Microcurrent breaks through the resistance of the skin using a low grade electrical current which penetrates deeper into the skin than skin care products do.
There is no damage being done to the skin unlike other procedures such as injections, micro needling, peels or lasers - eliminating your risk of infection.
We do three separate techniques in the facial:
🌿Enhanced Tissue Repair
-Stimulates and enhances the spindle fibers which enhance muscle tone and maintenance
-helps enhance tissue healing and ATP production
-facilitates healing in low-grade inflammation
🌿We move into the second portion where we actually lengthen and shorten the muscles of your face (think workout for your face) we lift and plump as gravity ages us our skin begins to sag, so we help shorten some of the muscles to lift them back up, and lengthen the ones that have too much pressure on them.
🌿Then we move into a feathering technique which erases the blemishes on the body, we use a higher frequency to erase wrinkles, scars, broken blood vessels, and discoloration.
These three tools together give your face a refreshed, calm and beautiful transformation immediately!
With every treatment we do Meridian balance and non-needle acupuncture first before we begin the facial. This is not just a Facial this treatment is whole body approach and healing.
Recommended 6-12 treatments for best results
Single treatment - $144
6 treatments - $777
12 treatments - $1555