Serious business here!!!
Hi, I am ArtyCraftyQueen. You probably know me from the channels listed below:
ArtyCraftyQueen (success)
Bubbleblossom (bad)
Bubbleblossom the ArtyCraftyQueen (Back To The Future fanbase)
ArtyCrafty Community ( Barely updated)
ArtyCraftyQueen 2 (BRAND NEW!!!)
Magical and Crystal Clear (GONE)
Amanda Music (Hard to find)
Oscar and Lily (Hard to Find)
If you don't, it's OK. To view Bubbleblossom, ArtyCrafty Community, ArtyCraftyQueen 2 and Bubbleblossom the ArtyCraftyQueen, go into ArtyCraftyQueen's ABOUT section.
Fan Mail goes to artycraftyqueenfanmail321@gmail.com.