“And the thorn bush replied, ‘If you really want me, come and humble yourselves beneath my shade! If you refuse, let fire flame forth from me and burn down the great cedars of Lebanon!’
[16]“Now make sure that you have done the right thing in making Abimelech your king, that you have done right by Gideon and all of his descendants.
[17]For my father fought for you and risked his life and delivered you from the Midianites,
[18]yet you have revolted against him and killed his seventy sons upon one stone. And now you have chosen his slave girl’s son, Abimelech, to be your king just because he is your relative.
[19]If you are sure that you have done right by Gideon and his descendants, then may you and Abimelech have a long and happy life together.
[20]But if you have not been fair to Gideon, then may Abimelech destroy the citizens of Shechem and Beth-millo; and may they destroy Abimelech!”
[21]Then Jotham escaped and lived in Beer for fear of his brother, Abimelech.
[22](22-23) Three years later God stirred up trouble between King Abimelech and the citizens of Shechem, and they revolted.
[24]In the events that followed, both Abimelech and the citizens of Shechem who aided him in butchering Gideon’s seventy sons were given their just punishment for these murders.
[25]For the men of Shechem set an ambush for Abimelech along the trail at the top of the mountain. (While they were waiting for him to come along, they robbed everyone else who passed that way.) But someone warned Abimelech about their plot.
[26]At that time Gaal (the son of Ebed) moved to Shechem with his brothers, and he became one of the leading citizens.
[27]During the harvest feast at Shechem that year, held in the temple of the local god, the wine flowed freely and everyone began cursing Abimelech.
[28]“Who is Abimelech,” Gaal shouted, “and why should he be our king? Why should we be his servants? He and his friend Zebul should be our servants. Down with Abimelech!
[29]Make me your king and you’ll soon see what happens to Abimelech! I’ll tell Abimelech, ‘Get up an army and come on out and fight!’”
[30]But when Zebul, the mayor of the city, heard what Gaal was saying, he was furious.
[31]He sent messengers to Abimelech in Arumah telling him, “Gaal, son of Ebed, and his relatives have come to live in Shechem, and now they are arousing the city to rebellion against you.
[32]Come by night with an army and hide out in the fields;
[33]and in the morning, as soon as it is daylight, storm the city. When he and those who are with him come out against you, you can do with them as you wish!”
[34]So Abimelech and his men marched through the night and split into four groups, stationing themselves around the city.
[35]The next morning as Gaal sat at the city gates, discussing various issues with the local leaders, Abimelech and his men began their march upon the city.
[36]When Gaal saw them, he exclaimed to Zebul, “Look over at that mountain! Doesn’t it look like people coming down?”
“No!” Zebul said. “You’re just seeing shadows that look like men!”
[37]“No, look over there,” Gaal said. “I’m sure I see people coming toward us. And look! There are others coming along the road past the oak of Meonenim!”
[38]Then Zebul turned on him triumphantly. “Now where is that big mouth of yours?” he demanded. “Who was it who said, ‘Who is Abimelech, and why should he be our king?’ The men you taunted and cursed are right outside the city! Go on out and fight!”
[39]So Gaal led the men of Shechem into the battle and fought with Abimelech,
[40]but was defeated, and many of the men of Shechem were left wounded all the way to the city gate.
[41]Abimelech was living at Arumah at this time, and Zebul drove Gaal and his relatives out of Shechem and wouldn’t let them live there any longer.
[42]The next day the men of Shechem went out to battle again. However, someone had told Abimelech about their plans,
[43]so he had divided his men into three groups hiding in the fields. And when the men of the city went out to attack, he and his men jumped up from their hiding places and began killing them.
[44]Abimelech stormed the city gate to keep the men of Shechem from getting back in, while his other two groups cut them down in the fields.
[45]The battle went on all day before Abimelech finally captured the city, killed its people, and leveled it to the ground.
[46]The people at the nearby town of Migdal saw what was happening and took refuge in the fort next to the temple of Baal-berith.
[47](47-48) When Abimelech learned of this, he led his forces to Mount Zalmon where he began chopping a bundle of firewood, and placed it upon his shoulder. “Do as I have done,” he told his men.
[49]So each of them quickly cut a bundle and carried it back to the town where, following Abimelech’s example, the bundles were piled against the walls of the fort and set on fire. So all the people inside died, about a thousand men and women.
[50]Abimelech next attacked the city of Thebez, and captured it.
[51]However, there was a fort inside the city and the entire population fled into it, barricaded the gates, and climbed to the top of the roof to watch.
[52]But as Abimelech was preparing to burn it,
[53]a woman on the roof threw down a millstone. It landed on Abimelech’s head, crushing his skull.
[54]“Kill me!” he groaned to his youthful armor bearer. “Never let it be said that a woman killed Abimelech!”
So the young man pierced him with his sword, and he died.
[55]When his men saw that he was dead, they disbanded and returned to their homes.
[56](56-57) Thus God punished both Abimelech and the men of Shechem for their sin of murdering Gideon’s seventy sons. So the curse of Jotham, Gideon’s son, came true.
1. Abimelech was of strange blood.
2. He did evil, his mother's people joined him.
3. Jotham specified a curse.
4. GOD heard it and was moved.
5. GOD executed it, bringing to pass the events that followed.
6. Events arose to bring the curse (a law) to pass.
7. The curse ran all parties involved to play their part. It ran all the people to the letter. Curses can make people you never expected to turn against you do so. It all depends on what the curse wants to achieve.
8. The specifics of the curse played out to the letter, though an ordinary person issued it being the aggrieved. It moved GOD.
Ensure you go through "Always Do Good. Part 1" before proceeding with this one, will help you understand. JESUS often spoke in parables, the parables contained spiritual truths that are timeless. They show us ways out of diverse destruction. Parables are spiritual lessons being taught in form of stories. I still wonder how any right thinking person can ignore the words of JESUS, knowing HE came down from heaven. I will use the same parable strategy in this 2nd part. Sit down and diligently study this story.
Once upon a time in a great empire was a very powerful king. He ruled a vast empire of many kingdoms and subjects. He had many soldiers, chiefs and various key officers in places throughout his empire to assist in running the huge kingdom. He had sovereignty over all issues. One day, a few people in one of the cities he ruled committed a treasonable offence, they also shed innocent blood. The king was enraged. What they did was in direct violation of the laws of the land. Judgement was passed. The king ordered all in the city wiped out since such acts are known to instigate more if not quickly nipped in the bud.
When the verdict reached the inhabitants of the city, there were various reactions. The culprits were hardened, they didn't give a damn about the judgement, the king can do whatever he wants. Others simply didn't care, they still went about their normal activities as if nothing will happen to them. Many ignored the verdict. The king, knowing his soldiers will soon descend on them to kill them all; decided to send them warnings in advance, probably they will find a way of escape. He sent some emissaries to their market places and gatherings to warn them of the coming judgement. These emissaries were booed, some stoned, a few captured and killed by the same people they were trying to warn so they can escape the king's wrath. Many simply ignored the warnings. They continued as if the king's wrath is nothing to them.
Only ten men and women in the entire city heard the warnings and the coming judgement and feared. They decided to appease the king's wrath. They enquired the things the king like and bought a few of such items. They also took from some of their farm produce, packed all the gifts and went to see the king. They got to the Palace and started singing the king's praise. This attracted the king's attention. They were ushered into the king's presence. They knelt and prostrated before the king, presenting their gifts to him and pleading for mercy. They cried and begged to be exempted from the judgement. They were sincere and truly sorry for what their people did.
The king was moved. He stood up from his throne, raised them up from their kneeling and prostrating position and hugged them. Their hearts were pure. He collected their gifts and arranged rooms for them to lodge. They were well fed and cared for by his servants. He kept them safe with him. While they were with him, soldiers descended on the city and killed all the people, nothing was left alive, only those ten people stayed safe because they were with the king and appeased his wrath. He showed them mercy. They later returned to the city with various gifts from the king, multiple fold of what they gave to the king. They continued living and remained at peace. Only those ten escaped the king's wrath, the rest perished.
Story ends.
Isaiah 66:1-5. NKJV. Emphasis Mine.
True Worship and False
Thus says the Lord:
“Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist,” Says the Lord.
“But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.
“He who kills a bull is as if he slays a man; He who sacrifices a lamb, as if he breaks a dog’s neck; He who offers a grain offering, as if he offers swine’s blood; He who burns incense, as if he blesses an idol.
Just as they have chosen their own ways, And their soul delights in their abominations, So will I choose their delusions, And bring their fears on them; Because, when I called, no one answered, When I spoke they did not hear; But they did evil before My eyes, And chose that in which I do not delight.
” The Lord Vindicates Zion
Hear the word of the Lord, You who tremble at His word: “Your brethren who hated you, Who cast you out for My name’s sake, said, ‘Let the Lord be glorified, That we may see your joy.’
But they shall be ashamed.”
Start by reading this Psalm to GOD as a prayer for yourself. Psalms 103:11-18. Do this before proceeding.
