For the woman who

Wants to remember her worth, reignite her soul, and live her most ultimate life! This could be for you…

Hello, you incredible woman, you! I am so grateful and honored that you are here! My name is Bethany Crouch and I serve as a mindset coach for women on the path to unlocking their most fulfilled life.

What does this take, you ask?

It takes:

- Remembering your inherent worth.
- Recognizing that no career, performance nor achievement defines your worthiness as a human - accomplishments only amplify the incredible woman you are.
- Reigniting your soul’s desires and realizing that the ultimate life you dream of, already exists - it’s already yours, because you are ALREADY WORTHY of it.

Through one-on-one sessions, I guide you through unpacking limiting beliefs, blocks, and stories that are no longer serving of your most ultimate life vision.
We dive deep into identity, creating an anchor of knowingness and confidence - so no matter the storm, you can navigate the rough waters.
You experience a remembrance of your worthiness and soul’s desires - and start to envision a path of purpose.

I work with women who:

May be experiencing said “Quarter Life Crisis” moments - where they did “everything they were supposed to” and have the career or relationship they dreamt of, yet still don’t feel fulfilled.

Has been a driven, perfectionist, high achiever that experiences immense turmoil when she doesn’t “perform” well in life - whether that be at her job, at home, or in her relationships.

Who are trying to have a baby and it’s not going “by the book” — and she feels a weight of shame that her body is “not working” how it’s supposed to, and feels unworthy because she can’t get pregnant, stay pregnant, etc.

For the mom that is navigating how to be a mom, a wife and have a soul-fulfilling
career — doing her best to serve others yet doesn’t always have the energy to truly pursue what she wants.

If this resonates and I feel like your vibe, let’s have a connecting call. Link below!

Or SWIPE RIGHT to learn more about me!

You are meant for more

Your most beautiful life awaits


Ok, so about me! I am a former competitive gymnast of 15 years turned professional in the space of advising and college athletics.  Because of my long relationship with my sport, I felt like I couldn’t just step away – so I stayed in the “arena” if you will.  Fast forward a decade later, I have evolved in the career-in-athletics and advising spaces and in my time have experienced:

-an identity journey after a 15-year gymnastics career

-committing to a marriage with my college-sweetheart (of which we are still married-and the next statement has no correlation with – just going in chronological order here (love you, hubs!)

-a “quarter life crisis” as I embarked on the beginning years of my professional career

-realizing an unhealthy association of my performance and its impact on my worth as a human

-the miscarrying of two pregnancies, the disappointment and shame of my body not performing in the way “it should”,

-birthing a healthy baby boy

-birthing another healthy baby boy 21 months later

-and after a lot of soul work –discovering that my path to my “ultimate life” was going to take a different approach… an approach that had me work through old stories, limiting beliefs, and recognizing that the worthiness I searched for just needed to be uncovered. 

All it took, was the right coach, commitment to myself, and an unapologetic desire for the life I wanted.
All of these experiences led me to where I am now. A life of intentionality, mindfulness, and energy management that allows me to prioritize what is actually important to me in this life. And at this moment, that is my relationships and family.  They are my WHY, my guiding star if you will. 

I have navigated times of burnout and unworthiness, I have coached mindset to those coping with setbacks, I have done dream sessions and visualizations that allow those that I work with – to dream without limits and to see unlimited possibility.  Creating practices, rituals, and creating a space for this soulful work to be done.

Again, so grateful for you! And excited for you to find your coach to help you do this work (if that’s me, I am so honored!) If not, keep searching girl – your guide will appear at the right time, they always seem to!

If you want to start building the foundation for your dream life, click the “Connect” link below! Have questions, go ahead and click the e-mail icon. Happy to help!