Brie Wollman

WHOLEistic Witch, Evolutionary Artist, & STAR-Psychopomp, nourishing our deaths within life with wisdom from the Wellspring.

M.S.Ed., ERYT500, RBAI

Soul Muse | Ritualist | Body Poetess
Sensualist | Word-Witch | WHOLEistic Counselor
Kitchen Witch/Herbalist | Pleasure Potionista
Self Nourishment Necromancer

Generatrix of Briethe Magick Creations & Briething Botanica

Enlivening Evolutions & WHOLEistic Wellness
In service to the Numinous & a Collective Cosmic Dream.


Welcome! I am Brie Ann Wollman, meaning Powerful Grace, Night-Dweller at the

Intimate with the dark, I embody the stability and elderhood of the STARS that shine in the darkest hours of the night, and invite you to find similar touchstones of endurance at the wild void within your own core.

As Psychopomp, I muse and escort the Soul to merge with the Numinous Mysteries, to necromance nourishment within the wells of our life’s many deaths, from Source, from our own body-wells, the stars, our desires, and to swim in the alchemical-liminal marshlands that flow out in infinite directions from the fountainhead that animates us all.

As a WHOLEistic Witch-Weaver, I facilitate integration, inviting us to move with and thread the magick and meaning that marks us in multidimensional modes so that we might continually unfold against the world into our infinite potentials, rebirthing endless iterations of our personal evolutions, and thereby facilitating collective evolution into a mature set of whole humans and robust cultures bound together by the sweet synergy of a wild world, endlessly gifting us and welcoming us home.


Dance with me.
Drink with me.
Die with me.
Dissolve with me.
Desire with me.
Draw a circle with me.
Dream with me.
Deliver and be delivered with me.


I believe in the majesty of the Wilds, and look to Nature and the Mysteries as my Elders, a complete and mature set of animate Beings, erotic processes and wondrous magickal-macrocosms whom I reflect, all of us continuing to exist in fluent synergy and spiralescent cycles.

Dancing in time to these natural rhythms, embodying the patterns and energies that emerge from the Elder-Wilds, observable and unseen, I finds myself rich with a sense of aliveness, radiance, and purpose which I collaboratively wield to occupy my place within the dream of the Cosmos itself.

In this way, I invite those who desire so, to “Briethe Magick” with me through my dynamic array of offerings, crafted to meet each individual in their particular moment, resourcing, moving, and MUSING them toward wholeness, toward the embodiment of their own unique radiance, sovereignty, vitality, and purpose in the present and thereby the greater evolutionary-dream.

Through my own underworld journeys and metamorphic rebirths, I moved from compliant, shy, and people pleasing, and continue to morph and thrive as I resolve ever more truly home into embodiment of my Inner Evolutionary Artist, and my essence as a Muse and Earth Altar.

From an early life rich with art, poetry, and dance, a journey in public and private teaching, behavioral therapy work, and through big leaps of faith toward my heart’s longing, I continue to rise away from social conformist, by rooting in the fecund magick that feeds my heart-centered-social-evolutionary-Wild Woman-Dancing Star.

Today, I weave my Masters Degree in the field of Special Education and 25+ years of experience in education across a variety of public, private, clinical, and non-traditional settings into a collage of Soul-work including wholistic and personalized counseling, soma-scapes and embodiment work, magickal folk-herbalism, ancestry, transformational coursework, writing, art, and evolutionary efforts.

I aim to meet each individual in 1-1 integration sessions, group programs, events/workshops, and consultations with compassion and personalized response, weaving trauma informed practices, psychology, magick, my classical training in dance, yoga, and intuitive movement, somatic experiencing, poetry, story, and art, my ancestral kitchen witchery, and ever-developing herbalism, ritual practice, and personal integration work to muse them toward their OWN definition of thrival.

I am the Creatrix and Foundress of Briething Botanica where we “briethe magick.” From my home kitchen, I brew potions for WHOLEistic wellness, specializing in women’s vitality, our collective sovereignty, nervous system health, and foundational and radical self care, to remember and enhance our relationship with Earth, the Nature we are, and for our overall pleasure and thrival.

