
Claim it baby!

I’m Bonnie Cann

Your coach, Intuitive, healer and podcast host.

I’m here to help you open yourself up to inviting more pleasure, money and love into your life. 💦
Sometimes it can feel overwhelming and that’s exactly what I’m here for m. I want you to learn how to create your own container of self devotion to yourself, a new paradigm where you can unconditionally love yourself no matter what place you are currently in. Whoever you desire to be or already are, I will help you FULLY embody HER. 🔥

Your power is already inside of you, you have magnetism, so much expansive love to give yourself and you have the ability to choose how you use it. My job is to draw it out of you, to help you see your own beauty, claim your desires and let you know that you are not only capable but also DESERVING of MORE. ✨


Hey you! YES, you.

You’re already here, so a massive welcome. It takes a lot to move towards change, to even explore the idea of the reality you want for yourself.

Whether you want to be a bad ass in your work place, your own boss, have more fulfilling sex, get up on stage and sing, heal your past traumas that are triggering you every day, I can help you with it.

I can help you clear, detach and cut cords ✂️ with the experiences in your past that are prohibiting you from moving forward, from using your voice, from fully activating your truth and from you fully embracing your true desires. ❤️‍🔥

If you want to have passionate sex, healthy boundaries and better relationships that you’ve denied yourself from having in the past, stick around for a little bit longer. You won’t regret it my love.


You are deserving of more.

So you want to get to know me a little more?
Well let me keep it short(ish) and super sweet.

From a young age I’ve always been a girl who held everything in to appear “strong” and “un-phased” by situations. I  believed that crying made me “weak” and I was unable to express how I was actually feeling.

This caused me to shut down parts of myself and my body because it hurt being connected to it, numbing myself out always seemed to be an easier option. I was always finding short term solutions and coping mechanisms that didn’t last, they were just temporary Band-Aids 🩹 .

It made me come across as bitchy, unconfident, defensive and I became avoidant in any conflicts that would arise. I use substances to numb my pain and distractions to help me forget the pain I was feeling.
I had a build up of anger, mixed with the belief that anger was “bad” and  I would hold onto it until I would burst. Oh and when I did, it was shamed, just like most kid’s are.

I sacrificed what made me happy to please others and over time it led to fatigue and self hatred. I had the ultimate sisterhood wounding ❤️‍🩹, like many women do from their school days and it manifests from there onward. I was so scared of the “bitchy” culture that I convinced myself that I’d rather be more like “one of the guy’s” that to deal with the wounded sisterhood friendships, when all i was really desiring was to feel safe within my friendships with the women in my life.

I was living through the blockages and they were just continuously piling onto of me the longer I left them unhealed. This stopped me from calling in what I truly desired and blocked me from all forms of manifestations. I was completely shut off, even in my own internal world.

The older I got, the more triggered I became and the more I got sick of my own shit, it moved me closer to doing something about it 💪 . I started doing courses, readings lot’s, meditating, participating in breath work and the whole deal. Everything that happened, every experience I’ve had brought me to this point to wanting not only more for myself but raising my voice up so that others could hear me and my message.

That you can create your own reality, you have choices. To continue living in your current state or reach out and ask for more, because I know you deserve it and deep down you know it too.

By choosing to work through your limiting beliefs and your childhood you are able to alchemise your life.

I’ve always felt it in my soul, I’ve always only dreamed of helping others (whether it was paid or not-but more on that a little later). I worked in disability for over 5 years and volunteered my time to help enhance peoples quality of life. This isn’t something i recently started doing. And now it’s my turn to lead, to show up and to hold the microphone for you. Through doing this healing, intuitive work we become abundant in every area of our life, we gain back the control we lost years ago, that others took away from us and create something extraordinary as a collective.

Part of my story also includes a misdiagnosis or endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, loss of my period for far too long, months at a time and too many years of mysterious back pain from the age of 16. All very confusing, so many specialists and so much mental, emotional and physical pain. I know I’m not the only one who has experiences things like this so its my mission to talk openly about it, to not only bring awareness but hopefully to help other vulva owners skip these experiences and/or just not feel so alone. (more on this below)

So there it is my loves, my story in a nutshell.

