welcome to BibliOT!

I’ve always been an avid reader; the firstborn daughter of an English professor and a preschool teacher, I learned to love books as a very little girl and have been hooked ever since. I used to read at recess, on the bus, under the covers, in the car - anywhere and everywhere I could. As I made my way through higher education, reading for fun gradually shifted to the back-burner as I worked my way through textbook after journal article after research paper.

Now, I’m all grown up and completing my last semester as a graduate student before graduating and becoming a Doctor of Occupational Therapy. My classmates and I began our program six months before COVID hit, and the two tumultuous years that followed involved a significant amount of autonomous learning. In March 2020, I dove into reading with a newfound sense of urgency as my expensive graduate education moved from classroom to laptop, healthcare imploded, and critical social justice topics rose to the forefront.

With a revitalized reading hobby and a rapidly-growing book collection, I’m happy to introduce the BibliOT :) A learning library for clinicians across healthcare professions that seeks to amplify the voices of people sharing their lived experiences, share information on important topics (disability rights, social sciences, racial justice, science and medicine, healthcare access, psychology, child development, personal development - the list goes on), and encourage students and practitioners to never stop listening and learning.