My most passionate and prized creation is my beloved pleasure potion, GODDESS 🔻 TINCTURE for the way it is reviving juicy living for so many deserving women all over the world.

My work is dynamic, and multifaceted, aimed at nourishing the artful magick that it is to embody the human expression within the web of the wondrous natural world.

Explore the following pages to enter the realms of my creations and collaborations, finding the just right decadence to satiate you in this moment.


I was inspired to begin practicing my crafts on Cowlitz Land and feel deeply BLESSED for all the ways this STUNNING ELDER land and the Ancestors of this place have called me home to myself, to my wildness, artistry, and elderhood within.

By summoning me to sit at the roots of massive Cedars, to learn the ways of the darkest, most fecund and saturated soil, to learn what it means to truly belong and know community from the endless synergy and symbiosis of multi layered and multi textured rainforests, to surrender AND carve like the most ferocious, yet fluid, and always-seeking-resolution wild waters, to witness the great horned Elk, the majestic Eagle, and many other wild Teachers and guides, I reintegrate more of my human wholeness daily, and thread my heart into the flesh of my wild family and home.

I am now relocated to the land of the Tunxis in what’s known today as central Connecticut and I look forward to reconnecting to the land that raised me with fresh eyes, heart, and intimacy.

In the deepest gratitude, I devote my art in service to the imaginative dream moving through this place, moving through me.


Connect via email at


NOTE: Payment Plans & Financial Aid will always be considered. Please ask for what you need so we can collaborate to make support feasible for you.

Goddess Tincture

Pleasure Potion for Women

50% OFF through 11/29/2024!!!

$22 for 1 oz | $39 for 2 oz | $72 for 4 oz


Enroll as a VIG on monthly subscription and earn a FREE 90 Minute 1:1 with Brie. Visit the link”Briethe Magick” page for more info on 1:1 Sessions!


Briething Botanica GODDESS 🔻 TINCTURE aims to support hormone balance, a healthy menstrual cycle without discomfort, to recalibrate postpartum and after all forms of birth control use, to aid transition into and nourish your body through menopause, and to revive natural lubrication, sensuality, receptivity, creativity, and access to multi-layered-orgasmic love-making and living.


Also available for collaboration in your location/business via Wholesale Purchase with 15%-30% OFF.


To order or collaborate


MUST READ regarding important disclaimers and contraindications. This herbal potion is not a match for anyone pregnant, nursing, with estrogen fueled disorders, with an IUD, nor in conjunction with hormone based birth control.

Pricing and order policies detailed inside.

✨ SPECIAL BLACK FRIDAY PRICING through 11/29/2024:
$22 for 1 oz | $39 for 2 oz | $72 for 4 oz


FAQs answered about this pleasure potion’s origins, benefits, recommended use and dosages, important disclaimers and contraindications.

VIG Monthly Subscription

Automated subscription for monthly GODDESS🔻 TINCTURE delivery.

Three sizes available.

Please review important product disclaimers, precautions and subscription plan policies before enrollment.

✨ BLACK FRIDAY DEAL through 11/29/2024: Enroll as a VIG and earn a FREE 90 Minute 1:1 with Brie! Visit “Briethe Magick” page for more info on 1:1 Sessions!!

What the GODDESSES are saying…

From a new Momma having experienced a healthy full term pregnancy after several miscarriages.


Emergent Process Embodiment Dance Rituals

SAMAHAIN DEAL: SAVE $222 by purchasing by 10/31 AND Receive a FREE 30 Minute 1:1

Join Brie for a year long cycle of monthly embodiment rituals where we surrender to ourselves as erotic processes, in infinite cycles of emergence, complete with seasons of liminality, dying, formlessness, rest, rejuvenation, rebirth growth, fruition and DELICIOUS indulgence.

We shall touch seasons of destruction, decay AND flourish… blossoming in erotic unfurlation, in seductive longing for our most fertile receptivity to be TASTED, letting ourselves flush with heat and color and allure so our ripeness might bring us and others to that orgasmic-high-pitch of feeling, to new conceptions, and to the birth of new worlds.