1. Your character, you attract what you are and repel what you are not.
2. The level of your exposure, wisdom and understanding. Your body structure is not wisdom. Many with fine shape and figure have ended in bad marriage. Your desire to have good marriage is not wisdom, it is just a wish that might or might not come to pass depending on other factors. Your age is not wisdom even though it is expected to translate to it. Best you watch, listen, read and learn all you can about the subject of marriage before you venture into it. Some acquire wisdom after making the mistake. Best to acquire wisdom so as to avoid making the mistake. I advice you learn marriage first from the Bible and other good Gospel materials established on what the Bible says about marriage. Avoid worldly mindset about marriage, this has ruined many people.
3. Your mindset on life issues will also determine who you marry. If you are the greedy type, it will determine your choice. You must reason right to choose right. Let the Bible adjust your mindset on marriage.
4. Above all, and this is by far the most important point, how much of GOD'S Mercy you operate under determines who you marry. Best you sit and study this point diligently. Serious spiritual power play comes to force when it comes to marriage. This has pushed countless souls into marriages that destroyed them. Outside GOD'S Mercy, you cannot escape this. There are so many evil strategies evil forces can use to matchmake you. Many, they have captured. True Pastors children are no exception, they are often among the greatest casualty since they take many things for granted. Most true ministers children are married by agents of darkness. Best you believe this coming point. Consequences of spiritual laws violated called generational curses can also push you into bad marriage. You are too young to know what your parents, grandparents, etc, did to marry or how they have destroyed others through marriage. The consequences will come for you, though you are innocent. The only escape route for you is not just prayers, but the Mercy of GOD you can access to escape these consequences. The question is how do you access this Mercy. Follow the following steps.
A. Go on your knees now and surrender your life to JESUS as the first step to access this Mercy. Confess HIM as your LORD and Saviour. Go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Very important.
B. If you are still single, begin to fast and pray on your knees before GOD to show you Mercy from bad marriage coming for you. Just cry for Mercy on a regular basis. Only GOD can save you here, if not, you will gladly walk into a marriage that will destroy you without you suspecting a thing.
C. Ask GOD for specific directions on what you must do to get a good spouse. Get ready to do whatever HE says which will definitely be sacrificial. This is a major key to accessing Mercy. A brother saw a woman and liked her. He was already contemplating marrying her when GOD told him to do something sacrificial for HIM. This will make him deny himself for a while. He obeyed GOD. Immediately he did, he had a revelation. He saw himself falling into a ditch of death as he attempted marriage and he woke up. That marriage would have ended in his death. Events later confirmed it. The woman was a fake. Sacrifices unto GOD and prayers delivered him. He then decided to dig a little into his own family history. The discovery shocked him. His spiritualist grandfather was a specialist in using female agents to kill and destroy men. The curse was coming for him, but the Mercy of GOD he accessed through Salvation in JESUS, prayers, holy living and sacrifices unto GOD saved him. The question is this, what if he had not denied himself for GOD through sacrificial service unto HIM and sacrificial giving to GOD, the curse would have given him an assassin as a wife. Do you know how many such operations go on daily worldwide ? You cannot finish watching such real life documentaries available in videos online and on TV. I have watched so much to know that death often hide under relationship, courtship and marriage to kill and destroy. In many cases in some western countries when people die or get missing, their spouse are often the first suspect, the shocker is this, the Police are quite often right. This is so common in some specific Western countries, I wonder why. 60% of murders in those countries are committed by boyfriends, girlfriends, fiance, fiancées, husbands or wives. Go online and research this. I have lost count of many such cases I have watched. Such marriage might be heading your way without you being aware. Were those murdered by their partners expecting it ? No. If they have received GOD'S Mercy, the death would have been averted.
Beloved, when it comes to making marital choice, I strongly advice you, if still single, to get ready to begin to serve GOD in a sacrificial way, including giving. This has the ability to deliver you from generational curse coming for you through marriage. Some sufferings and giving to GOD are for your own good. Throw away all the rules that tells you this is the way matchmaking work, you cannot dictate to GOD. Sister, GOD can ask you to be the person to start spending on the brother contrary to worldly dictate, if you love yourself, obey fast. That might be the sacrifice to deliver you from evil marriage. Only GOD knows how HE will matchmake you, best you learn to hear HIM fast. In your own best and eternal interest, stay far away from the advice of worldly friends and agents of darkness amongst brethren. Today they outnumber us by 10,000 to 1.
What are you waiting for, fall on your face before GOD and begin to cry to HIM for Mercy.
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MAY 16TH, 2024. 8:43PM.
And the hand said "come to me", yes the wind said "come to me", the flame said "come to have a bathe, wear my clothes, carry my radiance"; the eyes of love said "look on me and taste the essence, carry the fragrance " they come in the crucible of the treasure, they will carry the aura. The time is now.
Let all who read fall on their knees, raise their hands to heaven and say "THIS IS MY WILL, LORD, HERE I COME".
More of The Prophetic, go here https://www.apostletosinoke.org/prophetic_watch.html
Don't Ignore !
1 Corinthians 9:24-27. AMP
Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but [only] one receives the prize? So run [your race] that you may lay hold [of the prize] and make it yours. Now every athlete who goes into training conducts himself temperately and restricts himself in all things. They do it to win a wreath that will soon wither, but we [do it to receive a crown of eternal blessedness] that cannot wither. Therefore I do not run uncertainly (without definite aim). I do not box like one beating the air and striking without an adversary. But [like a boxer] I buffet my body [handle it roughly, discipline it by hardships] and subdue it, for fear that after proclaiming to others the Gospel and things pertaining to it, I myself should become unfit [not stand the test, be unapproved and rejected as a counterfeit].
Some vital lessons from the scriptures above. We all run, but not all will finish well. You have a role to play to ensure you finish well. Though you are saved and also a Gospel preacher, you may still end in hell if you are not careful and live in strict discipline and obedience to GOD. The scriptures above was written to believers, those who are born-again, who have confessed JESUS as their LORD and Saviour. As a foundation for this message, let me make it clear to you that there are many who once gave their lives to JESUS just as you have done, some who were called by GOD, preached the Gospel and even taught people to shun hell and go to heaven; but unfortunately who are today in hell for many reasons. They took many things for granted. Some ran well and walked with GOD for decades but somewhere towards the end of their lives, they made a slip, died and went to hell. Many people thought are in heaven are, unfortunately, in hell. Many lived rough and heading for hell, yet towards the end of their lives, made peace with GOD, died and went to heaven, the irony of this race. Why these twists in the lives of people. Let me first make it clear to you that a decision was taken long ago by Satan and his hosts to send every soul on earth to hell through various means. Those born-again a major target. The born-again ones and true servants of GOD who are not just heading for heaven but leading multitudes there they hate with passion and will do all in their power to sabotage their faith and walk with GOD so as to capture them and send them to hell. Beloved, being born-again makes you a prime target for evil forces to capture you and return you to the path of hell. Why do you think many treat you without the slightest regard for your faith and do all they can to make you compromise and return to sin. They know you are born-again, yet you are the one they ask to give bribes, tell lies, commit fraud, accept evil gifts, practice sexual immorality, kill, join evil works, etc. Many true believers have been denied of their rights even in their places of work, some persecuted, many sacked from their places of work, some rejected, etc, all because they maintained their stand for holiness and righteousness. What you experience is a manifestation of a grand conspiracy to send all to hell, especially true born-again persons and true ministers of the Gospel on their assured way to heaven. They can't stand your going to heaven. Many agents join the Church just to capture true believers and genuine ministers and send them to hell. They have evil gifts specially designed to demonise you and send you to hell. This they always use to target true believers and genuine ministers of the Gospel. Why do you think those who are ungodly are always desperate to get close to and make friends with genuine holy believers and true ministers of the Gospel and gradually wish to turn them to their path ? Why will some leave all the other men and women in the neighbourhood, ready to sleep with them and come after you for sin, saying they are in love; a lie from hell. Beloved, your going to heaven is what is bringing them after you. Full stop. Destroy them in prayers before they destroy you. Spiritually gentle believers don't last. Evil forces 'play dirty'. Some get so desperate to destroy you that they even move into your neighbourhood, join your Church, go about reporting you and your holy living, attack you, come after you with charms, withold good things meant for you, etc, just to make you compromise, go into sin, get captured and sent to hell. When they come after you in such manner, retaliate with dangerous prayers immediately or else they won't stop coming.
Apostle Paul knew this, thus the scriptures above he wrote to the Corinthian Church. Beloved,
Unfortunately, many true believers and even true ministers of the Gospel make mistakes that eventually get them captured and returned to the path of hell. Yes, many get captured and sent to hell. Many have been captured as I write. Here are some mistakes many make that makes them captives.
1. They fall for heresy and false doctrines. Reject vehemently any message that makes light of holy living. It has always been a standard practice of darkness to invade the Church with lies and heresies. Example below.
Jude 1:3-4. Living Bible Version
[3]Dearly loved friends, I had been planning to write you some thoughts about the salvation God has given us, but now I find I must write of something else instead, urging you to stoutly defend the truth that God gave once for all to his people to keep without change through the years.
