Asyafa Umayah RA
Experienced as 2 years fulltime copywriter and Content Writer. Freelance voice over actress and has experience as a radio host with a demonstrated working in the university organization, startup, and local radio. Skilled in Writing, Communication, Strategy, and Problem Solving. Professional skill with a bachelor's degree arabic literature with focus linguistics.
BisnishackProject Digital Marketing School of CivilizationSample article 1 : Kenali Si serat dan limbah rami, peredam suara murah dan ramah
lingkungan!Sample article 2 : 3 Manfaat rami untuk kesehatan ! Si tanaman ganja penuh manfaat!LipensetipRumah Budaya FIBSimposium budayaMega Academic CompetitionVoice over sample _ food waste campaignE-book 1 : The New You CanvasE-book 2 : Emphaty Map E-book 3 : How Agile Are U? E-book 4 : Decision MakingE-book 5 : The Golden CircleE-book 6 : Kanban BoardE-book 7 : Catatan Bisnis Dahlan Iskan