We shall descend into the underworld depths of darkness, mystery, oracular vision and transformation through the Winter, then claw our way topside as the ground thaws and our lust leads the way through seasons increasing in light and heat and pulsating aliveness.

Each monthly ritual will embody the erotic energies and archetypes reflective of Nature’s carnal expressions of emergence.

I will offer exercises for exploring foreplay with, resensitizing intimacy with, romancing, and inviting integration of the wild resources coursing through the great wells of Archetypal Energy and through the land, to entangle in exquisite love-making with our own erotic bodies and expressions of creative Nature.

Sessions might include stories, poetry, and symbolic ritual actions, but will ALWAYS involve full bodied sensory experiencing, authentic movement, and the juiciest of pleasurous DANCE play.

We will explore our own intuitive movement and try on choreography to provoke more accentuated articulations of our EROTIC EMPRESS bodies, spreading ourselves open to ecstatic orgy with Mystery, Earth, the Divine, our own unique creativity and pleasure.

May we together dance, and drink up the Amrita of the Wilds, saturating and satiating ourselves, and all we ensnare and transform.

This is a pre-recorded series, hosted live in 2022-2023.



OCTOBER 2022: Serpent Skinned Siren

NOVEMBER 2022: Unravel Me in the Void

DECEMBER 2022: MidWinter Mage & the Oracular Body

JANUARY 2023: Cream of the Creatrix

FEBRUARY 2023: Breweress Becoming

MARCH 2023: Wide Eyes of the Erotic Innocent

JUNE 2023: Sensuous Solar Queen

JULY 2023: Heathen Healer’s Harvest & Hearth

AUGUST 2023: Raucous Rebel Warrioress

SEPTEMBER 2023: Paradox as Pleasure with a Joker's Bite

OCTOBER 2023: Wayward Wild Witch's Delight

NOVEMBER 2023: Shadowy Shapeshiftress

DECEMBER 2023: Dark, Erotic Empress Anointed



+ Purchase any Single Class Recording

+ Subscribe with a Monthly Payment

+ Pay in FULL for the WHOLE Series (discounted)

Email questions to

Erotic Empress Year Paid in Full

A full year of monthly of online dance rituals, November 2022-October 2023.

$555 (+ tax; ~ $43/Ritual)

Includes 13th Class, Serpent Skinned Siren PreRecorded Class & Admission to the Erotic Empress Eddy Online Group/Community for extras between the Rituals.

$555 via Venmo @brie-wollman or CashApp $BrieAnnW (to avoid tax) or check out by clicking the link below. Please inquire if you’d like to split your purchase into
2 -3 payments.

Be sure to include email address in payment notes.

Erotic Empress Month-to Month Subscription

Monthly auto-debit to participate in monthly dance rituals.

Includes Serpent Skinned Siren Class & Admission to the Erotic Empress Eddy Online Group/Community for extras between the Rituals.

* Please note that due to the discounted rate for payment plan enrollment, signing on for monthly subscription is considered a binding agreement to complete 12 billing cycles/completion of value for 12 rituals.

*Please see Policies page and/or refer to your enrollment WoManual for complete terms.

$44/Month (+tax)

Serpent Skinned Siren Class Recording

A sensual reclamation dance strip-shop/workshop including intuitive movement, choreography play, and ritual.

3.5 Hours | $55

Included FREE in paid in full & monthly subscription orders.

Or send payment via Venmo @brie-wollman and include your email address for delivery.

Unravel Me in the Void

November 2022 PreRecorded Class

2 HRS | $55

Or send payment via Venmo @brie-wollman and include your email address for delivery.

MidWinter Mage & the Oracular Body

December 2022 PreRecorded Class

2.25 HRS | $55

Or send payment via Venmo @brie-wollman and include your email address for delivery.

Cream of the Creatrix

JANUARY 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.5 HRS | $55

Or send payment via Venmo @brie-wollman and include your email address for delivery.