I have done the work and now I’m stepping up to show you how you can do the same. I used to hate myself, my body and my life. I was working in a job I hated and I never put myself first (I was a big people pleaser). I had so much sisterhood wounding and always convinced myself that I was one of the boys, when all I wanted to do was have an amazing group of girlfriends. I wasn’t living in alignment and I couldn’t call anything into my life that I desired in all aspects of life. Through working through my limiting beliefs, childhood wounding and sub-conscious mind I was able to alchemise my LIFE!



The magic is in you too. Your intuition, your souls voice and your truth. Your intuition keeps you safe, it is never wrong. Over time you may become less aware of it and we NEED it. WE need it to live in alignment, to keep safe and to help us differentiate between what is the truth and what is not. Let me help you come back to your intuition, gain back your own truth and listen to your instinctual knowing.

1:1 Coaching

If you’re ready to alchemise all aspects of your life, live in ultimate pleasure, learn to recognise your sub-conscious beliefs so you can have more flow and ease in your life this is for you.

This 1:1 coaching container will help you fulfil your specific needs and desires. These calls will be 100% unique to what you are needing to step into that next level of yourself.

If you’re ready to glow, raise your energetic vibration, love yourself 110%, embody your sensual side, call in more money, experiences, love and more book in for a FREE DISCOVERY CALL and we will get you there babe xx

Does this sound familiar?

🤍Have you had enough of feeling like you’re not enough, for yourself or others?

🤍Do you feel like you’re being held back by limiting beliefs, but don’t know what they are?

🤍Do you want to be living as your most alluring self and start to embody your desires?

🤍Always waiting for the right man, but feel like he’ll never come?

🤍Do you have weak boundaries and always say yes to things you would love to say NO to?

🤍Are you wanting to have more money in your life but don’t know how to get it? Or maybe you feel greedy for asking for more?

🤍Are you craving incredible orgasms, that are expansive AF?

🤍Are you feeling disconnected from your body and your intuition?

🤍Do you want to live more in your feminine, live in a higher vibration and in the moment?

🤍Are you always in pain or PMS’ing around your moon time?

🤍Do you feel like you’re not living in alignment and always putting your favourite things on the back burner?

🤍Do you feel anxious around your women friends?

🤍Do you want more fulfilling sex that leaves you feeling energised instead of drained?

🤍Are you ready to have better relationships in your life with your family, partner and friends?

🤍Are you wanting to call in more friends that you vibe with on a higher level?

🤍Have you had enough of hating your body, but can’t seem to shake it?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then my 1:1 containers are for you.

Reach out to get started today.

Work with me

What I Offer:

I help you uncover your belief systems, hidden wounds and help you finally heal yourself in a holistic and expansive way.

I will help you return to your inner wild women, feminine goddess and guide you to tap back into your intuition.

You don’t have to live in a constant stress response or in a mindset that belonged to you when you were a child, you just need to do the work in order to free yourself.


Each package I offer is 100% customised to you. I currently offer a once off session, 3/6/12 month packages depending on your goals.
Email me to find out more.


Things we can work on:

* Intuitive sessions

* Help you heal your moon cycle

* Timeline regression

* Work with the four bodies

* Inner child healing

* Energy clearing

* Re-connect you to your intuition 

* Anger release 

* Forgiveness work

* Money manifestation 

* Nervous system expansion 

* Re-programming the subconscious brain

* Energy protection 

* Orgasmic meditation

* Feminine blueprints and desires 

* Clearing old wounds 

* Trauma healing

* Channeling 

* Helping you create the new and upgraded version of yourself 

* & so much more!

**If you’re truely ready to transform your life, ready to feel the most orgasmic pleasures and abundance waiting for you, I’m just an email away**

📩To see if we are the right fit for each other book in for a free discovery call.
To book a discovery call email: hello@bonniecann.com - “Re: Discovery Call” or alternatively send me a DM.