[4]I say this because some godless teachers have wormed their way in among you, saying that after we become Christians we can do just as we like without fear of God’s punishment. The fate of such people was written long ago, for they have turned against our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
2. They flee certain self denying and sacrificial process that GOD designed for them to free them from everything in their lives that can still send them to hell. Some of these things are: negative hereditary character and mindset (greed, envy, lust, stubbornness, etc,), generational curses, bad marriage, negative situations and circumstances that can destroy them, evil relationship, etc. This is one major area many believers and true ministers fail. I have preached, walked, slept on empty stomach, not knowing what I will eat in the morning, yet I did not compromise. The slightest discomfort and many fight GOD even though they are believers, not knowing GOD allowed it as needed surgery for their preservation from future destruction. Beloved, some sacrificial giving can save you from situations and circumstance that would have sent you to hell. My experience in ministry and as a believer of several years have shown me that it is in this area of willingness to suffer and make sacrifices for GOD that many true believers and ministers fail, thus their eventual capture and destruction. Reject any message that tells you there is no suffering in CHRIST. Some are for your own good. If you cannot give sacrificially unto GOD when necessary, you might not last in this race.
Matthew 16:24. MSG
Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for?
James 1:2. MSG
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
Reject any message contrary to the above, they will destroy you. I have seen believers and ministers run from me because I asked for help, their same character to all. They eventually get captured and destroyed. I grew up with many young believers years back, I consistently lived and still live in sacrifices unto GOD, I joyfully and gladly deny myself for GOD and others; many others could not, so sad to say, most of them today have been captured or dead, though we all grew up together in the faith.
3. They, out of selfish, greedy purposes or other reasons, flee GOD arranged relationships that would have helped them and gravitate towards those that will eventually destroy them. I see this everywhere. A major reason many true believers and ministers are in hell today. Evil forces used relationship to destroy them.
4. Some outrightly disobey GOD. Some grow big and begin to question GOD. A sure route to assured captivity. Anything GOD tells you is for your own good, even if you do not understand, always obey HIM.
5. Many fall for evil gifts. Pray hard against this, it can send you to hell.
6.Some end in the wrong congregation and are captured. Seek GOD'S face before you join a Church. Ensure the Church or ministry you join is under GOD.
Beloved, after Salvation divine process begins. Salvation is not the end, it is the beginning of a life long work of GOD in your life, cooperate fully with HIM for your own good.
Hit the floor now and ask GOD to completely remove from your life everything that will not make you end well or finish well. If this message has touched on your mistakes, run now and make necessary corrections. Need counselling, reach me. Kindly share this message, translate if need be, you may save someone.
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By "Stepping Up" I mean change from one level to another. Upward movement in life for good. Mobility is tonic. You move from one financial level to an higher one. Your business move up, your ministry move up. Your life move up, you experience change. You cannot taste or enjoy the level you have never attained. Many have tried to move but find it hard. They look at the level they want but it keeps eluding them, many factors responsible. Many eventually resort to evil and wicked means to attain those levels. That is not the goal of this message. Best you stay at the same spot than sell your soul, cut corners or do evil to change level. There are a few scriptural and good steps you can take to change level for good. Here are some of them.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of
JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, access "ministry" link at the start page, takes you to my other ministry website, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
2. Start praying and laying all your plans to move higher before GOD. You might not see the manifestations immediately, but trust me, GOD hears you. There are a few other things you will need to add to a very good prayer life if you are to rise higher.
3. You must be spiritually sound and informed about spiritual things. Why ? 60 % of the things hindering your rising in life are spiritual and unseen in nature. If you are not spiritually sound, they can hinder you. The steps to take are not difficult. Simply study your Bible and do whatever it says. I strongly advice you to go through my messages in my websites and other places, copy, go over them over and over; obey all instructions for your own good. Never forget the truth of this world,
Proverbs 24:3-5. MSG
It takes wisdom to build a house,
and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; It takes knowledge to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies. It's better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel.
The Bible is the best motivational speaker ever, the scriptures above just showed you the way.
4. Pray to GOD to give you true spiritual understanding and direct your path to the right wisdom that will help you in life.
5. Pray to GOD for specific divine direction and the grace to obey. This is most important. Your rising is a trip, it is not a day's journey. Only GOD knows the way. You must be accurate in direction lest you miss your desired destination. If you can get it right in divine direction, you have a chance. If you miss it there, you might not arrive.
6. Having discovered your GOD-given path in life, best you begin to gather all the knowledge you can about your goal. If business, begin to learn about the specific business, if ministry, settle down and learn all you can about the work of GOD. Get all the materials and resources you need to be the best in your chosen purpose. A major error i have seen in people's lives is ignorance. Many just stood up and ran with little or no knowledge. If you operate that way, you will fail too fast. Just look at the way some people run business, some are their own problem, not an enemy.
7. One of the best keys you must have that will bring the hand of GOD upon you to help you rise is giving to GOD. This must be done in accuracy so as not to waste your resources. This singular key can unlock doors for you. As from henceforth, before you give, ask GOD to direct you. HE will. Obey immediately. If you miss it here, you might not step up. Many give but in the wrong place and to the wrong persons. One of the things I am sure GOD will ask you to do is either to start giving to a true work of GOD or a true man of GOD or serve in a sacrificial way in a true work of GOD. It is in your best interest to obey HIM.
8. Is there anything you are doing and you want to rise in it, be it business or ministry, minister to GOD from that which you are doing and trust GOD to lift you. Let it come out of your work and see GOD come into that work. I advice you partner with me and the work I do, it works.
I trust GOD for new sound and music equipment, mobility for ministry journeys, recording and mass production of ministry materials equipment for video, audio and printing. Money is also needed for other things and to put up programmes. Facilities as fellowship, office bases and other uses are also needed. I am already on the move, I need to do more, time is short. Help me step up and GOD will also step you up. Reach me direct. Access "ministry" link below and go to contacts page or see below
Apostle Tosin Oke.
+2348167409467. +2348083634059.
+2347013955690. +2348156646447.
Above all, I cannot do it alone, can you serve in any capacity with humility and submission to spiritual authority, in faithfulness and holiness, ready to learn and make sacrifices for GOD ? Pray about it and reach me. There is a room for you in my ministry once you are genuine and GOD approved. Reach me through my contacts. Let us pray.
1. Pray this prayer for me and my ministry.
LORD, in the name of JESUS, send the seed, arms and legs to take this work further and higher; ignite the process and bring the harvest of self running and self sufficient ministry in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
2. Take all the points above into prayers and act accordingly.
Many manifest diverse character and nature that can destroy, their origin are diverse. 90% are hereditary. Biology makes it clear that you collected 80% of what you are from your parents. However, experience has shown that you can still turn out different if you choose to. The Will to choose and change is a great asset GOD has endowed us with. We have seen children born by same parents turn out differently, though came through the same blood. They made different choices.
Among many negative and wicked traits many manifest is envy. See what the Bible says about it.
Job 5:2. KJV
For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one.
If there is anything you must fight with all the prayers to GOD and control you can muster, it is envy. If it is in you, it will make you think, act, speak in most wicked manner. You will commit murder. A man confessed how he laced his neighbour's shoes with deadly charms that killed him just because he bought a car. Full stop. Envy has no reason, it reacts venomously and most wickedly to whatever is good or tries to outshine others. There are degrees of envy though. Some cannot stand anything good around them, they attack it and if possible do something about it. Others are not like that, if you are at the same level with them, they are cool, but any attempt to outshine them they come after you. It is like a fire that burns in you making you restless and furious wanting to quench whatever is activating it. You have no idea how many lives have been wasted, destinies destroyed, wickedness unleashed, etc, all as a result of envy. The only offence some committed that sent them to their early graves is that they are good or they did well.
Proverbs 27:4. GNT
Anger is cruel and destructive, but it is nothing compared to jealousy.
A clear example to show envy is at work in you is if the person you hate or despise is good (not wicked), has done no wrong, has some good things going on for him or her, never hurt you; yet you hate him or her. That is envy, get rid of it. When you see yourself looking around for bad news about a good person so you can feel at peace, that is envy. When you are so desperate to see a good person turned to bad, hated and despised, his or her good reputation tarnished or destroyed, to see them brought to shame and disgrace; that is envy. When you look for those who despise an innocent person and gather with them to speak evil of him or her with glee and joy; that is envy. When you smile at some good people before their face and stab them when they are not there, that is envy. When you begin to look for evil means to bring down a good and successful person, that is envy. If a person is evil and people go out to stop them or destroy them, that is not envy, but judgement. Take note, no sane person attacks good, envy hate good and attacks good.
Another cause of envy is if you lack certain good things of life or are not able to attain them after several attempts; suddenly, your peers begin to acquire that which you have struggled over years to get and you hate them for it, that is envy. Fight it. That is a major weakness in many. There are spirits of envy that can make you manifest envy. Having experienced their operations over years, I am able to suspect their operations wherever I see it. Spirits of envy can be dispatched against you to destroy you. When you begin to notice sudden hatred for no just cause rise against you from all corners and your good is being spoken of in an evil manner, gang-ups here and there from people you know or don't know, etc, spirits of envy are at work against you. You must embark on serious prayers or else they will mercilessly destroy or kill you. Spirits of envy are among the most wicked forces of hell. They can be dispatched against you. You will begin to experience sudden and unexplained hostility even when you have done nothing wrong, envy is at work. One thing they do often is to stir up envy and hatred against you from people. They can use lies or any strategy to achieve this. An experience of mine.