Breweress Becoming

FEBRUARY 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.25 HRS | $55

Or send payment via Venmo @brie-wollman and include your email address for delivery.

Wide Eyes of the Erotic Innocent

MARCH 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.25 HRS | $55

Or send payment via Venmo @brie-wollman and include your email address for delivery.

Sensuous Solar Queen

JUNE 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.5 HRS | $55

Or send payment via:
+ Venmo @brie-wollman
+ CashApp $BrieAnnW

Include your email address for delivery.

Heathen Healer’s Harvest & Hearth

JULY 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.5 HRS | $55

Or send payment via:
+ Venmo @brie-wollman
+ CashApp $BrieAnnW

Include your email address for delivery.

Paradox As Pleasure with a Joker’s Bite

SEPTEMBER 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.25 HRS | $55

Or send payment via:
+ Venmo @brie-wollman
+ CashApp $BrieAnnW

Include your email address for delivery.

Raucous Rebel Warrioress

AUGUST 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.5 HRS | $55

Or send payment via:
+ Venmo @brie-wollman
+ CashApp $BrieAnnW

Include your email address for delivery.

Wayward Wild Witch’s Delight

OCTOBER 2023 PreRecorded Class

2 HRS | $55

Or send payment via:
+ Venmo @brie-wollman
+ CashApp $BrieAnnW

Include your email address for delivery.

Shadowy Shapeshiftress

NOVEMBER 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.3 HRS | $55

Or send payment via:
+ Venmo @brie-wollman
+ CashApp $BrieAnnW

Include your email address for delivery.

Dark Erotic Empress Anointed

DECEMBER 2023 PreRecorded Class

2.25HRS | $55

Or send payment via:
+ Venmo @brie-wollman
+ CashApp $BrieAnnW

Include your email address for delivery.



Brie Wollman is not a medical professional nor licensed/certified herbalist nor licensed psychologist and is not responsible for any complications that arise from your personal choice to purchase and consume/work with Briething Botanica creations nor from Briethe Magick Services.

All products are homemade and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products have not been clinically researched to treat, cure, nor prevent any disease.

Brie cannot diagnose, and recommends that you consult with a responsible, qualified, and trusted healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, on any medications, and/or experience significant medical conditions/history.

By purchasing Briething Botanica remedies and Briethe Magick Services, clients indicate that they have read and understand this information and agree to hold harmless and release Brie Wollman; Briethe Magick Creations; Briething Botanica under any circumstance.

Payments PREFERRED via Venmo @brie-wollman

Alternative Payment methods and payment plans available by request.

Payment is required at least 72 hours prior to delivery of goods and services, and/or to hold sessions and limited/seasonal/small batch creations.

All Briething Botanica Herbal Magick is made-to-order. This is slow, small batch, intentional hand crafting by a one-Witch-enterprise, invested wholeheartedly in several endeavors that matter to me. Orders are not prepared until payment is received. Shipping occurs 1-4x per month. Please plan accordingly. Estimated shipping times will be delivered at the time of order.

Additional Shipping rates apply for all orders based on your location.

Enrollment on auto-payment subscriptions with Briething Botanica (BB) and/or Briethe Magick Creations (BMC) constitutes an agreement to complete all payments to satisfy the complete value of any program/product before delivery/completion of said product/program.

Default on any payment with be automatically retried in 5 business days via your original payment method. Failure on 2 payments may result in cancellation of your payment plan, and a requirement to satisfy the remaining balance in full, re-enrollment on payment plans with added set up fees, or disqualified eligibility to continue programs/ongoing relationships with BB/BMC.

Any cancellation/pause to payment plans must be requested in writing via email to at least 30 days before any alteration can be made to payment. Cancellations without prior written communication in advance may disqualify you from eligibility for payment plans or work with BMC/BB in the future, or may incur additional set-up fees in the future.

Payment plans may be paused for 1 month without penalty for clients who have been consistently enrolled for at least 6 months, and with proper written notice at least 30 days in advance. All other instances of payment plan disruption will be subject to current rates at any future re-enrollment, may be subject to set up fees, and/or may not be eligible for payment plans for partnership with BMC/BB.

