Celebrating the Black Boerboel
The Black Boerboel….
While the great debate over the “authenticity” of the Black Boerboel continues today (even though the color is accepted by AKC, SABBS & NABBA) There still remains many “purists” today who do NOT recognize the color as “authentic” Boerboel Coloring. Of course there are just as many “purists”, and old timers I might add, [from South Africa] who will be more than happy to tell you the Black Boerboel has ALWAYS been.
We are NOT there to debate the Black Boerboel. No. This page is to showcase the beauty of this magnificent animal.
Few can argue the Boerboel is nothing short of magnificent. This breed is Powerful. Protective. Loyal. Smart & Loving. Frankly, it’s just a magnificent “beast” and I for one, think all the colors of the Boerboel are amazing on this animal - I do. BUT…… I’ve always been partial to a black dog, and the Boerboel in Black is about as majestic and down right bad ass as I think you can get. But that’s just me.
What do you think?
{image below is Halo.The.Boerboel at 9wks. old)