
Im Stacey, Entrepreneur & Business Strategist

Connecting People, Property & Purpose

My Start Up Story

I wasn't always business minded...

Growing up in the Swansea Valleys (both Upper and Lower Cwmtwrch for those asking!) I wasn't thinking what was possible. All I knew was that I loved to choreograph dance routines in my bedroom, hiding away as an introvert.

Adamiec (my surname from my polish grandfather having managed to escape the concentration camps and reach Wales) at School I was told I 'was most definitely NOT A.c.a.d.e.m.i.c' and to pursue a Creative Industry path.

To 'Make it Happen' I did all the jobs

...Worked on a market stall selling meat, as a bar maid, a restaurant manager (still can't cook!) a childminder, an entertainer, jewellery assistant, a dancing zebra, an insurance worker, a lady gaga tribute dancer, the list goes on...

From the Valleys, to Norfolk where I entertained guests to Motown hits as a Pontins Bluecoat, to living in London dancing at Pineapple Studios in my 'spare' time (where I escaped a pub in the middle of the night whilst my boss drank prosecco, a story for another time)

...I started noticing things

Paying attention to why spaces thrived as community halls were closing, why we were moving towards flexible spaces and how dance studios were outperform gyms (even before the years of strictly!)
Focusing on these 'micro' details started to pull me towards a bigger vision (in-between pulling pints and dancing to 'I need a Hero')

Hey, London can be a lonely place for a small town girl you know especially as there wasn't a Gorseinon 'Dave' in sight for any rainy nights in Soho with
....Yet 😏

Zena the Zebra

With Action Pack Jack at Pontins

Sharing a birthday with Wayne Sleep

Call me Maybe...

Call Centre Life

Start me up...

Earning very little as I tried to 'Make it'

A combination of watching reruns of 'Cribs' and the existentialist in me pushed me towards 'entrepreneurial ideas'. Initially this involved trying to guess lottery numbers based on past data with the bar regulars, rolling cigarettes for them for 5p each in a machine that I borrowed off my mamgu, and TV show applications in the hope of winning money (Yep, there's some cringyworthy footage of me floating around dressed as a Welsh 'little bo peep' that's bound to show its face one day.

It took an unprofessional audition leaving me in tears and missing the last train, to switch the lightbulb to start my own business and the rest is history ....well not quite

Little did I know the the set backs were only just getting started

A story of resilience for another time 😏

Starting City Centre Studios

To bring connections & opportunities to Swansea

Transforming Empty Space on the High Street

From this...

To Creative Space full of life...

Developing Properties and Running Several Business almost took me to complete burnout
...but I survived!

10C Property Consultancy

Transforming Disused Spaces into thriving Communities for people with purpose




City Leaders

Work with Me

Services - Biz

I work with individuals and organisations to support starts ups and growing businesses

Business Coaching



I regularly speak about Entrepreurship, Resilience and Growth particularly around High Street Growth

Strategy Days

For Individuals and Small Groups to work on the business vision with practical masterclasses particularly for female founders on specific barriers such as
- Overcoming Undercharging
- Productivity & Time Management
- Social Networking & Content Calendars
- Bespoke Masterclasses

Enterprise Education

High Streets & Space Consultancy

Work with Me

Services - Life

As a mum, running several business ventures, developing properties (and still holding on to the choreographer in me) has taught me the need for essential productivity and life management systems key to living your vision not just in business, but in work & home life

Life Management

Bespoke support to living your vision
- Get things done
- Manage your Time
- Get Organized Declutter your home or office
- Goal Setting
- Action your life vision

Start a Business

- Starting a 'Side Hustle'
- Leaving behind your 9-5pm
- Making the leap into Self Employment

Learn to Dance

- Personal Choreographer
- Wedding First Dance Lessons
- Bespoke Event Management

Client Feedback

Let your actions do the talking


She Started It Network


Business Strategy Days

My YouTube channel

A Bewitching Surprise First Dance....

Coastal Foraging Experience with Craig...

Just a small town girl...

Week in the life...

Ice Bucket Challenge

Global Entrepreurship Week