Visual art
Fine artist
I am Lena Snow, an interdisciplinary artist, educator, and founder of the Goddessarts Magazine, based in Germany, and I started to create art when I was a teenager. The fact that I had to live through a tough childhood and adolescence definitely affected and shaped my art. Yet it was equally the process of emancipation and self-reliance that contributed to an elevation of my creativity. I have often felt disconnected and alone, but somehow Nature, and especially my creative Nature, was always there to comfort me and help me to carve out ways of surviving.
Producing several series over the years, I also earned a Master’s degree at the University of Mannheim and Karlsruhe to become a teacher. Currently my studio is on the edge of the Black Forest where I am working on my latest series.
My works are strongly influenced by the ideas and philosophy of the American Transcendentalist Movement - a spiritual and literary movement occurring in the middle of the 19th century demanding people to become self-empowered and self-reliant. Also, the thought that intuition, creativity, and imagination were more important than logic and rationality is something I could entirely identify myself with. Especially Margaret Fuller, another important personality that enriched this movement and is considered an early feminist had an impact on my works. She pointed out that the feminine, sensitive, and emotional side is genius and contributes to a set of very subtle and precise observation skills. Therefore, the topics of spiritual enlightenment, connectivity, and female identity are always present in my art.
Due to some stressful years I had almost given up on art. However, in March 2020 when the Corona Crisis struck the world, I could focus more on myself and started to paint again. Since then I have devoted my life to art and I have been working with a lot of effort on my projects.
I have had several international exhibitions as in Zurich, Tallin, Milan, London and Atlanta. I was nominated by the Global Art Awards twice, and published in several livestyle and art magazines, as the Artist Talk Magazine in London, the CREATIV Magazine in Miami, or the Moevir Lifestyle Magazine in Paris. I was chosen for the Contemporary Artbook of Excellence (CAE) to be one of the most investable artists in 2021. I am also a member of the Women and Their Work association in Austin, Texas and I am involved in humanitarian projects.
I am also the founder and editor of the international art magazine Goddessarts Magazine.
In December 2021 I was awarded with the Art Olympic Prize in Rome, Italy and chosen as one of the top 60 masters at ATIM, New York.
Interviews, magazines, books
The Goddessarts Magazine
powerful, encouraging, diverse
The Goddessarts Magazine wants to focus on colorful, cheerful, energetic, powerful and empowering art. With your accounts and your art we aim to encourage people, give them support and make them feel welcome, respected and valued. We hope that you discover a new favorite artist, submit your own work or learn something new that can empower you on your creative journey.