Years ago, while I was still trusting GOD for daily needs and still having challenges in some areas of my life. I was living my simple life, praying and going about my daily activities, stories began to circulate from GOD knows where, that I had some buildings, wealth, I had never owned back then in my entire life. I said "back then" because I am trusting GOD for such and I believe HIM. It can still happen. I did not have any of those things, in fact I really needed money then and would have appreciated some help. All of a sudden, people I do not know and probably some who knew me and heard the lies began to speak bad of me. Envy was ignited based on lies. I mean some took my name to herbalists to destroy me. Some sought out enemies to team up with them for my destruction. One or more began to throw deadly charms on my house in the dead of the night. Gang-ups here and there, even from those who have never met me in their lives. They heard "wealth" and came after me. If not for GOD, I would have died without knowing why or who killed me. Many have been killed that way. People's envy killed them. Let me show you how that operation was carried out by evil forces.
Evil spirits of envy were dispatched against me as a result of the work of GOD I do in setting captives free and praying for people. They were meant to mobilise hatred against me to destroy me. They needed something to ignite that hatred in certain people and use them against me. They created a lie of wealth for me (this does not mean I hate wealth, I will still lay hold on it in JESUS NAME) and began to work on the mind of those who were susceptible to envy to turn them against me. They had success. Without the influence of these spirits, it would not have been that bad. Those already possessed were also used against me.
A warning here, mind how you react to good reports about good people, spirits of envy might be attempting to use you, don't give them the chance. When someone is desperately attempting to stir up hatred in you against a good person, walk away in your own interest, a spirit of envy might be at work trying to recruit you in their evil operation.
Whatever you do not have should not make you hate those who have. I am over 50 yrs and still never married, thanks to the wickedness and envy of some evil people. One of the things I have suffered as a result of my faithfulness to GOD. Let me digress a little. It is most unfortunate that many of the born-again sisters we have in this generation are too spiritually weak and gullible, they lack spiritual grit (fortitude), stamina and are not ready to make sacrifices for GOD; majority have been captured and destroyed through marriage. I still marvel at the cheap way they played some sisters away from me, even when they saw clear undisputable revelation of me as their man; yet they were still deceived and married by agents with wealth. You have no idea how many born-again sister virgins agents in Church have married and cloned spiritually, sending them to hell through marriage. This is why all sisters must go through my page in my website devoted to women issues to help yourself. Before I continue with my subject, let me just say this to all genuine born-again people who are still single,
I still know many fire brothers quite good and faithful unto GOD but not rich still experiencing what I experienced. Born-again sisters are bypassing them to go marry wicked souls. Some of these fire brothers are getting close to 40yrs, yet still single. There is a decision taken long ago by darkness against true believers marrying one another, agents must marry us all. Brethren, this is war. They declared it decades ago and entered the Church as 'believers' to capture all true born-again singles.
Mind you, there are many fake so called fire believers in the Church, only prayers and sacrifices unto GOD can deliver you from them. Most marriages in the Church today are to agents. Many ministers spouses are agents. GOD save us all.
Let's continue, though me still single, I don't envy my friends who are married with grown kids up to marriage age. Some of their kids are already graduating from universities. I visit my friend's homes with gifts for their kid(s) and rejoice with them when they give birth. I have named babies and even raised little children in Bible study. I pray for couples and their homes. Ask those who know me, I am most friendly with children though yet to have my own. I pray for barren couples and they give birth to my joy. I envy no one. No matter what you have that I don't have, I do not envy you, I also don't worship those who have what I don't have. I value all equally and love all equally as all true children of GOD should. That is the Bible. This state of mind is the kingdom normal for all true believers. I am sent to all territories. I minister to all. I am a man of GOD sent to the whole world. I love all. I belong to all.
The generational consequence of envy is this. If you allow envy to run you against people or you dispatch forces of envy against people to destroy them, same thing will befall your offsprings as a generational consequence. Never join any gang-up against the innocent lest you activate generational curse against your offsprings. Interestingly, some are born by spirits of envy, they need deep spiritual surgery for envy will be their major weakness.
Actually, envy disturbs your rest. It is like cancer. You cannot sleep or think straight, it can injure your health. The person you envy is sleeping peacefully while you turn and toss on your bed not able to rest. You spend fortune and waste time you should use to build your life seeking the destruction of others. You will self-destruct. One thing that grieves the HOLY SPIRIT and can quench your fire is envy. It can make GOD turn against you, especially if you envy HIS true servants.
Proverbs 14:30. AMP
A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body, but envy, jealousy, and wrath are like rottenness of the bones.
James 3:14-17. AMP
But if you have bitter jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry, selfish ambition) in your hearts, do not pride yourselves on it and thus be in defiance of and false to the Truth. This [superficial] wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual (animal), even devilish (demoniacal). For wherever there is jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry and selfish ambition), there will also be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure (undefiled); then it is peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). [It is willing to] yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and straightforward, impartial and unfeigned (free from doubts, wavering, and insincerity).
Mark 15:8-14. AMP
And the throng came up and began asking Pilate to do as he usually did for them. And he replied to them, Do you wish me to set free for you the King of the Jews? For he was aware that it was [because they were prompted] by envy that the chief priests had delivered Him up. But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to get him to release for them Barabbas instead. And again Pilate said to them, Then what shall I do with the Man Whom you call the King of the Jews? And they shouted back again, Crucify Him! But Pilate said to them, Why? What has He done that is evil? But they shouted with all their might all the more, Crucify Him [at once]!
What are you waiting for ? Hit the floor now in real prayers and ask GOD to take all envy out of your life. Embark on aggressive spiritual warfare against all forces of envy unleashed against you in all areas of your life. These prayers can save you from hell. Remember, envious people often come as friends and with gifts to destroy; true servants of GOD, be wise !
Young man, you are still young both in body and in mind; there are a lot of things about life you do not know yet and might not fully grasp throughout your lifetime. A major mistake that destroys young men fast is the pride that comes with the emergence into teenage, starting from age 16 and above, it is called the rebellious stage. A major junction in the life of a young man where his brain is beginning to stir in the aspect of independent thinking and reasoning, this is where some young men miss their steps and take a wrong turning, some outrightly rebel against good authority, thinking they now know better. My dear young man; if you are just entering 16yrs or progressing beyond 16yrs to early adulthood; take my word for it,
Talking about covering, it means a strong shade in life to shield you from harm you cannot handle, help show you how to get what you need but do not have and afford you the protection you require to survive. Covering here does not mean someone that you can parasite on, you do nothing while he does everything for you. That is what I call an invalid mindset, an invalid is a person incapable of self motion, others must always carry them; sure you do not want to live like that, such mindset makes you a psychological paralytic, will render you immobile in life. Every single young man that wants to survive this world, especially when still young, and not miss their way need these coverings. Let's break it down. Let's see these coverings, the merits and demerits and how you take full advantage of them.
1. Your parents are the first set of coverings GOD gave you in life. You were born by them, you came naked and empty, totally vulnerable. As a baby and a child just growing, you cannot do anything but to be carried and cuddled by them. They bathe you, feed you, clothe you and raise you the way they want. The original way GOD designed it, before evil entered homes, good parents will never stop caring for you till you depart this world, even till their old age and death, you are still their child. They joyfully labour for you throughout their lifetime. Unfortunately, due to the presence of evil in this world, that covering can have its flaws; bad parenting. Yes, not all parents are good parents. Stories of runaway fathers, abusive fathers, mothers and fathers who have no idea how to raise a child, those who push and introduce their children to sex, drugs, stealing and various vices, etc. Bad parenting can destroy you. Some parents can also lay a bad foundation for you in life through their wickedness to others. If GOD has left all of us to the covering of natural parenting alone, many lives would be wrecked. Just look at many homes to buttress my point. The kind of homes many were born into gave them a bad foundation that if not corrected as they grow up, will eventually destroy them. Many parents are ignorant of many mysteries of life too, some fight various battles and might not be able to give you the good parenting you need simply because they don't have it. They cannot teach you what they don't know. Unfortunately, you cannot choose your parents. Fortunately though, GOD, knowing all these, did not stop there, HE made provision for a higher covering that can correct the errors of poor parenting. The second and the highest level of covering.
2. Spiritual covering of JESUS CHRIST. There is another home or family called the family of GOD that you enter through new birth in JESUS. It can correct the errors of poor parenting. It also afford you the positive spiritual protection from evil no parents can give you. If all you have is natural parenting, you are at great risk in life. You might not have good parents. No natural parents can give you all the spiritual protection you need in life, that is if they have it themselves. Most parents don't. When you embrace JESUS as your LORD and Saviour, you become a child of GOD through spiritual birth, until you do that you are not yet a member of the family of GOD. That new birth in CHRIST makes you an adopted son of GOD and HE immediately begins to fight for you and intervene in all your affairs, including bad parenting. Angels take you up as their ward, though you might not see them. They are guardian spirits all around you. GOD begins to arrange and rearrange your life. HE constantly intervenes in your case. Before I proceed, stop reading and do this now if you have never done so.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
There are many ways GOD uses to change your life and make it good. The foundation class page will show you many of the ways. The only obligation you must perform is this; you must be absolutely obedient to GOD. it is in this area that many fail, so unfortunate. Natural parenting cannot see the future. GOD sees the future and knows what you must do to escape future destruction. It is in your best interest to always obey HIM even when not easy to do. Mind you, GOD will often demand sacrifice from you, sort of self denials and sacrificial giving, never run from it. It is all for your good. One way GOD help you is through the third type of covering, still under GOD through JESUS CHRIST.
