How I Came to A Ketogenic Lifestyle
I was ill for nearly two years, seeking diagnosis and treatment from countless specialists. It was the most difficult time of my life! I was in grim shape when I was finally diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia (PA) and Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), then less than 3 weeks later I was diagnosed with Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
Unfortunately there isn’t a cure for either autoimmune disease. Treatment for PA begins with loading injections of B12 that are tapered, then a lifetime of maintenance doses. Once you have PA you must stay on injections for life!
Treatment for RA usually includes the use of medications that slow disease and prevent joint deformity, called disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs); biological response modifiers (biologicals) are medications that are an effective second-line treatment. It took a few months of trial and error to find the best medications for me as I was told that is very typical, I was managing well, but still had a couple of joints that were “resistant to treatment”. When they would flare I would have to go on oral corticosteroid and have painful joint injections of the drug. I was about to be referred out to a specialist to have my sacroiliac joints (SI) injected when I asked my doctor to hold off.
I was terrified and wanted to see if there was anything that I could do to help ease the pain and inflammation. I started researching like crazy. Prior to my diagnoses I was working with a naturepath that was supporting me with diet modifications, supplements and trying to help with diagnosis. Sadly I didn’t improve at all, rather I declined. I stuck to a strict dairy free,
gluten free diet for 6 months when she said I could discontinue it, since it didn’t help. I decided to revisit my diet, now that the meds were doing the heavy lifting. I began this time with the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), then transitioned into a grain free ketogenic diet. I’m approaching 2 years on keto and I’m happy to report I have not had a single corticosteroid pill, or injection since I started!! I lost 20 pounds fast and my energy was noticeably better. I have less severe flares and the frequency went way down. I have never deviated from the diet since the day I began. My motivation is knowing how keto has improved my quality of life and fine tuned what the meds alone couldn’t do. In my opinion the ketogenic diet is the best anti inflammatory diet around.