Why do I charge the amount I do?
Content Quality
All photos will be shot using a professional photography camera (Sony A65) which produces HD, full resolution 24.3 megapixel images.
Resources (e.g. props, backdrops, lighting, etc.)
I may need to buy certain props to get a desired shot or rent specific equipment.
Possibility of Reshooting
Because I value my clients, I'm open to when a product shot isn't too their desired taste. If you're not satisfied with the content I produce, a reshoot may be requested.
Editing might just be the most time consuming part of this process. I use many paid and un-paid subscription services to ensure the best quality content is delivered to you.
My Experience
Photography has been apart of my life for as long as skincare has (6+ years). Trust me, you are in good hands and will be taken care off.
Scheduling content, preparing for a shoot, editing, waiting for the right lightening, reviewing and testing out a product… all this takes time. Getting the right shot doesn’t always happen on the first try, sometimes it can take hours if not days.