Hi guys! This is my Colouring tut!
apps used :
- 24FPS
- prequel
- colourtone
24FPS :
take a screenshot of the qr code
above ! and go to 24FPS app
and import the qr code. the filter
should be “sunkissed” . save ur
prequel :
- adjust settings :
- exposure = -45
- contrast = -30
- highlights = -40
- shadows = -50
- glow = 35
- blur = 50
select a filter called
“mojave” and put the
intensity to 50. and
select “dust” effects.
put dust to 100 and
filter to 50. save ur
colourtone :
it’s optional if u add
the filter before u add
ur text OR after !! select
the filter called “avalon”
with the intensity of
+0.50 - +1.00. it depends
on the lighting ! and ur done :)
if u use this pls give creds as i made it ! (: