Restoration | Restitution | Redemption
Res-ti-tu-tion; The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
God said; Get ready for not only full Restoration but, get ready for Restitution & Redemption.
Have you ever just felt so robbed?! I know I’m not alone in this. A lot of us feel or have felt robbed of so many things, but the fact remains. God will not just restore those places in your life, but He will give you MORE than what you originally had. MORE than those hopes that have felt hopeless. MORE than all those dreams that have felt broken and lost. Here’s the thing about God. He not only gives you back what you feel you have lost, but He gives you way MORE. His plan is always bigger and greater than our own.
I love when God comes on the scene and gives you back way more than what you originally had. Truth is, you never really “Lost,” You gained.
It wasn’t until I started speaking LIFE over myself, until I started claiming and receiving all I knew God had reserved for me. I stopped allowing defeat and doubt to cripple me, I stopped allowing pain to consume me. I stopped beating myself up for my mistakes. God met me at that shattered and broken place, and He lifted me back up and showed me strength in myself that I never realized was there. And, it was in that season of surrender where I finally received heavens BEST. That was the place I finally experienced Restoration, Restitution, and Redemption.
Beauty for the ashes.
Joy for the sadness.
NEW life for my brokenness.
Your Disappointments, Your Mistakes, Your Tragedy does not define you or your destiny.
“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8
The reason that tugs at my heart so much is because so many of us feel like we’ve wasted or have lost so much time or like God cant possibly do anything with all of the things that have gone wrong in our life. I am here to remind you that what the enemy meant to harm you; God will use for the good. He sees every tear we’ve shed and keeps record of them. The heartbreak, the mistakes, God somehow knits that into your story for purpose, to work together for your good. God will restore your joy in ways I could never describe in words.
I promise you; Our God is faithful. God has your best interests at heart. And He will make everything in your life more beautiful than you could have ever imagined, in His perfect time.
My story, my life is a true testament to Gods faithfulness. What God has for you, is for YOU. “Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:6
This is my Restoration, Restitution, & Redemption story. This man, My husband, Heavens best, My greatest blessing, My hero. Never underestimate the beauty of God’s love story for you. Trust in him and please, Don’t take the pen out of Gods hand.