Brie Wollman
WHOLEistic Witch, Evolutionary Artist, & STAR-Psychopomp, nourishing our deaths within life with wisdom from the Wellspring.
M.S.Ed., ERYT500, RBAI
Soul Muse | Ritualist | Body Poetess
Sensualist | Word-Witch | WHOLEistic Counselor
Kitchen Witch/Herbalist | Pleasure Potionista
Self Nourishment Necromancer
Generatrix of Briethe Magick Creations & Briething Botanica
Enlivening Evolutions & WHOLEistic Wellness
In service to the Numinous & a Collective Cosmic Dream.
Welcome! I am Brie Ann Wollman, meaning Powerful Grace, Night-Dweller at the
Intimate with the dark, I embody the stability and elderhood of the STARS that shine in the darkest hours of the night, and invite you to find similar touchstones of endurance at the wild void within your own core.
As Psychopomp, I muse and escort the Soul to merge with the Numinous Mysteries, to necromance nourishment within the wells of our life’s many deaths, from Source, from our own body-wells, the stars, our desires, and to swim in the alchemical-liminal marshlands that flow out in infinite directions from the fountainhead that animates us all.
As a WHOLEistic Witch-Weaver, I facilitate integration, inviting us to move with and thread the magick and meaning that marks us in multidimensional modes so that we might continually unfold against the world into our infinite potentials, rebirthing endless iterations of our personal evolutions, and thereby facilitating collective evolution into a mature set of whole humans and robust cultures bound together by the sweet synergy of a wild world, endlessly gifting us and welcoming us home.
Dance with me.
Drink with me.
Die with me.
Dissolve with me.
Desire with me.
Draw a circle with me.
Dream with me.
Deliver and be delivered with me.
I believe in the majesty of the Wilds, and look to Nature and the Mysteries as my Elders, a complete and mature set of animate Beings, erotic processes and wondrous magickal-macrocosms whom I reflect, all of us continuing to exist in fluent synergy and spiralescent cycles.
Dancing in time to these natural rhythms, embodying the patterns and energies that emerge from the Elder-Wilds, observable and unseen, I finds myself rich with a sense of aliveness, radiance, and purpose which I collaboratively wield to occupy my place within the dream of the Cosmos itself.
In this way, I invite those who desire so, to “Briethe Magick” with me through my dynamic array of offerings, crafted to meet each individual in their particular moment, resourcing, moving, and MUSING them toward wholeness, toward the embodiment of their own unique radiance, sovereignty, vitality, and purpose in the present and thereby the greater evolutionary-dream.
Through my own underworld journeys and metamorphic rebirths, I moved from compliant, shy, and people pleasing, and continue to morph and thrive as I resolve ever more truly home into embodiment of my Inner Evolutionary Artist, and my essence as a Muse and Earth Altar.
From an early life rich with art, poetry, and dance, a journey in public and private teaching, behavioral therapy work, and through big leaps of faith toward my heart’s longing, I continue to rise away from social conformist, by rooting in the fecund magick that feeds my heart-centered-social-evolutionary-Wild Woman-Dancing Star.
Today, I weave my Masters Degree in the field of Special Education and 25+ years of experience in education across a variety of public, private, clinical, and non-traditional settings into a collage of Soul-work including wholistic and personalized counseling, soma-scapes and embodiment work, magickal folk-herbalism, ancestry, transformational coursework, writing, art, and evolutionary efforts.
I aim to meet each individual in 1-1 integration sessions, group programs, events/workshops, and consultations with compassion and personalized response, weaving trauma informed practices, psychology, magick, my classical training in dance, yoga, and intuitive movement, somatic experiencing, poetry, story, and art, my ancestral kitchen witchery, and ever-developing herbalism, ritual practice, and personal integration work to muse them toward their OWN definition of thrival.
I am the Creatrix and Foundress of Briething Botanica where we “briethe magick.” From my home kitchen, I brew potions for WHOLEistic wellness, specializing in women’s vitality, our collective sovereignty, nervous system health, and foundational and radical self care, to remember and enhance our relationship with Earth, the Nature we are, and for our overall pleasure and thrival.
My most passionate and prized creation is my beloved pleasure potion, GODDESS 🔻 TINCTURE for the way it is reviving juicy living for so many deserving women all over the world.
My work is dynamic, and multifaceted, aimed at nourishing the artful magick that it is to embody the human expression within the web of the wondrous natural world.
Explore the following pages to enter the realms of my creations and collaborations, finding the just right decadence to satiate you in this moment.
I was inspired to begin practicing my crafts on Cowlitz Land and feel deeply BLESSED for all the ways this STUNNING ELDER land and the Ancestors of this place have called me home to myself, to my wildness, artistry, and elderhood within.
By summoning me to sit at the roots of massive Cedars, to learn the ways of the darkest, most fecund and saturated soil, to learn what it means to truly belong and know community from the endless synergy and symbiosis of multi layered and multi textured rainforests, to surrender AND carve like the most ferocious, yet fluid, and always-seeking-resolution wild waters, to witness the great horned Elk, the majestic Eagle, and many other wild Teachers and guides, I reintegrate more of my human wholeness daily, and thread my heart into the flesh of my wild family and home.
I am now relocated to the land of the Tunxis in what’s known today as central Connecticut and I look forward to reconnecting to the land that raised me with fresh eyes, heart, and intimacy.
In the deepest gratitude, I devote my art in service to the imaginative dream moving through this place, moving through me.
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