Show the world what you’re made of✨
Hello Lovelies and welcome to my life.
It’s taken me quite some time to realise what I felt like I was missing for myself. I have been a trained Beauty Therapist for 15 years! Gosh that makes me feel old saying that number out loud. I have worked in high end department stores, on the cosmetic counters inside Harvey Nichols and Space NK just to name drop a couple 😝 also worked in well known health and beauty retreats and spas and even had my own business. So shall we say I’ve been around a little and seen most (if not all) there is to see but we all know that the beauty industry is one of the fastest ever-changing industries. I have worked and trained with many major skincare brands including Clarins, Elemis, Guerlain, Colbert MD, Germain De Capuccini, Decleor - the list goes on.
Then I became a mummy and sadly the hours that a therapist needs to commit to work just don’t fit around family life so, putting myself last and being a mummy first, my passion as a therapist had to go on hold until I felt ready to start again. Now my little man is growing up quickly and I feel like now is a good time to try and gain back the enjoyment that I used to get from meeting lots of different lovely ladies, having chats and giggles but most of all sharing my knowledge of products, treatments and where to purchase them.
I always felt at my happiest when I was helping others and making them feel amazing about themselves. Over the years I have had the pleasure of meeting and becoming good friends with some very determined, knowledgeable and powerful women and I would like to take all of the knowledge that they have shared and blessed me with along the way and share it with all you lovely ladies/followers (just incase I have any gentleman followers - don’t want to leave you out). So the beauty and skin side of this I would say I’m pretty well informed on and could tell you quite a lot but as for blogging and technology, I’m not so up to speed at the moment so I’m just winging that bit and learning on this hopefully beautiful journey I am on with you all. I love to learn so feel free to share any of your tips and tricks with me as I’m a total novice at this part.
Best wishes @kayleighpritchard_ @bea.utyfo