Me... In a few words
I am Cami. My real name writes "Camille" but, after living 2 years in the US, I have learned that pronouncing and spelling my name is kind of a challenge for non-French people. So Cami it is! And it is kind of cute, don't you think?
In case this was not clear before, I am French. Parisian, to be more specific. I insist on that, because my grand-parents made a lot of un of my "accent" when I was a kid. And I took that very personally ...
I love fashion and I have always loved it. When I was a kid, I was stealing my mother's magazines and cutting the clothes and accessories from them to create my own lookbook. I was also throwing a tantrum when my mother was dressing me because I found that she has no style of fashion. Honestly, my outfits were horrible.
I have been described by friends, non friends and exes as:
Having good tastes in terms of clothes
Having very bad tastes in terms of man
Being a robot
Being capable of feeling emotions
Having a huge heart
Being heartless
Having a lot in common with The Grinch
Being a fashionista
Wearing clothes no one would dare wearing
Having a very colorful wardrobe
I ley you decide which one(s) from this list correspond to me the most.