3. GOD leading you and placing you in relationship with specific spiritually sound and matured individual(s) for spiritual guidance and help. It must be those you are divinely connected to by GOD and not by your fancy or greed. They might or might not be rich. Such people must have a good relationship with GOD and walk in holiness and absolute faithfulness to GOD, if they are not such, flee lest they mislead or destroy you. Watch their lives, if they are compromising with evil in any area, take off. There are many reasons for this third type of covering. Some are the following.
A. You are still young in the faith of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and need proper tutelage from matured believers to guide you in this new life.
B. These good spiritual parents are often used by GOD to undo the mistakes and errors of natural parents in raising you. Some complement the good efforts of natural parents. It is very important you humble yourself and submit to such godly and positive tutelage. Since they are not your natural parents, they might not have any right to tell you what you ought to do, but you will be wise to humble yourself and honour them. This is very important if they will be able to discharge their good responsibilities in your life. A prayer you must pause and pray now is this,
GOD, in JESUS NAME, connect me to those you truly want to raise me as my spiritual parents.
C. There are those that GOD has deposited certain gifts and anointing in their lives for the good of many. When you stay under their special grace and anointing, the anointing serves as an added spiritual defence for you when troubles you cannot see nor handle comes. Evil forces know this. One thing they specialise in doing to destroy a person who is under such spiritual covering of another's anointing is to separate them from such spiritual covering. They can orchestrate trouble between them through diverse manipulations. They know that as long as their targets are staying faithful to those GOD has placed them under for spiritual covering and ministering to them, even if their targets are spiritually weak or make mistakes, the anointing of those they are under or minister to will always fight for them. This is one way GOD fight for those just coming up in spiritual things and in ministry who might still be spiritually weak in some areas or yet lack certain basic spiritual understanding for proper spiritual warfare. I write from experience. I have had many connect to me over years and on many occasions. When evil they cannot see nor handle want to befall them, GOD shows me and I pray to avert it. Now, read this ten times. Whenever the enemy see this and they know I am their covering, they look for one way or another to separate or drive them away from me so they can destroy them. Some have fallen victim of this trick and were destroyed. This is a major reason I am very reluctant to get angry with people connected to me by GOD even when they act nasty or rude, simply because I know the danger they will walk into if I allow the enemy have its way. Unfortunately, many still fall for this trick. The enemy knows the rule and try hard to sabotage it. For such coverings to work, you must minister to it, I mean give to the person you are under (Examples: Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, Elisha and the Shunnemite woman, etc ). You must also honour the grace and the anointing on that person's life. You must show respect and submission to their spiritual authority. You do not disrespect or insult their anointing and expect it to work for you. You cannot see them in need and have the means to help them, yet refuse and expect their anointing to fight for you. The enemy that wants to destroy you, knowing all these, strikes at those areas rendering their anointing unable to fight for you anymore. This why I hardly quarrel with those under my spiritual covering even when they provoke me, not because I am a fool, but simply because I know the enemy is manipulating them to destroy them. Some eventually disconnect on their own. The truth is this, if you are not ministering through giving and other services to the person whose spiritual covering you are under and yet expect him to continue praying and fighting for you spiritually; you might expose him to a big risk. Some arrows against you and your life must see your sacrifice (giving and labour for GOD) to be averted. If those sacrifices are not in place, whoever attempts to avert those destruction heading your way might become a casualty of those same arrows they are trying to avert for you. This third covering is a major spiritual law many do not understand. If all you do is just to take and demand from those whose spiritual covering you are under and never give to them, you expose both yourself and them to danger. To save them, GOD might end up separating both of you lest your selfishness destroy them as some keeping you from giving to them wish. A game evil forces play when you stand in the way of their evil intentions against their targets, they turn your spiritual interventions against you. A game they have tried against me.
Young man, let me stop here. Make necessary adjustments and you are on the way.
We are all familiar with deliverance as casting out of devils inside a person or place, I mean spirits being expelled in the name of JESUS from people's bodies, homes and places. Yes, spirits can live with you in your home causing havoc without you being aware. That is a major deliverance many need.
The other types of deliverance that people need are far often very unknown, unsuspected, not reckoned with or ignored. This is because it is not the expelling of spirits from a body but the spiritual removal by GOD of several inherited traits, programming, evil nature and character including witchcraft. You wonder how ? Read diligently as I break it down. Many are not possessed but the way they behave, you will think they are possessed. They are not possessed, yet manifest very wicked character that makes you think they are devils themselves. There are many reasons for this. Somebody gave birth to you, not all that gave birth to you are human beings. I do not need to go far to prove this point, a few experience of mine is enough. A few of them have told me of lives they have in the other invisible realms. A few had family over there. One cross into the water kingdom at will and return in the morning. I have seen some in human form manifest fish flying as we prayed. I have seen a few attempt turning to serpents by crossing their legs and trying to stretch into serpent forms as we prayed, but they couldn't. Thank GOD they did not, if that had happened, I do not think any of us praying for them would have waited to complete the prayers. Some humans actually get possessed by these spirits and manifest same, but some sincerely let you know they are not human and need help. There are too many confessions confirming these points and many I have posted as written and video in several of my past messages, especially before I set up a website. Our local and foreign movies are awash with them. Mermaid movies are everywhere. There are movies showing non humans crossing into this world to live amongst us as humans. We see them come and go at will. African folktales are filled with them. People have seen homes and kitchens in felled trees. You must be born yesterday to think all of those you see around are human beings, though we all look human. This truth is not a secret, or do you think the spirits we cast out or pray against are human beings !
Well, some powers run them for the reasons best known to them. Back to my focus in this message. All these creatures marry here in this world and bear kids in which you might be one of their children. This is the truth, you will inherit and manifest whatever non-human trait and nature they have. It comes with their DNA that birthed you. This is why some manifest serpent or other animal character (including wild nature) without realising it. Beloved, you inherited them. These are the other types of deliverance you need. As you grow older, it becomes stronger. We tend to see old people change into something else as they grow old, it is often these non-human nature that is at work, getting old and stronger, overriding their human nature and making them suddenly act and reason in strange ways. Sitting inside your head might be another non-human brain also growing with you. I have explored this subject with picture in several of my past teachings before setting up a website.
Well, like I wrote earlier, some powers produce or breed them in extremely large quantities in their invisible labs, using diverse animal species including cobras, rattlesnakes, shark and many wild animals. They are not sent into the world like that, though we have seen some mistakes in news as people have given birth to horse/human hybrid, rabbit/human hybrid, snake/human hybrid, goat/human hybrid, etc. Go online and dig it up. Well, for those who come in human form and unsuspected, they live normal lives like you and I and bear kids. If you are one of the kids, do not be deceived, the nature will manifest in you and get stronger as you grow old. This is the need for the other types of deliverance; divine surgery from GOD to remove such nature. Stop here, go on your knees and cry to GOD
Beloved, do not joke with that prayer, many manifest beastiality without realising it. If wild animal nature is in you, it may make you commit murder one day without being possessed. Unfortunately, the powers that produce and run them have all the necessary unseen technicalities to activate that nature in you and make you do what it is. They can remotely activate the animal nature in you and make you behave accordingly, even to kill. They can do worse. Here it comes.
Many of these creatures are not just sent here, some are actually programmed for diverse purposes including witchcraft. Yes, witches are bred in the invisible dimensions and sent into the world by the arch kingpins of witchcraft and the powers that run them. Actually, witchcraft programming exist. They often select special venomous serpents, do certain engineering on them in their invisible labs. When they are done, they are half human, half serpents or other types of hybrid in form. Of course, these powers producing these creatures, are always harvesting human DNAS and brain through diverse strategies to keep in their bio labs for the production of these creatures. They produce fake born-again ones too. They can appear very religious. Many are ordained ministers, some don't even know they are not human. The ones produced for witchcraft have witchcraft programming placed in their genes, DNA or head. Others are produced and programmed for prostitution, robbery, murder, cultism, corporate world, Church work, etc. When they give birth, beloved, their children (you might be one of them) will have these inherited genetic traits manifest in them. If it is witchcraft, their offsprings can manifest some, though not to the same depth, under the right circumstances. I am not saying the offsprings will do the same wickedness they do, not to their depth, no. The reason is that, the human nature is also very strong and will still manifest as such rejecting many of these wicked character. Many strong and fire Pastors and ministers today, unknown to them, are born by witchcraft creatures. GOD is good. The powers producing witches are no fools, they have all the witchcraft programming placed in them under their remote control. They have all the activation codes and control keys. If you inherit any of such passed to you by birth, they can activate it in you to make you act accordingly if need be. This is where you need the other types of deliverance, divine surgery from heaven to free you from all these things. Some character you manifest might not be Adamic nature, but inherited evil nature and character.
