how did i end up with a storefront business at 22?
In February 2019, i went to my first ever business training. It was a nutrition club training in Oklahoma City, OK. I didn’t really know many people going, but i went anyway, and i was excited! I had been working in a nutrition club for a month or two by then... but i always thought you had to have certain prerequisites to own one. However, when i heard the speaker talking about how to have a nutrition club, i thought, I. WANT. ONE. At that time, i knew nothing about manifestation, but that is what i was doing. I started thinking that I’d have a club one day. When Darryll and i moved in together and he came to Dallas on a business trip with me, he told me he wanted to join the business. He was eager to learn more, so i taught him everything i knew! Shortly after, we talked about owning a nutrition club. We spent HOURS ON HOURS driving around Kansas City and KC metro looking for spaces for lease and calling landlord after landlord. Some nights we were out from 7 pm to 11 pm looking and poor Landon would just fall asleep in the car. We were so determined to get our perfect space. But just when we thought we had found a space we liked, we found out there was already Prana Nutrition about a block away. We were sad because we had spent all summer looking for a space and just wanted to be done. But a couple nights later, our coach called us and informed us that Prana was actually available for lease. It was a long shot, but we thought we’d try anyway. At that point, what did we have to lose?
After speaking with the owner at the time, he said someone else has already applied but he’d send our application in just in case. Days that felt like weeks went by as each update started with “can’t promise anything...” or “isn’t looking good...” but ended with “keep your head up” and “keep praying”. And that’s exactly what we did. We had so many people praying that this would be OUR space. By that time, we were pros at manifestation, and good thing because IT WORKED! 10 days after we sent in our application, we got the call. “It didn’t work out with the other applicants. Prana Nutrition is yours!” I CRIED. Then i thanked God. Then i cried again. We finally got our space!!
We only had 3 days to get settled. We had a lot we wanted to change, and we were determined to get it done before Monday. Waking up early after staying there till 2 am seemed like nothing when we had our minds set.
Months later, business is amazing, we’ve impacted SO many lives, and had our lives impacted even more than you could imagine. We’ve met some amazing new friends, we get to spend all of our time with our son and make the city of Olathe a happier and healthier place. I wouldn’t trade this life for the world. Now, we get to help people through the same process, showing them how they can take control of their life, their time/financials, and be their own boss while improving others’ lives. It’s such a beautiful thing and I’m so blessed that my family and i get to be apart of this.
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