RE-Finished, RE-Purposed, RE-Homed & A NEW LOVE
Select pieces from our inventory & combine your vision to create A NEW LOVE
My name is Chasity (Chas.) & this is my fresh start. I've been wanting to make a fresh start in my life. I wanted to start doing more things that I LOVE & less of the things that I don't love. I honestly had no idea where to start and did a lot of over-thinking. More often than not I usually ended the day by talking myself right out of making some very necessary changes in my life. However the times that I would get lost in a daydream about what I really wanted in my life and what would truly make me happy, the times that would put a huge smile on my face - that's what kept my vision alive. Giving me hope for my future and chased away my fears of failure and rejection.
This Card can be used for lots of other purposes, like showcasing a blog post or a new video.