1. You feel very bad at success.
2. You are cold in character.
3. You are extremely vengeful.
4. You cannot tolerate others being helped around you.
5. You wish people dead over minor things and will kill if you have the chance.
6. You are very crafty in nature,
7. You manifest unreasonable territorial instinct.
8. You love charms and enjoy using them on people by nature.
9. You tend to unconsciously do things to destroy a successful person around you. Actually, many can resist this urge, but if deliberately activated in you by the powers that have the keys, you will see yourself behaving like a witch without being one. This is why you see some children not wanting to show their success to their parents due to past experience. They get shocked when the same loving parents that laboured over them, cared for them, sent them to school and sacrificed over them suddenly begin to give them negative advice or behave strangely at their success. Most children end up thinking their parents are witches, far from it. Your parents truly love you, the problem is that the witchcraft programming they inherited from their own parent is being activated against you by your success and emerging prosperity. It gets worse as they grow old. Some kids notice this and stay away. Others manage it by keeping success stories away from their parents. Some visit false prophets who make it worse by telling them their parents are witches. Some of these prophets know the truth, but will never tell you. Stop here, fall on your face before GOD and pray like this.
The wise will add fasting to that prayer. That problem has caused many problems in many families, with many even fighting and killing one another. It is never the best for the same children you laboured over for many years to start thinking you are a witch simply because some wicked ones activated the witchcraft programming they placed in their witchcraft creatures they sent into the world that you inherited from them as their human child.
Deliverance from evil spirits is one, other types of deliverance follow. Only GOD can perform that other one. Fall on your face and call on HIM now.
James 1:21-22. Living Bible Version
[21]So get rid of all that is wrong in your life, both inside and outside, and humbly be glad for the wonderful message we have received, for it is able to save our souls as it takes hold of our hearts.
[22]And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So don’t fool yourselves.
This is a message i direct to true ministers and believers in CHRIST. As true believers in CHRIST, we belong to GOD and should have nothing to do with initiation into the occult. The occult is opposed to CHRIST, though often clothe their operations as of GOD on many occasions. The only covenant we are supposed to have as believers in CHRIST is the new covenant we enter through the blood of JESUS. The other permitted covenant is marriage covenant you enter into with your spouse, even this must not violate the standards of GOD'S Word. Anything fetish or idolatry must NOT be part of the marriage rites of a believer in CHRIST. GOD clearly forbids us to ever have anything to do with fetish, voodoo or occult practices. All these the Bible calls the works of darkness. No fetish or occult property must be in your possession also.
Ephesians 5:11-12. AMP
Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them. For it is a shame even to speak of or mention the things that [such people] practice in secret.
The secret practices of such are what no believer must ever be part of. No occult power operates outside blood, etc. The true believer belong to GOD and must operate by the name of JESUS, the Word of GOD and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT only. Initiation into the occult makes you swear allegiance to other powers opposed to GOD, if you stray into that, you no more belong to GOD. You cannot be in the occult and still claim to belong to GOD. Let me say this, anyone who get involved in fetish, voodoo or occult practises instantly get possessed. I have seen these happen to believers and it begins to manifest in their character. How do you explain a man of GOD attacking you on phone for acting on his own suggestion to promote the work of GOD including his own. Makes no sense, another spirit has taken over. When true servants of GOD begin to attack and do all they can to destroy other true works of GOD they ought to defend and support, another spirit has taken over. Many of you think it is only those things that look fetish in appearance that are evil charms, yes they are, but they also have charms they fashion to look good to bewitch people. Evil charms can be fashioned like money, cars, clothes, equipment and several other good things and given to people, including believers; all these instantly open you up to evil spirits invading your life. Many believers and true ministers were busy collecting deadly charms to destroy them, while thinking they were collecting gifts as money and other things. Those things were produced in the spirit world and brought into the world, they were not produced through the normal process here on earth. Not everything and everyone that looks good is good. Bad can be given a good appearance to deceive you.
2 Corinthians 6:17-18. NKJV
Therefore “Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” “I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the Lord Almighty.”
What is unclean? If it is not in line with what the scriptures permit, not in line with holiness, purity and faithfulness unto GOD; it is unclean, such things can destroy true believers and servants of GOD.
Do not think the occult respect this clearly spelt out scriptural boundaries for true believers and ministers of the Gospel; far from it. The Church is always their major target for initiation. This has been their practice since the early Church and they have over generations till date have huge success. The more committed you are to GOD, the more desperate they are to initiate you. Let's look at some ways they can still initiate you, even though you are born-again.
1. If you are from occult background that have been initiating people, i mean those who gave birth to you have used initiation to destroy lives, you can be targeted for initiation. If you do not go before GOD in prayers to renounce all these over your life, even though you are now born-again, and begin to sacrificially serve GOD in all the ways HE ask you to, they might end up capturing you for initiation one day.
2. If you do not pray selfishness out of your life and be a giver unto GOD so as to prosper, they can unleash so much poverty and frustration against you to the extent that hunger will drive you into occultism out of frustration. Better go on your knees now and ask GOD to remove all manner of selfishness from your life. Be a giver, it will save you.
3. Your greed and love of money can still end up making you sell your soul. Pray all greed out of your life. If you are the type easily deceived by flashy things and flashy lifestyle you see in people, not knowing the source of their wealth, you will one day end up being initiated. Pray now that GOD will remove such weakness from your life.
4. In furtherance of the 3rd point above, you must be very careful with the wealth you see in the lives of many in the Church including ministers of the Gospel. They can send rich agents into the Church to initiate believers in the Church. Also, not all ministers are ministers. These are the categories of ministers of the Gospel that exist.
A. Agents of darkness pretending to be true ministers of the Gospel, they can blend so well and do almost exactly as we do that you will never suspect. They can come as both wealthy and not wealthy. A brother heard a 'man of GOD' on radio and was impressed. The man preached a sound pentecostal message. Some even preach holiness better than we do, yet they are agents. He decided to attend a public upcoming programme of this preacher. He attended and the minister did well again. Nothing unscriptural was done or preached. The brother was happy and approached 'the man of GOD' for counselling after the programme. The 'man of GOD' received him well and gave him an appointment to come see him at his office. The brother went for the appointment. It was at the appointment that the 'man of GOD' began to recommend some purely fetish and occult stuffs to him for miracle. What saved this brother was that he had basic knowledge of scriptures and knew something was wrong. He left and never went back. He escaped. If he had done those fetish things, he would have been exposed to evil spirits working with the 'man of GOD' and become possessed. Unfortunately, many have fallen for such. Not all ministers are true ministers, agents abound. If you fall victim, they will initiate you.
B. Captured ministers. They started well, but somewhere along the line, they were captured. These are often left undetected by many and used to capture many other true believers and ministers of the Gospel who look up to them and trust them. They are often made immensely wealthy and their 'ministries' expanded very wide as an attraction for other ministers, especially struggling and upcoming ministers. Many flock to them for help and end up getting initiated by them. This is why you need to pray well before connecting to any so called successful man of GOD. Ensure GOD is leading you and not greed.
C. The true ministers still standing for GOD. These ones are the best for you. Fall on your knees now and ask GOD to connect you to us.
5. Lack of proper spiritual defence. Many arrows of darkness come against us as true children or servants of GOD. We overcome by GOD'S Word, prayers, faith, worship, etc. A major weapon of spiritual defence is giving. Yes, many ignore this. Some arrows will require your giving to escape. This is where some fail, are captured and initiated. Some arrows come and you begin to pray; immediately heaven shows you a need in someone's life you must meet or bring a genuine need your way; better obey fast in your own interest. Beloved, no matter how highly anointed you are, if you disobey, the arrow will hit you and you will be captured.
When I see anointed servants of GOD being selfish, my heart breaks, I know it is only a matter of time before they are captured and destroyed. I have seen this in many lives. You cannot be offending against the kingdom of darkness and be selfish, one day you will be captured. I was quite busy in the 90s, still being a student on campus back then, preaching here and there on invitations, ministering deliverance, counselling, praying, studying, etc. Several agents came after me and so many arrows were fashioned against me. Too many to remember. I employed lots of prayers, worship, word, holy living, etc, as defence. One of the things GOD taught me back then was giving. HE led me to get envelopes and always have money inside them ready to give to brethren and those in need. Imagine, a student doing that. Fortunately, I began to receive good money gifts from some sources. The first thing I always do back then each time money comes my way is to take a portion for GOD, place them in several envelopes I place in my bag or briefcase I usually moved about with, always on the lookout for needy brethren and whoever GOD bring my way to give to. I was a constant giver and according to GOD'S Word, it kept coming back in in many folds. It was not everytime I had, sometimes i manage, but each time I get, I give. Only heaven knows how many destruction I escaped back then. Beloved, I am yet to see a single selfish believer who last in the race. They always get captured. If you love yourself, kill all selfishness in your life in serious prayers NOW !
6. Becoming a victim of evil gifts. Pray NOW against this. Once you collect it, evil spirits invade your life and your initiation is only a matter of time.
7. Running away from GOD'S hard demands of you is a signal to the enemy that you are vulnerable to initiation and they will attempt you. Those who sabotage GOD'S hard foundational process for their lives often end up getting initiated.
8. Peer pressure. Never let peer pressure make you run ahead of GOD and end up being initiated. Run at GOD'S pace for your life, let others run theirs.
9. Evil companions. Beware of companionship, people can be sent to befriend you so as to initiate you.
10. Missing divine instruction cam make you fall into the enemy's trap and get initiated. Always consult GOD before you do anything and run as fast as you can from sin; never play with it. There are many traps the enemy can set for you that you will never see, just pray about all things and trust GOD. Never forget this.
