Welcome….My name is Bambi-Shiloh
I’m a Honest pet loving mom! Who just wants to help pet owners prolong their canine/feline lives!
A little background about me….I’m a mother of 3 grown children (2 sons & 1 daughter) from central Pennsylvania; who has had a love for animals since I was born 50+ years ago with dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, chickens, ducks, leopard gecko, horses, aquarium fishes & even a baby deer have been part of my life!
Not only has my life focused around my children but also around my pets….I have realized over the years that we don’t get the years with our pets as we once did in life. People are living longer; whether it be diet, exercise and/or medical; however our pets’ lives seem to be shorter. Why?
So, I’m here to chat, assist, educate and give you tools to prolong the time we have here on this earth with our fur babies in living longer healthier lives with us!