Refund and Return
If you're not entirely satisfied with your purchase we are here to assist you.
You have 14 days from the calendar date which you received the item(s) to initiate a return request.
To be eligible to receive a return refund the item(s) must be unopened and in the same condition that you received it in. Your item(s) needs to have the original receipt or proof of purchase to process refund.
Once your return item(s) has been received we will inspect it and notify you that we've received your return. You will be Immediately notified the status of your return directly upon inspection.
If the payment method used. You will receive refund(s) payment within 3 to 5 days depending on card issuers policies.
You will be responsible for paying half the shipping cost to return the item(s). If you receive a refund then half the return shipping will be deducted from your refund automatically.
If you have any questions related to your return or need any assistance you can contact:
Jennifer W.
Main Line:
Cell Phone:
(318) 485-0868