Proverbs 3:5. MSG
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor God with everything you own;
give him the first and the best. Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over. But don't, dear friend, resent God's discipline; don't sulk under his loving correction. It's the child he loves that God corrects; a father's delight is behind all this.
Want to give, reach me.
Apostle Tosin Oke
St. Mark 11:23. KJV
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
That scriptures have been used by many to teach faith, correct. Let me expand its relevance further. Years back true believers were really deeply serious with GOD and ready to ensure nothing good manifest in them or against them; several scriptures like "abstain from all appearances of evil, follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the LORD, let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, be ye holy as your heavenly father is holy, lay not up your treasures on earth......." and several scriptures that were the core of Church programmes and seminars made believers sit up. They knew any carnality in them or life contrary to holiness could spell doom for them before GOD, they feared GOD and had reverence for HIM. They also knew they live in the midst of sin and wickedness and resolutely take their stand against it no matter what. They determined to obey to the letter ".....love not the world nor the things that are in the world....", they determined to "....set your affections on things above....." ,etc. One lie could get you ostracised from amongst brethren. Things were that deep and the Church was strong. Knowing this and yet there were things in them trying to weigh them down and missiles of compromise were constantly coming at them, they fought to stand and maintain a life of godliness. One major weapon believers back then employed that really worked for them is verbal rejection of anything contrary to good, godliness, the ways of GOD and the promises of GOD in all areas of their lives. If you were around then, you will constantly hear believers keep saying at anything not good "I REJECT IT IN JESUS NAME". They released this spiritual law against everything in them not consistent with godliness, all negative statements made against them, all attempts and temptations to make them compromise their faith and experience contrary to the promises of GOD for their lives. It worked. The things they consistently rejected out of their lives eventually departed from them. They did not keep quiet, they used their mouth to reprogramme their character and their life experience. This is unlike today when believers see all manner of carnality manifest in them : lying, greed, envy, lust, bitterness, selfishness, all manner of fleshly weakness and yet condone it. I have seen believers manifest characters that shocked me to the bone and yet they saw nothing wrong with it, forgetting that some character cannot follow you to heaven, you either fight them out of your life if you are serious with heaven or they will eventually send you to hell. Years back, brethren will declare real prayers for any believer who dare to tell a lie. There is no carnal weakness in you today that has never been in the believers of old; the difference is this, they confronted their carnality, their envy, their lust, their hatred, their bitterness, their greed, their selfishness, etc, laying before GOD in prayers and asking HIM to break them down and remould them. They rejected everything ungodly out of their lives and they were free. This is why the born-again people of old are far more godly than the ones we have today. The ones today tolerate everything. The level of weakness i see in believers today still shock me, even in many ordained ministers. I understand most are fake, agents pretending to be believers; but the few genuine still manifest a level of weakness that still baffles me. There are certain things the average believer or true child of GOD who have done their spiritual homework well should not be susceptible to, but the ones today fall too cheaply. A small whisper from a devil and ministers go to war, etc. A major reason evil forces treat us with so much disdain and set too obvious traps for many and yet they fall. At times it breaks my heart to see some very 'sorry' things they do to catch me. The mere thought almost make me shed tears at the lack of total regard for us. Those messing up around my faith in CHRIST and my walk with GOD think I am one of the new generation believers who think anything goes with GOD, they make a big mistake. You see, right from my early days as a believer in CHRIST, I did serious work in prayers and fasting on myself. I knew new creation stuffs, the finished work of CHRIST, Redemption, etc, unlike those who just read them today and leave them there, all these I took into real prayers. I spent hours deploying Romans chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 in all areas of my life. There is hardly any bad character or act of ungodliness I either read of in the Bible or see around that I have not lain in deep prayers before GOD and reject out of my life, all these I did right from when I was still a young man. I killed selfishness in prayers years ago. When I notice evil forces trying to fire stuffs at me to make me manifest some carnal and ungodly character so they can catch me, I laugh. I rejected all such nonsense since the late 80s and early 90s. Many believers don't do all these, thus they fall cheaply. They dangle anything before you and you take off. Many will backslide because of car, sex, money, house, connection, open door, quick growth, etc. Beloved, if you do not thoroughly do your homework in working on yourself in real strong prayers to clear all nonsense out of your life, you will be too weak to last. How can you go to hell because of flashy car, it makes no sense to me.
I have taught at meetings, especially for ministers, that going to the mountain or spending long time in prayers and fasting for anointing is good, but you will eventually be destroyed, in spite of your heavy anointing, if you do not pray every bad character or nature out of your life, . Ask Samson, ask Judas, ask king Saul, ask Ahitophel, etc. My dear reader, stop here, hit the floor now and begin to pray,
If many believers have prayed that prayer, they will not be in hell today. Some knew things were wrong with them, but they ignored or accepted it. I have seen believers, even ministers of the Gospel, run from you if you teach they pray certain bad things out of their lives : stubbornness, pride, greed, selfishness, etc, yet they want to end well. Beloved, do you think Satan and his forces want you to end well. The slightest carnality or weakness they see in you is all they need to work with to destroy you. This is how they have destroyed many true servants of GOD, they first studied them, discovered their weakness before moving in to capture them. If you are wise, you will again fall on your face before GOD and pray now,
As from henceforth, reject with positive confessions and prayers every negative utterance against you, all bad dreams, all negative purposes and plans against your life, all wishes and desires of enemies against you, etc. Stop keeping quiet. They speak evil against you, reject it immediately. Evil forces have their own will for you, but your own will is superior. Heaven will always honour whatever you reject out of your life in JESUS NAME. Stop keeping quiet, start talking. If you do not reject it, it will destroy you. Let us pray.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, access "Ministry" link at the end of the start page, takes you to my other ministry website, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
1. Now settle down in real prayers and begin to reject every bad character in you and all other ones you see around out of your life. Reject all negative heredity traits, evil programming, thoughts and ideas out of your life. Mention everything bad you don't want in your life and reject them all.
2. Say "Father, in JESUS NAME, take out of my life whatever will send me to hell. Break me and remould me, fashion me for heaven and heaven only".
3. Pray, "LORD, I reject every evil intentions and contrary plans of darkness against me in all areas of my life in JESUS NAME ".
4. Cancel all utterances and negative words and declarations against you in all areas of your life.
5. Now proceed to decorate your life with all the good qualities you want to see manifest in you. Declare you are good, kind, loving, godly, faithful, holy, truthful, sincere, warm, etc,
6. Tell envy, greed, lust, selfishness, stubbornness, hardness of heart, evil thoughts, impatience, hatred, bitterness, laziness, bad character, diverse evil programming, etc, they have no place in your life. Say it loud and clear, "THIS IS MY WILL".
7. Now, take up your Bible and begin to declare as many promises of GOD you can find in the Bible over your life. Take your time here. Just release the Word over your life, how it will come to pass is not your own concern. Speak and leave the rest for GOD. All you must do is constantly obey HIM.
I hope you have been following my teachings on the Church, it will help you understand this message. We treat many things perfunctorily simply because we fail to grasp what is at stake, the enormity of the issue at hand. This is clearly seen in the way many of us handle issues that concerns the true Church. Just a brief summary of what GOD do through the true Church and HIS true servants.
The forces of darkness responsible for all the death and diverse destruction ravaging individuals, family, places and nations are very methodical and calculating in their operations. They must do what they have been doing even before JESUS came; they were, they are and will continue the same way till the world end. They get alerted and go after you immediately you are born into the world. They are always behind the scene orchestrating anything contrary to good happening anywhere at any moment. Forget all other explanations. No overspeeding is crashing cars, no murder by mistake, no accidental death, no suicide by personal decision, etc, those explanations are just cover ups. They sit and plan it all. I don't want to go into the how of their operations, they are too much for this short message. There are countless spirits human eyes cannot see roaming everywhere and living inside people, at work 24/7 to cause death and destruction of all forms and of all kind. There are multitude of evil Chambers and power houses in every street and many homes where all manner of wickedness are orchestrated every minute. The list is inexhaustible. This is a curse on the world. Imagine GOD leaving us alone without any form of divine intervention. Just think about it. Imagine this world with the level of death and destruction raised to infinity without any help. Start with psychiatric houses, prisons, hospitals, mortuaries, etc and Imagine it getting worse. Go online and research video documentaries of those examples above. Well, GOD did not leave us alone. He constantly counter the operations of these dark powers through the true Church as HE raises men and women as HIS Servants, anointed by HIM to check evil powers and set countless captives free. Evil forces are strategic. They unleash specific global destruction stage by stage and season by season according to their own calendar of operations. Any move they make, GOD counter by raising servants of GOD HE specifically anoint against that operation. Example. In 1910, evil forces released a plague over portions of South Africa, in less than a month, one quarter of the entire population had died. GOD stepped in and anointed John G Lake, the father of the Apostolic Church, with a very heavy healing anointing that healed many, checking the "wipe out the country by plague" evil forces intended. In fact, many healing ministries rose up all over the world within a specific 100 years period (1800- the late 1980s....) to stop evil forces from killing everybody in the world through various epidemic. Just go online and research this and see what the true Church and true servants of GOD has done to save countless lives. Remember the black plague
BLACK DEATH; BLACK PLAGUE: the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe.
Yes, nearly half the people of Western Europe were killed. Research the history of plagues online. You have no idea what this world has gone through. Also research healing ministries over several generations and see how true servants of GOD raised by GOD always rise to stem the tide of death and destruction.
