
I'm so glad you're here!

My mission is to help overextended mom's struggling to prioritize themselves, shift their mindset and create new healthy habits so they can find balance, energy, confidence, and joy.

Swipe to get to know a little more about me. -->

About me

What i love

I am extremely passionate about all things health and wellness. I thrive on learning and expanding my knowlege and skills in these areas and many more.

I have committed to reading the bible cover to cover to better understand God 's word and raise my children in the christian faith.

I love crocheting, specifically amigurumi animals, and plan to expand into other creations over time.

I went all in on the idea of homesteading and have slowly been transitioning in new products and habits.

The past

Where I started

I remember January 2017 like it was yesterday. I had a mental breakdown that left me feeling shattered and nearly incapable of caring for my children. My husband and I had recently purchased a home and welcomed our second child into the world. This should have been a joyful time in my life, but sadly it wasn’t. I was unhappy with my job and was desperately trying to find a new company to work for. I was revising my resume, attending interviews and taking care of everything while juggling my small children alone because my husband was away for work 90% of the time. My marriage had fallen apart and my mental and physical health were at an all-time low. I still managed to do all the things I needed to do to take care of my children and be "happy" on the outside, but no one really knew I was struggling, I did it in silence behind closed doors. It wasn't graceful and I was miserable! I remember laying on the floor next to my dogs, holding them and just sobbing as I sought comfort from them. I prayed to God asking him to comfort me, take away my anxiety and relieve me of the desperation I was feeling.

A few days later, I received an email from my younger brother. He encouraged me and built me back up in only a few paragraphs. (I still cry re-reading his email) He shared a lot of insightful information, but the single most important thing he told me was that I needed to get back into working out and taking care of myself. That email changed my life. The very next day, I was back to working out again consistently and I haven’t stopped since!

After a couple years of working out solo, I found a community of mom’s who also loved health + fitness as much as I did. This is where I found true joy in taking care of myself again. Working out and taking care of myself gave me the time I needed for ME. It gave me accountability, community, excitement, and the ability to be patient and present with my children.

I fell in love with the BODi community + everything it had done for me and wanted to share that with as many people as I could, so I became a coach!

Fill out my Health & Wellness Quiz to join me!