Refunds will not be offered for sessions/services/goods delivered nor custom creations when specialized ingredients have been ordered.

Refunds are not available for cancellations with less than 24 hours notice, nor for behavior that is deemed dishonorable/disrespectful to Brie/BB/BMC and/or to the policies stated here which may expel one from ongoing relationships with l Brie/BB/BMC.

If a refund or change to agreements is warranted through email communication, please allow at least 30 days for payment to be returned.

Please complete payments and intake forms 48-72 hours prior to sessions for the most prepared and effective delivery of services.

Session Credits expire 1 year after purchase. No refund will be given for sessions not scheduled within 1 year of purchase.

Full policies and waivers are included in the full Briething Botanica Herbal Magick Menu, via email, and in 1:1 Request/Intake Forms, and/or program Manuals which will be delivered at the time of service request/enrollment/onset of programs and in many places may be accessed independently via the links in this website.

By purchasing goods and services with Brie Wollman/Briething Botanica/Briethe Magick Creations you are agree that you have full access to, have read, understand, and agree to the above policies, and are personally accountable for any losses you incur.



Preferred Payment Method. May be applied to any purchase, tribute or donation.

PayPal Me

To complete payment for any purchase, donation, tribute, etc. Additional fees may apply.

Cash App

May be applied for any purchase, tribute or donation.


What Clients are Saying…

Emma, VIG Goddess Tincture Monthly Subscriber & 1:1 Client

“The Goddess Tincture has changed my relationship with my yoni. I take it every day and have loved the “VIG subscription option” that Brie offers. I never want to be without it! In our work together, I have found that Brie is easy to talk to, and empowers me to craft my own solutions and magick to the challenges I face. She is an amazing artist, teacher, dancer and creatrix and inspires me to be the amazing wild goddess that I am. I absolutely endorse her products, her trainings and her services.”

Toni-Anne, VIG Monthly Subscriber & Program Student/1:1 Client

“The potions crafted from this luminous being have completely changed my life. I was struggling with coming off of BC and knew I needed something to help, Goddess Tincture was a one stop shop. I’m part of the monthly subscription for this powerful potion and I’ve gained so much knowledge about my own body by using it with Bries loving guidance since day 1. I also recently took part in her Well of Wonder program and have deepened my relationship with self, my magick, and the elements. I feel my creativity flooding back in and have had numerous enriching experiences. I’ve gotten clear on what I want and how to get it. On a more personal note Brie herself is a talented and experienced witch, a skilled potion crafter, a masterful wordsmith, and an all around fantastic human being. I admire her and am so thankful to support her work.”

Angelina, Briething Botanica & 1:1 Client

“ I have tried a variety of Brie’s lovingly created botanical potions and have loved every one. I am always excited to open packages from Brie, knowing so much care and attention to beauty went into it. Goddess Tincture helped me regulate hormones and increase libido after ditching hormonal birth control. Her Anxietea is a favorite tea, but I’ve loved being introduced to her seasonal blends too. I have also been a student in one of her courses and feel so blessed to have her share her wealth of knowledge on regulating the nervous system. If you have a chance to do a one on one session with Brie, DO IT! She knows all the questions to ask to help you achieve wellness in all areas, not just the body.”

Sara, Program Student, 1:1 & Regular Briething Botanica Client

“Every product that I have ordered from Briething Botanica has been hand-crafted with high quality ingredients and intentions. I tried the LunaEvolve facial products and I have not seen my skin glow this way before ✨😍 The whole process was so lovingly rejuvenating. The Goddess Tincture has brought more pleasure into my life than I imagined possible! And the Moon Tea has alleviated the intensity of my menstrual cramps. I highly recommend Briething Botanica for the loving, nurturing, and cleansing effects of hand-made-heart-infused, inner and outer beauty products!”

Autumn, VIG Goddess Tincture Monthly Subscriber

“I don't have enough good things to say about Brie and her work! The products are always outstanding in quality. You can feel the love, energy, devotion, and magick that goes into each potion.