Africa, India and other parts of the world, used to be the home of rituals and human sacrifice. Countless souls in Africa have been killed, beheaded, cannibalised over generations as sacrifice. Many died horrible death. Many buried alive either to appease deities, as punishments or for money rituals. Many communities do it every month, some every year, etc. The custom judgement of many royal courts was beheading. Human parts litter jungles people are forbidden to enter. Go online and research medieval torture instruments. Women sit naked on sharp blades and ripped from genital to their head alive. Many burnt alive, etc. What if GOD did not raise the true Church to step in and stem the tide, many true servants of GOD lost their lives in the process. The Gospel stopped many wickedness.
You see, each time the hordes of darkness move in various ways, heaven always counter them through true servants of GOD raised to check their operations. The holiness move of the 60s came when evil forces wanted to unleash on the world an ocean of iniquity and sexual immorality. The fiery holiness messages of the 60s that even went to the extreme was allowed by GOD. It saved the world from many things. All your tight fitting trousers women wear started from the marine kingdom as part of an agenda to promote sexual immorality. Let our women return to your proper decent women wears. Some clothes are just not proper for women, throw them away. Stop promoting the agenda of sexual immorality.
The prayer move stopped many operations of darkness worldwide. Many fire ministers were sent into the world by GOD to teach and lead prayers against diverse operations of darkness. Heaven taught them prayer points never heard before. Prayer camps began to rise all over the world. Books on prayer started circulating globally. We also had many ministries that specialised in deliverance and casting out of devils. Many mad were delivered. There is hardly any aspect of evil operations on earth that heaven does not raise HIS true ministers to counter. You have no idea how much help this has been for the world.
Evil forces got tired of us and decided to put an end to the true interventions of the Church through diverse strategies including taking over the true Church globally, package shrines that look like Church to continue their evil activities while you all call it revival. Do not be deceived by the noise you see and hear called 'Church' today, you have no idea how far they have gone. Fall on your face NOW and cry to GOD,
Do not continue without praying that prayer. All true servants of GOD globally are their target. Any true believer with fire is their target. My ministry have come under the most ferocious attack, even to the extent of sabotaging all my attempts to get married till date. They were determined and didn't hide it. Why ? They glimpsed my ministry, even the one not yet done. All other reasons for their attacks are lies. They are real devils in human forms.
You now understand why they must not succeed, we must pray, sacrifice and do all we can to help the Church to stand and be all GOD wants her to be. I have some assignments in the Announcement and Testimonies page, run and do them all. Moreover, begin to seek GOD'S face concerning what you must do to ensure I succeed in ministry. Pray NOW !
Also, if you have ever received ministry, word, understanding, miracles, etc from the ministry of any true servant of GOD who is genuine, tell GOD he or she has been a blessing to you and therefore you plead for Mercy for them. Pray NOW !
𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞.
+2348167409467. +2348083634059.
+2347013955690. +2348156646447.
The Church has been around for generations, since JESUS left. JESUS made it clear in Matthew 16:18 that hell will move against the Church, but will not prevail. HE never hid the battle the true Church will face from her, these HE spelt out even before HIS death and resurrection that birthed the true Church. HE mentioned persecutions, hatred, killings, attacks, insults, etc. HE called the real culprit "Gates of hell". JESUS knew exactly what HE mentioned. Hell encapsulate many things. That is not my focus here. The simple summary is this; the law of death and hell is the main culprit at work in this world through diverse strategies to kill, steal and destroy. This is clearly spelt out in several parts of the Bible. Every true servant of GOD is out to deliver people from death and hell, that is why death and hell comes after you in various manners including evil gifts and evil wealth. Death and hell have their emissaries both in human and spirit forms, unfortunately, many keep falling victim of them. The book of revelation shows us the true pictures of the creatures that wreck death and destruction on earth, some of the events written were either pre-rapture or post-rapture. These creatures are not figurative, those are their real forms. They exist.
Revelation 9:14-17,19-21. Living Bible Version
[14]saying to the sixth angel, “Release the four mighty demons held bound at the great River Euphrates.” [15]They had been kept in readiness for that year and month and day and hour, and now they were turned loose to kill a third of all mankind. [16]They led an army of 200,000,000 warriors—I heard an announcement of how many there were.
[17](17-18) I saw their horses spread out before me in my vision; their riders wore fiery-red breastplates, though some were sky-blue and others yellow. The horses’ heads looked much like lions’, and smoke and fire and flaming sulphur billowed from their mouths, killing one-third of all mankind. [19]Their power of death was not only in their mouths, but in their tails as well, for their tails were similar to serpents’ heads that struck and bit with fatal wounds. [20]But the men left alive after these plagues still refused to worship God! They would not renounce their demon-worship, nor their idols made of gold and silver, brass, stone, and wood—which neither see nor hear nor walk! [21]Neither did they change their mind and attitude about all their murders and witchcraft, their immorality and theft.
A thorough study of scriptures from Acts to Jude reveals so many strategies to destroy the Church and true servants of GOD. The Church has always had casualties. Many survived. There is no single part of this world that has not moved against the true Church at one time or the other. It has always been the desire of death and hell to completely obliterate the Church. If you read the authentic Church history, apart from the fake Church history that has turned history upside down circulating all over the Internet and in books making the enemies of the Church the friends of the Church, etc; you will see that the initial move against the true Church, immediately JESUS left, was to completely wipe out the Church and remove every trace of her from existence. Saul, turned Apostle Paul, was on one of such mission before GOD arrested HIM and turned him to one of HIS most formidable servants. GOD is a Merciful GOD. HE has always specialised in taking those who actually want the Church dead and destroyed or take their children and use them to build the Church. That is still HIS strategy up till today. 90% of GOD'S true servants are either directly born by those who stood or stand against the Church or their 2nd or 3rd generation offsprings. In fact, 60% of truly called Gospel ministers are born by chief priests of idolatry or occult kingpins. Some ministers were even once haters and persecutors of the true Church. We have many agents of darkness who got delivered and are now true servants of GOD, mind you, fake conversions also abound amongst them too, a strategy to infiltrate the Church. Same every where in the world; once you fight GOD, your offsprings will serve GOD. You will now understand the deep fury of darkness to destroy the Church. GOD keeps hijacking their kids to destroy their works. The same Church they want to stamp out is the same Church their children are building and expanding. This is why once they catch you, they will leave you in the Church and counter-use you to destroy the Church. They are playing GOD back. If GOD hijack you as their child to harvest souls for CHRIST, once they catch you, they will use you to harvest the souls of true believers for their kingdom. They will literally turn your Church or ministry office to one of their initiation and demonising centers. This they have done over generations and are still doing. Watch that over generous 'man of GOD', he might be working for them. You have no idea how many children of witches and sorcerers are ministers fighting witchcraft and sorcery. Years back, they use to show who they really are and fight any child of theirs who get born-again. Today, the strategy has changed. They will ensure you will never know who they really are, in fact, they will follow you to Church and pretend to also become born-again. They will even buy you Bible and pretend to love your JESUS. Until they capture you, you will never suspect a thing. Most of those destroying the Church are inside the Church. That is the strategy. You must never suspect them.
Well, they have, from generation to generation, had success and failures in their operations against the Church. Let's see some of the mistakes of this generation of ministers and believers that have made them have huge success thus far.
1. The sabotage of hard foundation process. Many called ministers of this generation were too much in a hurry to manifest, they dodged many painful surgery GOD wanted for them to ensure they last. They ran in ministry for a while, but eventually got captured. My advice for those who ordain ministers in their Churches or ministry, never allow them start from the top lest you destroy them, if they cannot persevere in hard beginning, let them go or else they will not last or even hurt the ministry in the long-term. No matter how anointed a person is, if you flee hard beginning or some of GOD'S painful surgery, you will crash one day. Foundations come in diverse ways only GOD knows, specific GOD chosen relationships one of them.
2. The craze for prosperity taken to the extreme. They did not distinguish between the gifts or wealth they should pray against and also flee from and the ones they should accept. They were completely careless with evil gifts that destroyed and still destroying many.
3. They did not believe in the reality of generation curses you still have to deal with in prayers and diverse sacrifices for GOD after Salvation. This crashed many. If you have access to both known and unknown family history of many captured ministers, you will see a clear pattern exactly replicating the way their parents or ancestors destroyed others including true ministers. You have no idea what many who gave birth to you have done to others and those others they hurt placed curses on both them and their offsprings. All these must be dealt with. Many know these things, but took them for granted, believing it cannot touch them.
4. Carelessness in relationship, especially with the rich and society figures. They ignored the fact that some high society figures can also be agents. They had no caution.
5. They romanced the occult.
6. Many do not apply the law of sacrifice as a weapon of spiritual defence.
7. Wives not ready to make sacrifices for GOD. Such wives will eventually be captured and used to destroy their husbands. If you as a wife is not called into full-time ministry, go work and put both your money and sweat into the ministry as your own sacrifices unto GOD. Ministers wives who cannot sacrifice for GOD will eventually crash their husbands. Some fought their husbands and pushed them into destruction. They moved them ahead of GOD and caused them to disobey GOD unto captivity. Some servants of GOD also caused their wives to hold back due to their attitude.