I teach men and women how to stop emotional eating with nutritional science, psychology, and flexibility.

Client spots open


From my clients over the years…

I’ve also worked with other coaches, athletes - both enhanced & natty, for show prep, powerlifting, strongman, other sports - and those whom are sedentary or wanting to make general lifestyle changes.

More testimonials in the “highlight reels” on my Instagram @beefnuggette

My Background & Coaching Approach

“If you don’t think you have an eating problem, you probably have an eating problem.”

Years ago, I prided myself on always being knowledgeable and “researching” the best diets, supps, workouts to do.

If anyone had a problem, it sure as hell wasn’t me, or so I thought. 😣

I was so focused on the details that I missed the real problem:

🦋 My relationship with food.

I assumed my all-or-nothing mindset was all good because it pushed me to progress.

I believed sugar was evil to the point of being afraid to eat apples because of books by people with PhD’s.

Yet, I didn’t see anything wrong with rewarding myself with a cookie at the end of each week for “being good.”

I thought I could lose fat with this and hard work, even though I was eating Willy Wonka’s entire factory at each weekend “cheat meal.”

I grew more and more sick of my weekly bun-less burgers... more and more frustrated as the scale didn’t go down too.


And then, I started learning about macros, psychology, human behavior, the science of breaking bad habits, body recomposition, and sustainability.

I finally realized my “I can’t do this” / “I can’t have that” mentality was the real reason for my self-sabotage.

I hired coaches and mentors, earned degrees in biology and English, became a nutritionist, worked in a medical grade DEXA scan and metabolic testing clinic for 4 years and helped thousands of people eat MORE, make LESS excuses, and lose MORE fat.


Everything changed when I stopped looking for that one magic answer and adjusted my life to BE that realistic answer.

I’m so thankful I get to teach this to others around the world now to improve their lives.

Don’t make the same mistake I did.

Reach out for help and start learning now.

Sound familiar? Click here for more info