I've been a proud, recurring customer for nearly a year now, and I don't see myself ending this beautiful, reciprocatively nourishing relationship anytime soon!”

Shiloh, Briething Botanica Regular Client

“Brie offers the most beautiful hand crafted creations… I use the Goddess tincture often… I had cysts on my ovaries and now their gone… it also increases my libido like crazy. That’s why I only take it 3xs a week instead of daily haha. But if that’s what your looking for go for it. I also find the teas very nourishing.”

Erin, Briething Botanica Client & Progam Student

“I enjoy supporting Briething Botanica anytime I can! I use the products myself, and for gifts both personally & professionally. The quality of the products are always exceptional and the attention and care put into these heartful creations are above and beyond anything on the market.”

Janelle, Briething Botanica Client

“Brie's tinctures and teas are the best around.. The love and energy infused in them is her own flavor of magic. The Goddess Tincture has been an amazing resource for me in the past. I can't wait to get more.”

Katie, Briething Botanica Client

“Brie's creations are potent + packed with so much love, care and intention. Her heart truly emanates from all that she puts out into the world. I've benefited from the Goddess Tincture, yoni steams and her generous nature in general. Highly recommend for any folks desiring luscious body care + soul support.”

Shannon, VIG Monthly Subscriber & Regular Client

“I love the quality and energy of Brie's creations. I subscribe monthly to her Goddes tincture and get so excited for the seasons to turn so I can place my order for seasonal indulgences!!!”

Jillian, Briething Botanica Client

“I loved the goddess tincture it has helped me so much with painful periods. I also love the womb massage oil it's amazing. All the products are amazing literally.”

Jenn, VIG Monthly Subscriber & Regular Client

“If you think you need her and her product(s) in your life...then you do! Don't hesitate! The quality is divine and the impact each and every product has had on my life is nothing less than magical! I've used everything from the Goddess Tincutre to get me through menopause, to the facial products that have gifted my skin through adult acne and aging effects, to the Teas and Cacao elixers that soothe my soul! DO IT!!! you will not regret a single moment with whatever product calls to you!”

Stephanie, Briething Botanica Client

“Brie concocts some of the best plant medicine products I’ve found. Each product I’ve tried has been beautifully crafted both in ingredients & atheistic.”

Kathy & Hanna, Mother & Daughter Program & 1:1 Clients and VIG Monthly

"Having YOU in our lives (both Hanna’s & mine) is no coincidence. I believe with you helping her will help me, and vice versa, because of our mother daughter bond. Thank you for all that you do."

Sara, Long Term 1:1 Client & BB Regular

“I’ve been working with Brie in a few different capacities, skin consultation and private 1-1 rituals, that have been FUELING my creative process, along with sipping her teas and working with her yoni steam blends. So grateful for her magick.”

My YouTube Channel


Enjoy FREE guided embodiment practices, art, poetry, and more information about courses, programs, promotions, 1:1 Services, and Briething Botanica Creations.

2022 Year End Reflections & Updates

CoCROONing the Crone Wintertide Tale & Magickal Winter Offerings with Brie

FREE Embodiment Ritual

FREE Anxious Energy Soothing Somatic Practice

Romance the World

Come Home to the Well

Briething Botanica: Botanical Balancing

Briething Botanica: Botanical Beauty

Briething Botanica: Yoni Balancing

Meet Brie

Briething Botanica: Botanical Brewing


Much of what you see in this website has emerged from loving collaboration, inspiration, immense efforts and generosity on the part of beloved and talented friends, and teachers with whom my life is BLESSED.

This is an important place to acknowledge their contributions to my life, my work, and my wholeness, inextricably woven into the fabric of who I am, and what I offer to the world.

My gratitude is infinite and ever expanding. Please go follow, support, and book with these revolutionaries!

Danielle Dulsky & The Hag School

I was so grateful to be introduced to Danielle Dulksky & The Hag School through Jessi Marino. Through Danielle’s writing and moving rituals, I have found such immense remembrance of my most cherished childhood magick. The recognition felt in Dulsky’s poetry, storytelling, and art has revived my inner dreamer, who spent the majority of her childhood dancing, writing, reading, and wondering on her own.

