Hey there! Just wanted to share some of my thoughts.
Hey there! Just wanted to share some of my thoughts.
If no one is perfect, then why are we still trying to be perfect? We chase after the diets that tell us we can have the perfect body, the jobs that guarantee we can have the perfect income, the clothes that say we can have the perfect style. Either subconsciously or consciously we all try to hide the fact that we’re not perfect.
We put makeup on to hide our imperfections. We make up excuses to hide our imperfect abilities. We do everything in our power to pretend we have everything all together.
The reality is that nothing’s perfect and nobody’s perfect. So, when will we understand that perfection is unattainable?
My best guess is “never.”
The only thing we can ever be perfect at is being flawed and messing up.
But what if we looked at our mistakes in a different way? What if you saw each mistake as an experience? An experience that only imperfection can give. You’d be able to see that it’s ok to not have it all together. It’s ok to not put in 100% one day, it’s ok to show up without makeup, its ok to let go. Let go of imperfection because it doesn’t exist!!! Embrace your flaws and every curve ball life throws at you.
Be genuine. Learn to love every experience whether it brought you down or built you up. You only have one life so why waste it chasing after the impossible?
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.”
- 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
In a world as hectic as this, it’s so easy to forget to love. It’s a lot easier to criticize people for what they do or what they look like. But it’s important to remember that when you speak hate upon other people or even yourself, you are only inflicting negativity.
Now, I’m not saying that you should never say anything negative, because that’s impossible. No one’s perfect and we all have negative sides to us. But rather, we should think before we do or say something.
If it really isn’t something that would lift someone up, then it really isn’t necessary. Imagine what would happen if we all chose to love others and ourselves, the world would be a much different place, right?
I know I’m nowhere close to being a completely loving person but I’m working on adding a little bit more love to my life. It starts by loving yourself and your imperfections. If you can’t love yourself, you can’t love others. When you feel like it’s hard to be a loving person, it’s probably because you don’t love yourself.
If you can see through your imperfections, you will find that everyone is in the same boat. We are all humans searching to be loved by society, friends, family, etc. So, why don’t we all just help everyone inside the boat instead of kicking them off?
Start today. Compliment someone, not because you should but because you can. Give someone a hug and assure them that everything’s going to be alright. Pay for the person behind you in Starbucks. Do everything in your power to love.
Do everything in love.