Danielle’s creations, teachings and collaborations with fellow Hag School Facilitators have rounded out and given form to my witchcraft, reuniting me with my lost connection to the Irish blood in my lines, and weaving structure and deeper meaning through the folk magick informally taught through my Italian and Sardinian ancestors in my youth. A richer spiritual life has been reinvigorated and the proof of magick surrounds me more daily with devotion to the practices I’m unearthing from my soul-scape and the wild that runs in my veins.

Participation in the Hag School’s Witch’s Bundle (Coven & Hive), Heathen Imaginarium, and working with her Sacred Hags Oracle Deck are deepening my own art, ritual witchcraft, growing wholeness, and ushering me toward my life’s work in richer textures with each turn of the wheel.

For any creators, witch-curious, weird, and wild, I recommend learning beside Danielle and the mythic Hags who have so much wisdom to share.

The Hag School

Jessi Marino & Wild Essence

It’s impossible for me to imagine being in the place I am today, personally, professionally, emotionally, and powerfully without the love, encouragement, opportunities, trust, and trailblazing of Jessi Marino and Wild Essence School of Feminine Magick and Mysteries.

My spontaneous (or rather, divinely designed) meeting of Jessi in 2015 lead to my 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training with her, and story-book love affairs that uprooted me from drying soil, re-drenching my roots and supporting my Soul Blossoming.

I have been graced with the opportunities to work beside her in growing Wild Essence and supporting her Apprentices in years of their own embodiment and empowerment seasons, from which my Briething Botanica, GODDESS 🔻 TINCTURE, and my ongoing life’s work are inspired to emerge and take wing.

I have been honored to participate as a facilitator/collaborator with Wild Essence, to partner with our students and community, and to live as an embodiment of the integrating teachings and art that Jessi and Wild Essence offer to the world.

If ever there were a person or place to turn for cultivating one’s bravery and building a masterpiece of a life, my recommendation is to seek out 1:1 Work with Jessi, coursework with Wild Essence, and the Wild + Wise Facebook Community.

Wild + Wise

Wild Essence Sacred Circle/Community for Self Awareness, Honorable Relating, Freedom, and Learning More about Wild Essence Offerings

Michelle Wade Photography

The stunning photography art and personal branding on my website is due to the gifts and generosity of the unique wonder that is Michelle Iglesias of Michelle Wade Photography. I am endlessly grateful for her friendship, her love, and her talents.

Michelle’s newest venture Go Boudoir is a personal branding package meant to celebrate, empower, and capture the sensual essence of creativity in each Creatrix Woman.

From the comfort of her stunning home studio, where you feel like an honored guest and best girlfriend, Michelle supports you in freeing yourself to bare it all- Body, Soul, creativity, beauty, power, and passion.

Michelle is also exceptionally talented at personal branding shoots outdoors, capturing how you uniquely embody your relationship with the more-than-human world and put forth YOUR art!

If you are an entrepreneur or creator looking to reveal your true power and one-of-a-kind expression of nature’s beauty in you, I cannot more fervently recommend Michelle Wade Photography for your next personal branding photo shoot!

She also specializes in wedding photography and non-boudoir personal branding.

Sara Vatore

I have been blessed to flow in synergy with client, co-Creatrix of magick and healing modalities in the world, friend and now collaborator Sara Vatore.

I have also been honored as a guest on Sara’s Multidimensional Transmissions Podcast more than once, and look forward to exploring many more topics together via this platform!

Sara is a potent multidimensional guide delivering her own spectrum of deliciously diverse offerings. Explore her website linked below to weave some of her magick into your world.

Beloved Mention

Thank you to many other beloved photographer friends who have inspired the Star in me through their art and the gift of their generosity, spirit, and affection. I am infinitely grateful for the following artists whose photographs are also incorporated into my marketing materials and social media presence.

Katherine Nelson Photography


Phil Hovey Photo

“I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance, to live so that which came to me as seed goes to the next as blossom, and that which came to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.” -Dawna Markova